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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

BDSM and Gor

From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 16:31, 1 July 2024 by Branwyn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Consent and Autonomy == === Modern BDSM === * '''Emphasis on Consent:''' Modern BDSM practices are built on the foundation of informed, enthusiastic, and ongoing consent. All parties involved must agree to the power exchange, and any activity can be stopped at any time by using safe words. * '''Negotiation:''' Detailed negotiation about limits, boundaries, and desires is crucial. Both dominant and submissive partners discuss and agree on what will and will not happen....")
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Consent and Autonomy

Modern BDSM

  • Emphasis on Consent: Modern BDSM practices are built on the foundation of informed, enthusiastic, and ongoing consent. All parties involved must agree to the power exchange, and any activity can be stopped at any time by using safe words.
  • Negotiation: Detailed negotiation about limits, boundaries, and desires is crucial. Both dominant and submissive partners discuss and agree on what will and will not happen.
  • Safe Words: Safe words are established to ensure that any participant can halt the activity immediately if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Gorean Novels

  • Limited Consent: In the Gorean novels, the concept of consent is often downplayed or absent. The power dynamics are typically more rigid and absolute, with slaves having little to no autonomy once they are enslaved.
  • Absolute Authority: The Gorean master has near-total control over the slave, with little emphasis on the slave’s ability to negotiate terms or withdraw consent.

Ethical Framework

Modern BDSM

  • Ethical Guidelines: Modern BDSM emphasizes ethical behavior, responsibility, and the well-being of all participants. The BDSM community often follows the principles of SSC (Safe, Sane, and Consensual) or RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink).
  • Mutual Respect: Even within a power exchange dynamic, mutual respect is paramount. Both dominants and submissives are valued and their needs considered.

Gorean Novels

  • Dominance Over Ethics: The Gorean philosophy often places the dominance and authority of the master above the well-being and autonomy of the slave. The master’s desires and commands are paramount, with less concern for ethical considerations from a modern perspective.
  • Hierarchical Structure: The novels depict a strictly hierarchical society where slaves are considered property with few rights, reflecting a more feudal or ancient system of power dynamics.

Cultural Context

Modern BDSM

  • Contemporary Influence: Modern BDSM is influenced by contemporary values of equality, individual rights, and personal freedom. The power dynamics are a consensual role-playing aspect rather than a reflection of broader societal norms.
  • Community Support: There is a strong emphasis on community support, education, and resources to ensure safe and consensual practices.

Gorean Novels

  • Fantasy Setting: The Gorean novels are set in a fictional world with its own unique cultural and societal norms that differ significantly from contemporary society. The portrayal of M/s relationships is influenced by this fantasy context.
  • Traditional Roles: The novels often romanticize traditional and historical roles of dominance and submission, reflecting an idealized version of ancient and medieval power structures.

Gender Roles

Modern BDSM

  • Gender Neutrality: Modern BDSM is inclusive and recognizes that anyone, regardless of gender, can be a dominant or submissive. Power exchange roles are based on personal preference rather than gender.
  • Fluid Dynamics: The roles in modern BDSM can be fluid and switchable, allowing participants to explore different aspects of dominance and submission.

Gorean Novels

  • Gender Specific: The Gorean novels often depict women as natural slaves and men as natural masters, reinforcing traditional gender roles and stereotypes.
  • Fixed Roles: The roles in the Gorean context are more fixed, with little flexibility for characters to switch between dominance and submission.

Realism vs. Fantasy

Modern BDSM

  • Realistic Approach: Modern BDSM practices are grounded in reality and focus on the psychological and emotional aspects of power exchange, emphasizing safety and consent.
  • Real-Life Application: The dynamics are intended to be part of real-life relationships and interactions, with an emphasis on healthy and consensual exchanges.

Gorean Novels

  • Fantasy Elements: The Gorean novels are primarily works of fantasy, with exaggerated and idealized portrayals of master/slave relationships. The dynamics are often more extreme and less applicable to real-life situations.
  • Idealized Power Dynamics: The relationships depicted are often more about the fantasy of absolute control and submission rather than practical, consensual interactions.