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Slavery is a Sliding Scale: Difference between revisions

From Barbarians of Gor

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:The next step is the collar. It is usually metal and has the name of the owner on the collar. The inscription usually reads something like "This girl is the property of Tarl Cabot". However, fictionally, collars have been removed and girls gone free. It is not common, but it did happen. However, Gorean wisdom says "Only a fool frees a slave girl."
:The next step is the collar. It is usually metal and has the name of the owner on the collar. The inscription usually reads something like "This girl is the property of Tarl Cabot". However, fictionally, collars have been removed and girls gone free. It is not common, but it did happen. However, Gorean wisdom says "Only a fool frees a slave girl."
:The Gorean term for doing this is called unclaiming and the slave is now considered "rightless".


Revision as of 12:23, 11 July 2024

The transition of a free woman to slave is not like a light switch where one moment she is a free woman the next she is a slave. There are a series of actions and decisions that drive a free women in to the generally irreversible position of slave. This article is a general concept document for new to Gor players.

First, before we even begin I just make it clear that when you read this article you understand two things:

  1. This varies by culture within Gor
  2. This varies by individual within Gor

My sole goal is to introduce the concept, not start a by the book debate.

Because we have so many who are new to Gor, it should be POLICY to assume that a captured free woman has not been "collared" and reduced to slavery. Rather, assume that unless they have been branded or performed an act of submission they were simply coffled and are a prisoner.
A free woman's enslavement typically begins with capture by a man not of her home stone. Enslavement does not in and of itself mean that a woman is now a slave. Free women can be captured and coffled and then ransomed back to their companions or home stones if the amount of the ransom is more then the woman's value as a slave or if the man captured an ugly veiled woman and now has "buyer's remorse".
A free women who is fettered is typically bound with rope rather than leather or metal. She is typically left mostly clothed, though certain indignities such as having her veils removed (called face stripping), or even losing her shoes and stockings.
(The term is fettered, not coffled. This was incorrect and has been corrected.)
Slavery as Punishment
A free women can be sentenced to slavery, and that length of term may be set or indefinite. This is typically only done by a home stone to a woman of the same home stone for crimes committed.
Slavery, other
There are other ways in which a free women might become a slave for a limited period of time. Two examples are to avoid a debt owed, the other is as a contract woman of the Pani.
There are two types of submission that are alluded too. The first one is the act of submission where a woman drops to her knees, lowers her head, and raises her crossed wrists over her head toward the man. In this case, the codes of the warrior require him to either accept her as a slave or kill her. Normally, this is only done when the free woman is out of safe options and her life is on the line. Slaves will also do this, or be ordered to do this when their ownership has changed to a new master.
The other use of the term is when a slave opens herself up sexually to a man and submits as a slave. This is a concept however, rather than an action.
In Torvaldsland, free women will be put into a circle drawn on the ground and in this way become a slave. This is usually the end of their freedom for good, but it isn't necessary the end of the line. Women are told to enter the circle or be killed by axe, so in essence it's submit or die like above.
Slave Bracelets
These are used quite commonly and have no overt connotation that the process of enslavement is now a done deal. Slave bracelets, though lovely and commonly used on a slave are a tool to control someone, in the same way tethers, chains and bindings are.
The next step is the collar. It is usually metal and has the name of the owner on the collar. The inscription usually reads something like "This girl is the property of Tarl Cabot". However, fictionally, collars have been removed and girls gone free. It is not common, but it did happen. However, Gorean wisdom says "Only a fool frees a slave girl."
The Gorean term for doing this is called unclaiming and the slave is now considered "rightless".
We are now entering in to the realm of "too late". Once a slave is branded the situations under which they are freed become less likely. There is no standard on when a new slave is branded. It appears to either be a business action where slavers brand immediately or a personal choice where an owner uses the stage of branding as the girls next step down into being a true slave.
There is fiction of brands being removed, but it is not common, and we certainly don't have the tools to do so in New Sardar.
It's hard to say which is worse in the mind of a slave -- branding or piercing. I have left it at the bottom because of how often it is brought up as something ridiculed. Southern slaves may have their ears pierced, and slaves (as well as free women) of the wagon people have a septum ring put in their nose.
Slave Belly
The final step is when the slave herself finally realizes that all she really wants to be is a slave, and gives herself fully into the role. Even still, there are references to a slave who is well loved by their owner of being freed and companioned, but this is very rare as companionship is usually a business arrangement.

There are many more terms and complexities to this process. However, I hope that the overall concept offers new to Gor role-players some ideas on how things progress and where they might turn around. I close with one final point, please don't brand a slave unless you are sure you are going to keep her and give her role-play. Ideally, you will consider the player's preferences as well, but it is a courtesy. Just keep in mind the courtesy goes both ways, men as well can not be given the option to go free.

Male Slaves
On the other hand, we don't know much about male slaves, but in general they do seem to earn their freedom more easily than women.

Freeing Slaves

One of the challenges with being book-learned versus quote-learned is quotes often highlight particular statements about Gorean culture made by the author or the main character, but don't highlight trends that are mentioned briefly.

There are numerous examples of slave girls being freed even after years of enslavement and, presumably, branding. If we ignore the early books where Tarl is freeing everyone because of his modern views on slavery we are left with examples of slaves being freed in almost everyone of the books, and often dozens, or even hundreds freed at once. Male slaves are freed more often then female slaves.

Why then are slaves freed
  • Men often free male slaves in what feels like an act of masculine solidarity, but also because the male slave did something courageous/brave/daring.
  • Slaves are freed by people of their own Home Stone such as in the case of a war. All the Wagon People who were enslaved by Turia were freed at the end of the book when Turia was conquered.
  • Slaves are also freed when their owner falls in love with them and chooses to make them his free companion. The Ubar of the Tuchuk frees the Turian girl he enslaved and makes her his Ubara.

In conclusion, freeing a slave seems to be a matter of personal preference which is based on a man's feeling of respect, loyalty or caring for the slave(s).