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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.


From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 10:35, 10 August 2023 by Branwyn (talk | contribs) (→‎Building)

A copy of this New Player Starter Guide can be found pinned to the top of the notice board at each of the hub's starter locations.


Torvald's Landing is a typical Torvaldsland (Viking/Norse) Town with a lower dock and town center. The "city walls" extend all the way to map coordinates L12-13 & M12-13. Torvald's Landing is not a new settlement and likely grew up around one of the earliest Thing-fairs as a central trade port for those Goreans of Torvaldsland who were shipwrecked on World's End. While it is clear that Torvaldsland sailors and reavers make up the bulk of the population, Torvald's Landing is home to all manner of Gorean nomad, including those of the Red Savages, Red Hunters, Alar, Wagon People and even some Tahari Nomads. Torvald's Landing is an ideal location for both nomads and villagers as there are no caste restrictions and the High Jarl rules as first among equals. A regular Thing (a democratic assembly) is held and the region is lead by the general consensus of free men.

Clan Alliance

Not all clans "allied" to Torvald's Landing via the clan alliance function are official citizens or allies. Some clans contain only slaves and the alliance indicates ownership of the slave by the hub. Some clans contain only free women who are either temporary guests of the hub or direct citizens in their right. Some clans, especially those who have free men, are likely to be role-play clans with their own chieftains who have sword allegiance to the hub's High Jarl. Conan's clan system can be viewed in may ways.

  • If you arrive as a slave with no owner then you were likely picked up off the shore and claimed by the town. You would have likely started your role-play within the town's kennel building. Your "clan alliance" would then be viewed as indication that Torvald's Landing owns you.
  • If you are single free woman with no companion or family to speak of upon your arrival then you will have been brought to the town and likely treated at the local hospital. Your clan alliance to the hub is therefore a temporary courtesy extended to survivors until they are healed and back on their feet. It is expected that you will join another "role-play" clan which has its own chieftain. However, if you intend to remain solo you will want to request citizenship from the High Jarl or Warlord. They may grant you permission immediately or set you to some task to complete.
  • If you are a free man and the chieftain of your own role-play clan then your alliance with the hub can be viewed as some manner of actual alliance -- either oath-sworn alliance or a light agreement of support and peaceful coexistance within the region. If you intent to remain solo, you may become a citizen of the town rather than an allied clan.

How you view your mechanical clan "alliance" with the hub is up to you but be advised outright treachery will be handled as such. Other players, also allied to the hub, should have a reasonable expectation that all allies are committed to the laws and traditions of the region. While conflict happens, and role-play takes unexpected turns, do not use the mechanical alliance system as part of a disguise or external plot.


If you wish to do any of the following you will want to attend one of the monthly Things or schedule role-play with the Warlord or High Jarl.

  • Become a citizen of Torvald's Landing. (Role-play only as you are already mechanically allied.)
  • Officially ally your clan with Torvald's Landing. (Role-play only as you are already mechanically allied.)
  • Sever alliance with Torvald's Landing. (Role-play and mechanics, as an alliance can only be severed directly with the High Jarl NPC when being actively played by staff.)

Who is Jarl?

Aside from the fact that all Torvaldsland slaves call all men Jarl, the rank of Jarl means the following on World's End.

  1. A rank earned in role-play (not from backstory alone) prior to arrival on this server. The most common way to have earned this was on Second Life as the leader of a village with other actual players who acknowledged you as Jarl. Your prior rank may be acknowledged in role-play by the other free persons, especially if your character is known to them.
  2. A rank granted to you by the other Jarl's of Torvald's Landing in an official event at one of the local Things.

Otherwise, the rank of clan leader is Chieftain.


  1. Climbing over the walls of Torvald's Landing is an act of aggression and may be responded to with force.
  2. Free Woman of Torvald's Landing may not be enslaved without direct agreement by the High Jarl or Warlord. Free women have the right to seek redress for harm/enslavement at a local thing. (Exception: Free woman who belong to a clan with chieftain or jarl my be enslaved by their clan leader.)
  3. Slaves owned by the town must be purchased from the town's slaver.

Starter Items

There are four boxes with starter items for new players. These boxes are along the wall of the smithy closest to the long hall. Items placed in these boxes are free to new players and may be deconstructed if supplies exceed storage capacity.

  1. Take only what you need.
  2. Don't use the boxes as "I don't know what the fuck this is so I'm going to just drop it here for someone else to figure out." Instead put it in the deconstruction barrel where someone can easily junk it.
  3. Make gifts of high end gear and tools rather than low end junk.
  4. Help keep the boxes organized by moving items to their correct boxes and deconstructing unused excess.


Torvald's Landing should have all of the crafting stations you need to play the game. However, new players should note the following bits.

  • We use the Shani's mod which has miniaturized versions of the crafting tables. These miniature versions do more than the base game items and are generally preferred. Learning to recognize the smaller crafting stations takes a little experience, consequently, we have provided at least one larger and more recognizable version of the base game stations for new players to more quickly orient. Typically, these mini stations are placed on or near base game crafting stations.

Where is The?

List of harder to find items

  • The Shani's altar is on the stone altar in the temple.
  • There is no wheel of pain or fashionista bench for you to use because they are not usable by allied clans, you will need to craft your own.


Players are ENCOURAGED to build near the hub. We have the land claim radius sent very low intentionally. (Conan players who are use the idea of not building in render distance should be advised that this is not the intention of this server).

For Map Zones L12-13 or M12-13 the following rules, in addition to the server building rules, are in effect
  1. Buildings must be made of thematic styles. This includes: Nemedian, Northern Timber, Halfling, Simple Wood, Apprentice Builder, Insulated Wood, Bossonian, Stockade, and Stable. Smaller use of other styles for detail work are fine.
  2. No castles or forts right near the hub that would look dumb! Stick to small halls and homes. If you are building for a clan near the hub single story walls are fine, but try to keep buildings under three wall tiles tall and "village like".
  3. Keep it consolidated - don't spread out and take up more room than you need, respect your fellow players.

If you are unwilling or unable to meet the aesthetics of the area then please build farther away.