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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Main Page

From Barbarians of Gor

Tal and Welcome to the Barbarians of Gor website. This website server to offer the following information:


Server Setting


Something has gone horribly wrong. You remember boarding a ship but have no memory of how you have arrived in this barren wild land. Were you captured? Was there a storm? Have the Priest Kings moved you to some new place as rumor suggests they may? It is unlikely that you will ever know, yet you know one thing …

You are still on Gor. For there in the night sky are the three moons. But further you know this to be the planet of your birth for you are of Gor and it is in your blood. Unfortunately, this is about all that you do know.

The people of this land seem more barbaric than even those of Torvaldsland and speak no language you recognize. The flora and fauna are mostly unfamiliar to you. The question is how will you survive and more so, how will you thrive.

Welcome to Barbarians of Gor, a BtB PvP-RP experience set in a land not that dissimilar to Earth’s Hyborian age.

Season Two: Gorean meets Hyborian

Ten thousand years ago, Howard’s World of Conan was happening on Earth during the Hyperborean age. Ten thousand years ago the Priest Kings of Gor were taking people from the planet Earth and populating their planet. What if various groups of Hyborians were taken and placed on a remote set of islands in the far western edge of the ocean, Goreans call Thassa. Like the rest of the planet, the Priest Kings would limit the technology available to these Hyborian descendants. Little would change of their original cultures over the intervening millennial but eventually they would be more Gorean than Earthling, even if as unfamiliar to the mainland as the Pani were for so very long.

A century or so ago a great storm began over the island of World’s End. More and more Gorean ships would be stranded on the island unable to return to their Home Stone. A new conflict developed up between the native Hyborians and the mainland Goreans. Three factions would grow to dominate the naval, political and mercantile arena of the small island.

Port Argentum in the northwest became the haven for those of central Gor, a civilized caste based city. Torvald’s Landing in the northeast was home to those who were never part of Gor’s caste system; nomads, hunters and rovers. Finally, in the southeast stands the oldest of the cities on World’s End, Turan Cove, home to outlaws and natives.

We have to admit that when we put up our Gorean server, we expected only a handful of Conan lore players to join us Certainly the two fictions have things in common. However, what we did not expect, was how many of you might be interested in what we are doing. Unfortunately, that tips the scales of our Conan to Gor players away from our ability as a player base to sustain the setting. It’s a lot to expect someone new to Gor to learn the fiction in even a reasonable amount of time. And you can’t swallow a fire hose, no matter how much your master tells you to. So we are going to submit to the situation, and hope this Season Two setting offers an opportunity for those experienced in Conan lore to play more easily on our Gorean server.

About Gorean Slavery

"What is most important to note is that Gorean slavery is but a single aspect of a much larger realm. If you feel that Gor is only about slavery, then you are missing out on a vast world of other Gorean ideas and concepts. Gorean philosophy touches on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy and so much more. It draws its inspiration from such sources as Plato’s The Republic, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius and Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil. It deals with more than just personal relationships, encompassing also how man interacts with government, society and nature. In these respects, it is vastly more encompassing than BDSM or D/S. BDSM and D/S are most often a matter of personal relationships, the interaction of two people.

We are here for more then just private personal relationships, but rather seek to explore the entire scope of the fiction as a living breathing world. <Read More>

Conan Exiles

Barbarians of Gor is set in the virtual world of Conan Exiles. Conan Exiles is available from Steam. There is a significantly discounted version of the game from CD Keys. If you need help purchasing the game please open a ticket. We highly recommend launching the game through Steam as we use custom mods which are automatically downloaded and installed when the server is launched through Steam.

Our server is set up to promote group play and is not intended to be viable as a solo player. Even small clans will want to work with other clans to meet the needs of large building and thrall projects. Additionally, many of the new features, such as sorcery and golems have been restricted or eliminated to fit the fiction of Gor. Gor is a harsh world, and the game play matches that. <Read More>


Some things you might not know about Conan Exiles and Private Servers:

  • The game can be purchased for under $10 via CD Keys for Steam, come ask us how. You will need the DLC Isle of Siptah.
  • Even if you do not own a DLC you can SEE and USE items from those DLCs, you just can not craft them yourself.
  • PvP can be restricted based on online clan numbers - it doesn't have to be about getting your base destroyed while you are off line.
  • Purge settings can also be set similarly.
  • Building damage and decay can be adjusted.
  • While you do need to trust those in your clan, we are scripting a "super clan" or RP Town system that will allow small clans to SAFELY ally.

Second Life vs Conan Exiles

For a long time, we have felt that role-play in second life would be significantly improved by a "game to play". One that brought the world into focus by providing the ability to interact with the world with things such as; game economy, needed resource gathering, crafting, expanded PvP options including the ability to damage buildings and more. Conan Exiles offers a nearly perfect game setting for the world of Gor. <Read More>


About the Team

The admin team for Barbarians of Gor have been together for decades and has a great deal of experience in running customized (modded) online games, role-play communities and the world of Gor. This isn't our first rodeo, if you'd like to know more about us please join discord and ask.


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.