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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

PvP Combat (Rules)

From Barbarians of Gor

Updated 12/4/23: We require RP before Combat and all player versus player combat requires significant and satisfying role-play. "Role-played before combat" means we requires OOC agreement before initiating PvP. Role-play reasons must be within known standards for Gor.

(Added 4/15/24) Opt-in Warmode for AOS Consent
Barbarians of Gor is primarily an RP before the PvP server and requires PvP Intent declaration. However, at least half of our community prefers AOS (Attack on Sight), allowing the role-play to flow organically before or after. Consequently, we have implemented a status in RPR (Role play redeaux) that allows an individual to toggle on and off “war mode” as desired. There will be no further rules about when the role-play should occur nor how long that roleplay should last, however, significant and satisfying role-play is required along with any PvP War Mode activity. If a player is reported more than three times for not giving quality role-play they will have their option to use War Mode revoked, and possibly be removed from the server.

Rules in Detail

No PvP is allowed within the city limits of Vargor. Characters must leave the city area or go to the arena.

  • Significant and satisfying role-play is required. That means a reasonable exchange of posts. Less than three exchanges of RP posts is cause for challenging a player with a failure to role-play. (Do this by opening a ticket with screen shots.)
  • You must indicated your ooc intention to attack such as ((PvP Intent)) and then wait for an agreement such as ((PVP Accept)) or ((PVP Surrender)) BEFORE attacking.
  • Your reason for attacking must be clear in your role-play post. Please note below the restriction on causes for those new to Gor.
  • Once ((PvP intent)) is declared all players in hearing CHAT range are required to stay in the area. The scene is considered locked and players may not leave without declaring ((PvP Flee)).

Running before (PvP Intent) is declared

If ((PvP Intent)) is not yet declared you are allowed to run at any point during the RP exchange but you must post an emote about running and finish the post with either ((PvP Flee)) or ((RP Flee)). ((PvP Flee)) gives them permission to attack you, ((RP Flee)) assumes you will run a reasonable distance and wait for them to "catch up".

  1. If you typed ((RP Flee)) they can chase you and continue to role-play, but they can't "fast post" ((PvP Intent)) just to stop you, nor can they just hack you down or shoot you in the back. If they continue to chase you, you may not log off, warp, or run full tilt across the map to avoid the role-play. You can however get to your home and lock yourself in.
  2. If you declare ((PvP Flee)) at the end of your post you are giving them permission to hunt you down and attack you mechanically. PvP Flee comes at the end of YOUR post, not in the middle of them posting, play fair and make sure they actually saw it before you take off! If they whisper and ask for RP hints such as a trail to follow, give it to them - fleeing headlong WILL leave tracks.
Please note
Running without role-play at all falls under our must role-play rules and is not allowed.

PvP Intent Declared: Scene is Locked

Once ((PvP Intent)) is declared you can not leave the scene until you respond with one of the following options. Please note that if you are in HEARING range of the chat and can see ((PvP Intent)) declared you are obligated to respond even if you are in a building, up a tree, or at a crafting station.

Please respond quickly with your declaration - do not take the time to type up a RP post. If you type fast, then adding a quick emote is fine.

  • PVP Join (sometimes known as PVP Accept) - player will fight.
  • PVP Surrender - player will abide by victor’s instructions without fighting. (Should emote sit to show you have surrendered and are not accidentally attacked)
  • PVP Flee - player intends to run with the understanding that mechanical PVP is now in play.
  • PVP Abstain (observers and captives only) - declaring an informal intent to merely observe without fighting. You must move from the fight area and not interfere in any way in the scene or the PVP.
Please Note: You may no longer declare ((RP Flee)) at this time as this is used only when a player wishes to flee through RP and is not viable once ((PvP Intent)) is declared. ((RP Flee)) is generally reserved for 1 on 1 situations.
  • PvP Hold - this command should be used sparingly and only when crucial OOC information is needed or the minimum rounds of RP posts has not been completed. Once someone declare's hold, PvP Go can not happen.
  • PvP Go - this command is issued by the person to first declare PvP Intent and should happen after all the other's in the area have responded. Once PvP Go has been typed the fight begins.
Play fair guys. Seriously. Don't try to game the rules, be a rules lawyer or anything of the like.

((PvP Intent)) in Town

If ((PvP Intent)) is issued in town the following scenarios are the most by the book:

  • Free man to Free Man - this is assumed to be a challenge to a duel and the two men will need to leave the city area or go to the arena to fight. ((PvP Accept))
  • Free man to Free Woman or Slave with NPC Thralls - this is assumed to be a challenge to the Free Woman's Guards (NPC Thralls) or the Free Man (NPC Thrall) who is with the slave, and it is a handled just the same as Free man to Free man with the player RPing the response of their thralls. ((PvP Accept))
  • Free man to Free Woman (or disguised panther girl) without Guards - Free women are protected within the walls of the city and can pretty much say and do what they wish. If however, they are acting in ways that would be considered conduct unbecoming a free woman, they should be coffled (collared with rope) and take to the town hall for review by the town administration. They are NOT enslaved at this point and should be treated with the respect due a free woman. ((PvP Surrender))
  • Free man to slave without Guards - Slaves are not required to have guards while traveling in town. However, they can be punished for any infraction by any free person and are expected to submit to the punishment. ((PvP Surrender))
  • Free man to suspected panther without Guards - They are most likely to flee and should be allowed to! They may also try and keep up the pretense they are free women and accept a coffle and trip to the magistrate. ((PvP Flee)) or ((PvP Surrender))


See Also
Capture (Rules)

Capture and Dueling

In Gor, you should assumed that any attack will end in the looser being captured. In the case of things like duels, which happen between free men only, capture isn't as likely but the results of the duel should be negotiated before hand IN CHARACTER. Fictionally, a kill or defeat is common for duels. Formal duels between those of Torvaldsland are more complex and have associated traditions.

NPC Thralls count as fictional free men unless they are a) female or b) wearing a collar on the NPC.


Slaves, free men, panther girls and free women who are intended to be enslaved are COLLARED. Free Women who are being restrained awaiting punishment are COFFLED. A coffle is a rope collar that does not imply enslavement. Slavery is a Sliding Scale

Players are required to have and use the game tools to bind and collar another player. It can not JUST be in role-play as the mechanics of the equipment are considered part of the role-play of restraint and escape.

  • If you can not get the items on the player before they wake up and they CAN run, they are allowed to run - with RP obviously.
  • If the player has declared ((PvP Surrender)) then it is assumed you have the time you need to get the items on them - or just go with the role-play. To restate: If you PvP Surrender, you must give the player binding you the time to do it and not try and run half way thru it.

Died before Capture

  • If for any reason the winner of the fight can not get to you BEFORE your 30 sec timer is up causing a mechanical death, and you WANT the RP. Simply message the player in GLOBAL and let them know you are returning for the RP. Go to your body, loot it, set your inventory to accessible (Shift-L or via DD) and wait for the winner to come RP you.
  • If you do not do this, then the aggressor can assume you didn't have time for the RP and opted to take the mech death and item loss.

Further Restrictions

New to Gor

  • If you are a man and new to Gor, there are two reasons for combat. Either the person is your enemy/target of honor or you are engaged in theft/capture. These are your only two options. You are obligated to make your reasons clear. Gor has a few examples of other causes for combat, however, the new to Gor role player would not know how to use them.
  • Free women, with the exception of Panthers, have no cause to attack unless in a desperate situation.
  • Panther Girls are well known to attack for theft/capture reasons.
  • Female slaves only attack the free if ordered to by their owners, but may still be perma-deathed if their owners can't defend them.
  • Male slaves only attack to earn their freedom, or to defend their owners, but may still be perma-deathed if their owners can't defend them.

If you are new to Gor and attack for any reason, other than this, be prepared to have your role-play challenged with a moderator.

Experienced Gorean Role Players

The books detail other rare causes for combat, including assassination, however, only an experienced, Gorean role player can navigate these exceptions skillfully. However, they can still be challenged, and should be prepared to respond.

Points of Courtesy

  • If you are robbing someone, and they agree to give you what you asked for, there is no need for combat.
  • If you are intending to capture somebody, and they agree to be bound, there is no need for combat.
  • If you are unsure if the attack was intended or accidental it is best to have a polite OOC dialog to see what happened - and not assume.
  • If you do not WANT the items acquired during a PvP encounter (for any reason) offer to return the items to the player.

Q & A

Can I play a mass murderer or serial killer?
Can I play an assassin?
At this time, no. (If you are an experienced Gorean Assassin RPer, please reach out to the Admin team.)
Does attacking a base or thralls/pets count as PvP?
First, attacking a base is more properly considered a Siege, however even intentional minor damage to a build would constitute a PvP attack and the rules here for role-play apply. Secondly, yes, an attack on a player's thralls/pets, either following a player or guarding a base, also constitutes a PvP attack and these rules would apply.
NOTE: Do not leave your pets, mounts or thralls unattended, especially where they can block the use of areas, as this is a valid reason to kill said unattended pet/mount/thrall. Further, it's a good idea to put your name or clan on the pet/mount/thrall so people CAN contact you. If you pet/mount/thrall IS killed in this manner for these reasons, you DO have the right to request the RP.
Is the clan event log considered IC knowledge?
Yes it is. It is assumed to be available knowledge to the character, likely from the local NPCs/thralls.
What if the attack was an accident?
It happens, and most of the time everyone will say no problem and handle it ooc. But they do not have to, in which case, you are responsible for the RP, as outlined here, as the agressor.
See Also
  • PvP Combat (Rules) - As of Season 3 we are only a "RP before PvP" server, read the rules.
  • Capture (Rules) - You've been captured? What are your RP rights? How long can it last, how do you escape?
  • How to Capture - Capture in our game has mechanical functionality that you are expected to use, read this guide on the mechanics, how to set them up and how to use them.
  • Mechanical Death - What does it mean if you die a mechanical death, is your character dead? Do you need to recreate your character?
  • Perma-death/Maiming (Rules) - Your character can not be killed or maimed in an unplayable way without Admin agreement. See how this works.
  • Stealing (Rules) - There are limits on what you can take after PvP. Otherwise, mechnical stealing from containers is disallowed. You may role-play stealing as long as you leave a note/clue.
  • Sieging (Rules) - The storyline has developed to the point where our basic PvP Combat rules don't work? Learn how to start this process.


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.