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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Gorean Cheat Sheet

From Barbarians of Gor

What to expect

We have never ran a Gorean community on Conan Exiles, and while we have experience in other Gorean communities such as IMVU, AOL, IRC and Second Life, there is no way we can predict what unique flavor will develop here. I can at best offer some reasonable guesses.

Strict Recreation
This type of clan will be most interested in recreating the Gorean Experience and will likely choose to ignore as much of the continental differences that comes with playing on Conan Exiles. This type of clan is likely to refer to a particular drink as paga or refer to various people on the map by their Gorean names such as calling all Aesir, Vanir and Nordheimers as Torvaldslanders.
Adapted By the Book
This type of clan will seek to provide as close to a by the book setting as possible but will adapt to the environment of the game. This may include adopting the words for plants, animals, food and so on. It may further include changes to castes or roles to accommodate the variation in the setting.
This type of clan is most likely to try and keep the Gorean Ideals but completely integrate the fiction of the continent into their role-play, dropping most if not all Gorean words or even adopting the religions in Conan.
Not Really Gor
We also have to expect that we will get players who are drawn to the server because there are people actively role-playing. These people may end up playing something that is based entirely on Conan and doesn't resemble Gor at all. (We may or may not disallow these groups.)