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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Alternate Character (Rules)

From Barbarians of Gor

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Alternate characters require the use of another steam account. There are two exception; "quick change" to an NPC for a scene/host an event or (NEW) your character's own guard.

Alternate Characters (on alt Steam Accounts)
We allow alts to be played on a separate steam account. We require you to have the time to dedicate to two fully developed and invested characters. The alt character can never be used as a crafting mule, combat monkey or anything that is used to avoid role-play consequences or effect consequences on others related to either character.
  • Ideally, alternate characters should be completely separate from your main character's plot line. (If you do not do this and it becomes a problem for you or anyone else we reserve the right to removed the alternate account.)
  • Both characters need an application, however we do not require two discord accounts.
Alternate Characters (on the same account using IQOL)
We do not allow alternate characters on the same account. The occasional "quick change" for an NPC character to push a scene or host an event is fine. Please make sure that this is reasonably clear to players - preferably with the tag (NPC) after the name.

Your Guard as an Alt

As more and more of our players continue to adhere to the standards of Gorean Fiction for their female avatars we believe that our community is experienced and mature enough to handle the following option to play their own guard NPC while keeping the server by the book.

Thrall Mode, PC Mode
In this context "thrall mode" is when you or your guard are the thrall vs PC mode when you or your guard are being played as the player character. In other words, what every character is your active avatar is the one in PC Mode. What ever character is on the mechanical thrall is in thrall mode.
Using Tot!Custom it is possible to easily swap the appearance of yourself and your thrall. This option would allow those with female avatars more options to travel, hunt, harvest, and PvP. As well as given them a "back up character" to use when captured but not actively being RP'd.
Basic Rules
  • The guard must be applied for in a special Guard Alt Application.
  • The guard must be a male combatant.
  • The guard must be regularly in tow as a thrall with your OC (Original Character) so that players are familiar with his presence and appearance.
  • The guard must have (YourName's OC Guard) in their name when a thrall.
  • The guard must use the OC Guard status when being played directly, i.e. "PC Mode".
  • A description of the guard must be in your RPR profile - there is a specific question to fill in.
  • You must put (OC) after your name when your main character is in "thrall mode".
  • It is acceptable to use /act or /do to role-play yourself or the guard in "thrall mode".
  • Female avatars cannot fight when in thrall mode, keep them on passive.
  • When your guard is in "PC Mode", your main character MUST be in "thrall mode" and somewhere they are expected to be. For example: In the case of capture, your character in thrall mode can be left in a captors base.
  • Unless granted special dispensation in role-play due to the quality of the guards participation - Guards do not get a vote as part of any Quarum for Vargor.
Who can use this?
  • Any slave or free woman.
  • Any OC character that is not otherwise a combatant may apply for their guard as an alt. So yes, if your male character is a non-combatant you may apply for a guard.
How can I use my guard?
  1. There are no major limitations on when you can play your guard in "PC Mode". Certainly for PvP events, or PvE hunting, but most other fictional reasons are acceptable as well.
  2. However, you may not swap modes during either a RP or PvP scene. No running to the nearest telephone booth to pull a super man because PvP Intent got called and you were on the wrong character.
Unlike other ALTs, your Guard alt is intrinsically tied to your main character. To avoid information slippage it is expected that both characters are regularly seen together. In cases where the thrall has to stay "outside due to lag reason", you can continue to RP that he's near by, listening, or will be told what is said as soon as you have a chance to reunite.
Exception If your characters are intentionally separated in the role-play due to capture or other situation you can not reveal what is happening to the other character.
Is the Gorean tradition of challenging a man for their slave. This CAN happen here, and if your guard looses the fight then the slave is to be handed over. In this case, you must put your self into PC Mode to continue the RP. There may be some negotiation with your captor OOC about swapping back to the guard to play while the captor is off line - but most of the negotiation will come about because of mechanical issues.
My thrall died
They do that. Unless it was a well role-played and intentional death scene you can simply replace the thrall mechanically.

How to Apply

Guard Alts have their own application form which includes the following information. You can apply for the Guard NPC on Discord in the #application channel.

  • Guard name
  • Player character name
  • Screen shot (with proper name shown)
  • Guard History with your OC
  • Guard Personality
  • Summarize your understanding of the rules.
  • Have you practiced hot swapping including name, armor, weapons, accessories, etc.