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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

PvP Combat (Rules)

From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 15:21, 12 June 2023 by Branwyn (talk | contribs)

Player versus player combat requires significant and satisfying role-play. Role-play can happen before combat or after combat. Role-played before combat is considered a "challenge" and must be acknowledged before combat begins. Role-play after combat requires "capture role-play" and capture role play rules apply. Role-play reasons must be within known standards for Gor.

Rules in Detail

Role-play before Combat

  • Significant and satisfying role-play is required. That means a reasonable exchange of posts. Less then three exchanges of post is cause for challenging a player with a lack of role-play.
  • Once an exchange has been started and responded too, attack on site is no longer an option unless one of the players opts to mechanically run, with or without a post.
  • If the player does not mechanical run, it is assumed to still be RP before Combat.
  • Your reason for attacking must be clear in your role-play post. Please note below the restriction on causes for those new to Gor.
  • RP-1st (Roleplay before Combat) means that you must indicated your ooc intention to attack such as (PvP Agree?) and then wait for an agreement such as (PvP Agreed).
  • After the combat, no further role-play is required and the winner may loot the body and take off, and the looser may, if they wish, take the death and the item loss.
  • OR they can continue the RP there with a helping hand (aid ally) or capture role play rules. This is unto the mutal agreement of the players
  • Running is always an option. As is being attack for running.
  • You do not need to RP before running, but once you mechanical run it is now an attack on site situation.
Refusing Capture
  • A player may if they wish opt not to be captured and instead take the mechanical death and item loss UNLESS the attacker has made it clear they are here to capture the player to enact "vengeance" for the players prior behavior.
  • To restate, if you are being hunted down because of your own aggressive actions, you can not keep taking the death to avoid the consequences - this would be a violation of the rule

Attack on Site (aka AoS, Combat before RP)

  • Significant and satisfying role-play is required. If you attack before role-play your role-play commitment is more significant.
  • The aggressor is required

New to Gor
  • If you are a man and new to Gor, there are two reasons for combat. Either the person is your enemy/target of honor or you are engaged in theft/capture. These are your only two options. You are obligated to make your reasons clear. Gor has a few examples of other causes for combat, however, the new to Gor role player would not know how to use them.
  • Free women, with the exception of Panthers, have no cause to attack unless in a desperate situation.
  • Panther Girls are well known to attack for theft/capture reasons.
  • Female slaves only attack the free, if ordered to by their owners.
  • Male slaves only attack to earn their freedom, or to defend their owners.
  • If you are new to Gor and attack for any reason, other than this, be prepared to have your role-play challenged with a moderator.
Experienced to Gorean role players
The books detail other rare causes for combat, including assassination, however, only an experienced, Gorean role player can navigate these exceptions skillfully. However, they can still be challenged, and should be prepared to respond.
Points of Courtesy
If you are robbing someone, and they agree to give you what you asked for, there is no need for combat. If you are intending to capture somebody, and they agree to be bound, there is no need for combat
Updated 12/6/23: Season Three saw the end of attack on sight as an option for PvP. Consequently, attacking another base without role-play is acceptable and this page has been removed. If you want to do something that can not be covered by the basic RP before PvP rules please open a ticket and we will discuss the best way to implement your idea. <Read More>
See Also
  • PvP Combat (Rules) - As of Season 3 we are only a "RP before PvP" server, read the rules.
  • Capture (Rules) - You've been captured? What are your RP rights? How long can it last, how do you escape?
  • How to Capture - Capture in our game has mechanical functionality that you are expected to use, read this guide on the mechanics, how to set them up and how to use them.
  • Mechanical Death - What does it mean if you die a mechanical death, is your character dead? Do you need to recreate your character?
  • Perma-death/Maiming (Rules) - Your character can not be killed or maimed in an unplayable way without Admin agreement. See how this works.
  • Stealing (Rules) - There are limits on what you can take after PvP. Otherwise, mechnical stealing from containers is disallowed. You may role-play stealing as long as you leave a note/clue.
  • Sieging (Rules) - The storyline has developed to the point where our basic PvP Combat rules don't work? Learn how to start this process.

Q & A

Can I play a mass murderer or serial killer?
Can I play an assassin?
At this time, no. (If you are an experienced Gorean Assassin RPer, please reach out to the Admin team.)


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.