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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

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From Barbarians of Gor

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The ships of Turan Cove are filled with men and women of all manner of origin. Port Karian's stand shoulder to shoulder with rough spoken natives and outlaws. They speak of a blended city where those of the main land and World's End co-exist mostly peacefully with each other. They brag of their taverns and brothels, free trade port and relaxed traditions. They are seeking men who desire independent living and a chance to earn coin, luck slaves, high caste women for unclear purposes. Various companies of mercenaries, merchants, and freebooters wend their way through the refugees making a point of speaking to other natives of New Sardar, and any other who appear to be on the fringe of society, including Panther Girls. It is said that both Gorean and Hyborian Common are spoken in Turan Cove.<includeonly> [[Turan Cove |<Read More>]] </includeonly><noinclude>[[category:TOC]][[Category:Locations]]
Turan Cliffs is home to any who hail from the southern deserts of Gor such as the cities of Turia, Tor and Turmas. The region is lead by a Pasha who sits in the Kasbash in the regions center. The build style of the region is desert/moroccan.<includeonly> [[Turan Cliffs |<Read More>]] </includeonly><noinclude>[[Category:Season 3]]

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Turan Cove is a desert themed Port Kar, home to Gorean outlaws and Hyborian natives. The "city walls" extend all the way to map coordinates K5-6 & L5-6. Turan Cove is not a new settlement being nearly two centuries old. It was originally a collection of disconnected homes, wharfs and warehouses but has become a small city in its own right since the ascension of Anbar al Amhara to High Pasha a few decades ago. Turan Cove recognizes the Thieves Caste and Panther Girls may be seen (modestly dressed) within the city walls as they go about work for the city. The city is a blend of native and Gorean, the local tavern is open to free women and the bathhouse serves as both brothal and kennel.
=Getting Started=
;Attention New Slaves
:Do not stand around in the bath house/kennels expecting someone to come get you. Talk to the NPC in the kennel room for your role-play and then go out and interact with others. You are as responsible for generating role-play for yourself as everyone else.
Players are out and about roleplaying, gathering supplies, building homes and playing the game. They will return to the hub for crafting, events and role-play but don't expect everyone to be standing around waiting for you. Figure out your back story, why you are here, how you got here, and then jump in.
==Clan Alliance==
Not all clans "allied" to Turan Cove via the clan alliance function are official citizens or allies. Some clans contain only slaves and the alliance indicates ownership of the slave by the hub. Some clans contain only free women who are either temporary guests of the hub or direct citizens in their right. Some clans, especially those who have free men, are likely to be role-play clans with their own leadership who have sworn allegiance to the Cove. Conan's clan system can be viewed in may ways.
* If you arrive as a slave with no owner then you were likely picked up off the shore and claimed by the town. You would have likely started your role-play within the town's kennel building. Your "clan alliance" would then be viewed as indication that Turan Cove owns you.
* If you are single free woman with no companion or family to speak of upon your arrival then you will have been brought to the town and likely treated at the local hospital. Your clan alliance to the hub is therefore a temporary courtesy extended to survivors until they are healed and back on their feet. It is expected that you will join another "role-play" clan which has its own chieftain. However, if you intend to remain solo you will want to request citizenship from the Commander or High Pasha. They may grant you permission immediately or set you to some task to complete.
* If you are a free man and the leader of your own role-play clan then your alliance with the hub can be viewed as some manner of actual alliance -- either oath-sworn alliance or a light agreement of support and peaceful coexistence within the region. If you intent to remain solo, you may become a citizen of the town rather than an allied clan.
How you view your mechanical clan "alliance" with the hub is up to you but be advised outright treachery will be handled as such. Other players, also allied to the hub, should have a reasonable expectation that all allies are committed to the laws and traditions of the region. While conflict happens, and role-play takes unexpected turns, do not use the mechanical alliance system as part of a disguise or external plot.
If you wish to do any of the following you will want to attend one of the weekly events or schedule role-play with the Commander or High Pasha.
* Become a citizen of Turan Cove. (Role-play only as you are already mechanically allied.)
* Officially ally your clan with Turan Cove. (Role-play only as you are already mechanically allied.)
* Sever alliance with Turan Cove. (Role-play and mechanics, as an alliance can only be severed directly with the High Pasha NPC when being actively played by staff.)
# Climbing over the walls of Turan Cove is an act of aggression and may be responded to with force.
# Free Women who use weapons against a free man to prevent their own enslavement loose any additional protection from the courts of the city.
=Starter Items=
There are four boxes with starter items for new players. These boxes are inside the carpentry/artistry craft hall near the elevator. Items placed in these boxes are free to new players and may be deconstructed if supplies exceed storage capacity.
# Take only what you need.
# Don't use the boxes as "I don't know what the fuck this is so I'm going to just drop it here for someone else to figure out." Instead put it in the deconstruction barrel where someone can easily junk it.
# Make gifts of high end gear and tools rather than low end junk.
# Help keep the boxes organized by moving items to their correct boxes and deconstructing unused excess.
Turan Cove should have all of the crafting stations you need to play the game. However, new players should note the following bits.
* We use the Shani's mod which has miniaturized versions of the crafting tables. These miniature versions do more than the base game items and are generally preferred. Learning to recognize the smaller crafting stations takes a little experience, consequently, we have provided at least one larger and more recognizable version of the base game stations for new players to more quickly orient. Typically, these mini stations are placed on or near base game crafting stations.
* Crafting times are short. You should be able to make your items and pick them up right away or relatively soon. Items left on the crafting stations may belong to someone else, please bring your own supplies! However, do not leave valuable supplies unattended on the crafting stations, as they may get used by new players.
==Where is The?==
''List of harder to find items
* There is no wheel of pain or fashionista bench for you to use because they are not usable by allied clans, you will need to craft your own.
* The Shani's Altar for crafting religion items is near the hospital surgery room entrance, on a crate that is part of the market stand close to the set statue.
Players are ENCOURAGED to build near the hub. We have the land claim radius sent very low intentionally. (Conan players who are use to the idea of not building in render distance should be advised that this is not the intention of this server).
;For Map Zones K5-6 & L5-6 the following rules, in addition to the server building rules, are in effect:
# Buildings must be made of thematic styles. This includes: Desert Town, Sandstone, Stonebrick, Ardashir, Murun, Turian,
# No castles or kasbash right near the hub that would look dumb!  Stick to small homes and manor houses. If you are building for a clan near the hub then 1.5 story outer walls are fine, but try to keep buildings under three wall tiles tall and "city suburb feeling".
# Keep it consolidated - don't spread out and take up more room than you need, respect your fellow players.
If you are unwilling or unable to meet the aesthetics of the area then please build farther away.
''It was often said that anyone who visited Turan Cove could find a welcome here, or a dagger in the back, as Turan Cove was what you  made it.''
Anbar al Amara sailed into Turan Cove more than 50 years ago, his ship battered and barely afloat, but his crew and his goods intact. Only the most talented of sea men would have made it through the reefs that had destroyed greater crafts. Success had always come to Anbar who began life as a Tahari noman, turn merchant and spy-master. It would be here in this remote bay and sprawling collection of ramshackled homes that he would find his destiny.
He took the challenge of transforming Turan Cove into a thriving port. He worked hard for years, and eventually, he had appointed himself High Pasha. While other towns have clear cut laws and regulations, Anbar allows some unspoken rules to flourish in Turan Cove, such as allowing Free Women to defend themselves against men - if they can. As well as recognizing the Thieves Caste as was done in distant Port Kar.
Anbar implemented a fragile peace between his settlement and the Panther Girls, an all-female group of outlaws who roamed the forests. Panther girls are not an uncommon sight though most have the sensibility to cover themselves. Such peace turned the overland trade routes to a viable option for the transport of trade goods. While most of the city exports of olives, dates, and Tabuk are transported via ship to the other coastal cities and settlements, the surrounding area is safer for the tenuous loyalty earned from the Forest Women, who are rumored to function as scouts and spies for the wiley leadership of Turan Cove.
Anbar has earned the respect and admiration of the people of Turan Cove for his ruthlessness and cunning.Today, as Anbar al Amara looked out over the settlement he had brought to prosperity, he felt a great swell of pride.Turan Cove had been the oldest settlement on the map and now rivaled Port Argentum for wealth and power. This fact, plus the recognition and employment of the mercenaries and freebooters makes Turan Cove an ideal option for native Hyborians and outlaws.

Latest revision as of 12:53, 10 June 2024

Turan Cliffs is home to any who hail from the southern deserts of Gor such as the cities of Turia, Tor and Turmas. The region is lead by a Pasha who sits in the Kasbash in the regions center. The build style of the region is desert/moroccan.

This page is part of Season 3 which ended officially on June 22nd. This page and all the other pages in this category have been removed from the Table of Contents and are considered to be archived.