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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.


From Barbarians of Gor

Barbarians of Gor is an application server. New to Gor players should particularly read the application page as well as the provided guides.

How to Apply

You are able to log into the server and get your character set up prior to applying. However, you will not be able to leave the new player area until you have completed an application and been given a password.

  • The application is started by reading the information in the discord channel #applications.
  • Once you have read all the information you can click the ticket button to start a new application.
  • The ticket system will ask you for some very basic information before you are able to create a ticket. You must complete this -- partial answers will result in having the application deleted.
  • You can then copy and paste the application form. There is a version of the application provided in a text file that includes all of the formatting.
  • The application team will then discuss your answers with you.
  • Once this process is completed, you will be given the password.
  • Your application always remains open so that you can return to it for further help.
  • You may now select a variety of roles in the #reaction-role channel.

How to be successful

First, we do not expect you to know the Gorean Fiction. We are happy to teach. However, your back story is required.

What we really want to know is that you read the rules and the server setting, and are here to play with the storyline, in the central RP hub, and not go off and do your own thing and dividing the player base.

Finally, let us know how we can keep you involved and active. We want to connect you with current players, and support you when and if your main play partners become in active.

Avoid the restricted roles and castes

The following roles have restrictions on them. Some roles are restricted to certain races. Some are restricted to main characters only. Some are restricted to players with experience in Gor. Some just have a list of things you can't do and remain true to the fiction. If your role is listed here, you will want to read up on it: Initiate, Rune Priest, Haruspex, Assassins, Torturers, Priest King Agent, Kur Agent, Kur Minion, Contract Woman, Exotic Bred Slave, Panther/Taluna, She-Urt, Slaver.