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Caste, a Reality Check

From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 23:12, 7 February 2024 by Branwyn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Caste is a function of populated areas, much like our modern day unions. Caste on Gor is also a function of tradition. Realistically, there is little need for caste structure in a town as small as Vargor, however, when Goreans settled the area they would seek to re-establish comforting traditions. The value of caste at its simplest form is an exchange of knowledge and standards. In a larger area the caste system of Gor would offer such things as loans, education and pe...")
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Caste is a function of populated areas, much like our modern day unions. Caste on Gor is also a function of tradition. Realistically, there is little need for caste structure in a town as small as Vargor, however, when Goreans settled the area they would seek to re-establish comforting traditions.

The value of caste at its simplest form is an exchange of knowledge and standards. In a larger area the caste system of Gor would offer such things as loans, education and pensions/insurance. This is not likely in a settlement such as Vargor and the role of Caste functions primarily as an educational and organizational body.

While some cultures on Gor didn't have caste, that is largely a by product of low populations or nomadic life styles. The general on-line role-play push back by these people towards "caste" is more authentically against "city living". A valid contention both in the Gorean fiction as well as our own earth history.

But it is important to note that Vargor is not a city, and is in fact only slightly larger then a Torvaldsland village and significantly smaller them a Wagon People tribe. All Goreans were expected to travel to the Sardar before their 25th birthday, and here would interact with others that practiced their same professions - regardless of being from a caste city or from a non-caste village or nomadic tribe.

Vargor's caste is not a throw back to the perceived snobbery of Gorean cities, but rather a Hail Mary by a group of extremely traditional people marooned on a remote island.

Feel free to turn your collective noses up at "Southern Cities" but don't misconstrue the reality of the setting. Vargor is NOT a southern or city anything and the implementation of caste is many shades less significant then even the smallest of Gorean cities.