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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.


From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 13:41, 9 August 2023 by Branwyn (talk | contribs)

Barbarians of Gor has three primary role-play hubs. This page has a basic overview of the three hubs and we will be posting more information soon.

RP Hubs/Home Stone

Port Argentum

Port Argentum is seeking artisans, scribes, physicians, and builders in addition to warriors, fighting slaves, city slaves, and slavers. They speak of a small city of white marble, tall cylinders, a central arena, an expansive Turian bath houses, Pani tea house and paga tavern. The captains of these ships are well dressed and well spoken, they will clearly search out those with familiar accents of Ar and central Gor. One of their number will be seen deep in conversation with @Gyr and @Kyra. Caste work is offered to any looking to make Port Argentum their home.

Torvald's Landing

The rough and ready reavers of the northern long ships break open casks of mead and welcome refugee's with hearty slaps and tall tales of great adventure. They speak of a northern home along a great forest of giant evergreen trees. They brag of their long hall and the strength of their High Jarl, Vigbjord Odinkarsson. They are seeking physicians, bond maids, hunters, ship builders, blacksmiths and fertile free women in addition to warriors and slavers. A tall man of pale hair can be seen speaking with Jake of Skoldur, Hrolf of Serpent's Keep and Baene of Ironhall. ( @Jake @Bowen of the Lore @Baene )

The seamen of Torvald's Landing seem to be a broad mix of Alar, Red Hunters, Red Savages, Wagon People and even some Tahari nomads.

Turan Cove

The ships of Turan Cove are filled with men and women of all manner of origin. Port Karian's stand shoulder to shoulder with rough spoken natives and outlaws. They speak of a blended city where those of the main land and World's End co-exist mostly peacefully with each other. They brag of their taverns and brothels, free trade port and relaxed traditions. They are seeking men who desire independent living and a chance to earn coin, luck slaves, high caste women for unclear purposes. Various companies of mercenaries, merchants, and freebooters wend their way through the refugees making a point of speaking to other natives of New Sardar, and any other who appear to be on the fringe of society, including Panther Girls. It is said that both Gorean and Hyborian Common are spoken in Turan Cove.


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.

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