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The Tharlarion (Luther)

From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 18:35, 23 May 2023 by Kamhur (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Luthercategory:TOC''From [ Luther Scroll Archives] <pre>"Tharlarion" is a general term for several species of animal on Gor which we would doubtless think of as reptiles, or, certainly, as reptilian. ---John Norman, Letter to The Gorean Group, 9/20/00 </pre> The Gorean tharlarion. There are various species of this creature, many which resemble lizards or even dinosaurs, and they range in size from very small crea...")
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From Luther Scroll Archives

"Tharlarion" is a general term for several species of animal on Gor which we would doubtless think of as reptiles, or, certainly, as reptilian. 
---John Norman, Letter to The Gorean Group, 9/20/00 

The Gorean tharlarion. There are various species of this creature, many which resemble lizards or even dinosaurs, and they range in size from very small creatures to massive beasts the size of a bus. Tharlarion exist in many places on Gor, though they do not appear to extend to as many natural environments as do sleen. For example, there do not appear to be tharlarion adapted to the cold weather of the far north. Some species of tharlarion have been domesticated and serve several different purposes, from cavalry to draft animals. It should also be noted that the term "tharlarion" appears to act as both the singular and plural forms, much like the word "fish." Though there are a couple isolated quotes that mention "tharlarions," those instances appear to be mistakes as the vast majority of quotes do not use that plural form.

Origin of Tharlarion

"There is some speculation they are forms of reptilian life brought to Gor long ago by the Priest-Kings in their Voyages of Acquisition, and may be related to the dinosauria. (It is not clear how long Gor as been in our solar system, or, if, perhaps, it has come and gone at various times in the past, such beasts being protected in the "Nest" during transits between stars.) "Others speculate that they are native to the Gorean world, and their resemblance to the dinosauria is a function of ecological niches and convergent evolution." ---John Norman, Letter to The Gorean Group, 9/20/00

Within the novels, Tarl Cabot speculates on the origins of some tharlarion, believing that they are very different from Earth reptiles. "The marsh tharlarion, and river tharlarion, of Gor are, I suspect, genetically different from the alligators, caymens and crocodiles of Earth. I suspect this to be the case because these reptiles are so well adapted to their environments that they have changed very little in tens of millions of years. The marsh and river tharlarion, accordingly, if descended from such beasts, brought long ago to Gor on Voyages of Acquisition by Priest-Kings, would presumably resemble them more closely. On the other hand, of course, I may be mistaken in this matter." (Explorers of Gor, p.326) Tarl's theory has some validity as otherwise we would have to assume that once the Earth lizards were brought to Gor, they evolved differently than on Earth, and in a much shorter timespan. We would then have to determine what reasons existed for a different evolution. We would also have to determine whether there has been adequate time for such evolution to occur, to make the Gorean tharlarion so different.

Norman does mention "convergent evolution" within the Gorean series. This is an Earth theory that tries to explain how certain animals develop to fill certain niches within the natural world. These animals thus bear certain common characteristics. Norman uses this concept to show the similarities between the Gorean larl and the Bengal tiger, similar creatures in some ways, and each the ultimate land predator on their world. Thus, it is believed that certain general creature forms, similar in many ways, could evolve on different planets, to fill certain ecological niches. Thus, not all Gorean animals have to be descended from Earth animals. They could have developed independently on their own.

Physical Description

"They are usually divided into the quadrupedal and bipedalian varieties." ---John Norman, Letter to The Gorean Group, Sept 20th, 2000

With the many different types and varieties of tharlarion, it is difficult to adequately describe their average physical description. They are all reptilian and thus scaled and likely all cold-blooded as well. Some are carnivorous while others are herbivorous. They range greatly in size, from tiny rock tharlarion to massive draft and war tharlarion. It will likely be easier to discuss the differences by describing the various types of known tharlarion. But, we first should mention their nervous systems, which do seem common to most, if not all, tharlarion.

"Tharlarion," I told her, expanding on the driver's remark, "show little susceptibility to pain." (Mercenaries of Gor, p.34) Why is that so? What physical characteristics of the tharlarion make them so? "The tharlarion, incidentally, at least compared to mammals, seems to have a very sluggish nervous system. It seems almost impervious to pain. Most of the larger varities have two brains, or, perhaps better, a brain and a smaller brainlike organ. The brain, or one brain, is located in the head, and the other brain, or the brainlike organ, is located near the base of the spine." (Mercenaries of Gor, p.34) This will have some application in the control of tharlarion, which is discussed later in this essay.

Types of Tharlarion

"Large quadrupedal types are usually used for draft purposes or as shock forces in ground warfare, rather as might have been the elephants utilized by the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars. Others, faster, upright, etc. are used as mounts, either generally, or by a ground cavalry, so to speak, of the Gorean military." ---John Norman, Letter to The Gorean Group, Sept 20th, 2000 

There are several varieties of tharlarion, adapted to a number of diverse environments as well as some that have been domesticated. Unfortunately, the books do not provide much detail concerning the differences between all of these varieties of tharlarion. There are also multiple tharlarion types that inhabit the same environment. This can get confusing when Norman does not specifically identify the type of tharlarion within a certain environment. He also uses some descriptives which are ambiguous as well, so one is unsure whether a certain tharlarion is a different species of tharlarion or just a variety of the same species.

The tharlarion and the tarn are the two most common mounts for Gorean warriors. It is said that tharlarion are used primarily by clans who have not domesticated the tarn, though the books show several cities that use tharlarion despite their common use of tarns as well. Kaiila are used as mounts, but far less in the cities of Gor. They are more often used by the Red Savages of the Barrens, the Wagon Peoples and the tribesmen of the Tahari. Tharlarion are also used for numerous other purposes such as draft animals. The various types of tharlarion sometimes dictate for which purposes the tharlarion can be used.

Black Tharlarion;
There is a single book reference that mentions a black tharlarion. "Pa-Kur himself rode a black tharlarion, one of the few I had seen. The beast was bejeweled and moved with a grave, regal stride." (Tarnsman of Gor, p.189) With such limited informarion, it is difficult to determine whether this is a different species of tharlarion, or only a rare coloration. It does seem to be a type of high tharlarion so it might just be a more unique coloring. An Assassin would obviously prefer such a tharlarion, to match their preference for the color black.

Since the saga of the Books of GOR have started back in 1966 many texts have already been written and many persons have spent countless hours studying and sharing information to help others understand better what is GOR. One of these persons is known as “Ubar Luther” who wrote a series of papers (most seem to be over 15 to 20 years old, but still very up-to-date in many topics) called the “Luther’s Gorean Educational Scrolls” that were available on, but that site has been hacked. So to preserve them, I have moved them to this wiki.