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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Update, Conan Exiles

From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 18:00, 20 June 2023 by Branwyn (talk | contribs)

What to expect with a Conan Exile update. What you should do in preparation. How should you manage your expectations. What do the server staff have to do.


Conan Exile releases a large update every couple of months as part of their storyline development. We recently saw Age of Sorcery and are planing for Age of War.

When a large update is planned things can break. It is rare that the break requires complete server wipes, but it is possible, especially of the developers of Conan Exile change database structures.

What is more likely is that the update will break one of our custom mods and the mod will need to be removed. This is less likely with building and clothing mods, but if it does happen, and we have to remove the mod it DOES remove the items.

However, the MOST likely issue is that the server will need to be continually restarted for days after the update as the developers of the other custom mods work to release their updated versions. There is no option to play without updating - both the game and the mods will automatically update, and when a new mod update is released the server HAS to be restarted. Because the mod developers have not united to organize this, it can happen at any time of the day or night. Its frustrating and can go on for days. We have subscribed to most of our custom mods, so their updates SHOULD be posted to the #mod-server-updates in Discord.

Be Patient

Please understand that the Staff of BoG has NO FOREWARNING on what will break! We find out by logging in just like everyone else. We can do nothing more to prepare for this then we have suggested below. Each update, I will create and update channel to report issues for everyone else to read. Look for the update channel in the Game Play section of the Discord.

Do NOT have a freek out about a loss of items or characters!
This process is stressful for everyone, do not add to it by having a public melt down or hopping into our IM box panicking. The staff know that we have the server set on hard mode and will not just leave you all high and dry. Depending on what happens we will do things such as offer build kits for building materials, item replacement, character levels, thrall replacement, etc. BUT we can not tell you what we will do, until we know what got broken, so again .. be patient.

Save your Stuff!

Save IQOL Character
  1. Shift M
  2. Save New Appearance
  3. Enter a name
  4. OK
Pull the data to your pc as a backup
  1. Just in case, we recommend you find the character files on your hard drive and make a copy to some place you won't loose, like your desktop.
  2. My files save here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved\SaveGames
Save your settings in Roleplay Redeux
  1. There is no export/save options for this, you will have to do it with copy and paste.
  2. Picture URL, Physical Description, Character Bio, Consent questions.
  3. If you have not set this up yet, now is a good time to do it, and save it.