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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Building and Bases (Rules): Difference between revisions

From Barbarians of Gor

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==Pippi Move==
==Pippi Move==
If you would like Pippi Move functionality added to your account, you will need to register and then open a ticket. Pippi move is not granted to everyone because it can be abused, abuse of the Pippi move function would count as a cheating. We will confirm you understand this when requested. Pippi resizing must be limited to no more then 50% larger or smaller with some exceptions. i.e. don't use it to make one of Shani's tiny tools even tinier so no one "can find it".
If you would like Pippi Move functionality added to your account, you will need to register and then open a ticket. Pippi move is not granted to everyone because it can be abused, abuse of the Pippi move function would count as a cheating. We will confirm you understand this when requested. Pippi resizing must be limited to no more then 50% larger or smaller with some exceptions. i.e. don't use it to make one of Shani's tiny tools even tinier so no one "can find it".
==Building Services==
If you do not have the DLC items you wish to build with, or do not have the skill to build, we will (Admin) build for you.  We work best from pictures of actual builds or with good concept art.  A good sized home is about 200 items which would cost you 3600 hardened brick, 600 steel reinforcements and 1000 shaped wood planks. If interested please open a ticket.

=Sardar Fair=
=Sardar Fair=

Revision as of 13:52, 30 April 2023

Players and clans are restricted to 1000 building parts and approximate the same number of placeables. Larger settlements are reserved for those who have the time and skill to actively run a role-play hub. Further aesthetic restrictions are in place for us as a role-play server.


If you do not register and we do not have a way to contact you off-line we can not be expected to wait for you to log in. We will remove items that break our rules without notification in such cases. Otherwise we will give you 72 hours to make the changes requested yourself.

Sieging, Roleplay (Rules)
Update 12/6/23: Season Three saw the end of attack on sight as an option for PvP, this page is extraneous and has been archived. Please see Sieging (Rules). <Read More>

Not Allowed

You are not allowed to exploit the game mechanics at the expense of game play and fiction. It is one thing to build a defendable base, it's another to build one that is inaccessible or unassailable.

  1. You are not allowed to build in naturally inaccessible locations -- such as at the top of some ruined tower near the Unnamed City.
  2. You are not allowed to construct homes where the mechanical game protection exceeds what is reasonable and immersive -- such as four tile thick walls and back to back draw bridges.
  3. You are not allowed to construct unassailable bases -- such as stuck high up in a cave that can't be damaged by normal game mechanical means.
  4. If there is a road -- build along side it or at the end of it, not ON it. (Exceptions for story arcs maybe allowed.)
  5. If there is a caravan expect there to be a RP hub near by. RP Hubs have influence over the aesthetic seen from their walls, or along the road from their gate to the caravan. RP hubs are intended to be places of central gathering and the aesthetic of the area is going to be important to their ability to achieve that.
Blocking Resources
It is acceptable to build with the intention of controlling a particular resources AS LONG as you are regularly available for the role-play of trading or fighting over that resource. You must be able accommodate others access to the resource -- even if that means winning a fight to keep them from it. If this does not happen we will over ride the building damage settings and allow the players to damage your building - even if you are off line.


At an absolute bare minimum your base must actually look appropriate to a medieval or Gorean building. Ideally your build should be created with role-play in mind. The following guidelines are in place to maintain the immersion of the server.

If you are not a skilled builder and/or can not decorate -- please build away from RP Hubs, caravans and roads. Or get help!

  1. RP Hubs have the right to enforce building styles within sight of their walls, or along the road from the closest caravan to their gates. If you have built in such a location unintentionally, please open a ticket and we will help you find a new place and rebuild.
  2. The building styles in the game are programmed in accordance with the weather of the server. This means that sandstone in the north isn't intended by the mechanics. Please respect the intention of building styles by map location, even if a particular build style doesn't have a corresponding mechanic.
  3. Roads should be remain clear and usable unless they are incorporated into the build in a pleasing and logical way.
  4. There are some building styles in game which are pretty over the top when used predominantly in a build. Frontier and Black Ice have some useful parts but are not acceptable for an entire building. Halfling has a lot of really usable parts, but don't try and create a hobbit hole please.
Please Note
We are working on redoing the map to be greener.

Item Restrictions

We are going to have to enforce restrictions on items that cause lag, exceed reasonable need or add to the imbalencing of a trade economy. This list will grow as we get larger, for now be advised of the following.

  • Too many lights cause lag, reduce to the minimum.
  • There is no need for more than two of each crafting station, and often just one is needed, this includes ember light animal pens, fishing traps, bee hives, etc.

Pippi Move

If you would like Pippi Move functionality added to your account, you will need to register and then open a ticket. Pippi move is not granted to everyone because it can be abused, abuse of the Pippi move function would count as a cheating. We will confirm you understand this when requested. Pippi resizing must be limited to no more then 50% larger or smaller with some exceptions. i.e. don't use it to make one of Shani's tiny tools even tinier so no one "can find it".

Building Services

If you do not have the DLC items you wish to build with, or do not have the skill to build, we will (Admin) build for you. We work best from pictures of actual builds or with good concept art. A good sized home is about 200 items which would cost you 3600 hardened brick, 600 steel reinforcements and 1000 shaped wood planks. If interested please open a ticket.

Sardar Fair

There are additional building restrictions in place for the Sardar Fair which is the main neutral role-play hub.

What we won't enforce

  • This land is small -- perhaps a couple dozen pasangs (km) square. We are not going to force a Tahari player to live in the desert nor a Red Hunter in arctic.
  • We are not going to enforced deco (placeables), especially if they are behind walls.


If you feel a build is breaking the rules of the server please open a ticket in discord and our team will review it. Please include screen shots and location details.


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.