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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.


From Barbarians of Gor

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The Overlook stood as a testament to the unforgiving power of the north. Jutting out from the rocky face of the cliffs, it offered a commanding view of the icy shoreline below. The wind howled through its empty halls, a mournful cry that echoed off the stone walls. No one knew what had become of the people who once called The Overlook home. Some said they had been driven out by the harsh conditions, forced to flee south in search of more hospitable lands. Others whispered of darker things - of raids from the mountains, of the Alar raiders coming in the night.

But there were those who remembered. Old Grimgold Ironfist, chieftain of the Overlook, was one such man. His hair was as white as the snow, his eyes as blue as the icy sea. He wore a braided beard that reached to his waist, and his hand was steady on the haft of his battle-axe. Grimgold had been a boy when his people had left The Overlook. He remembered the longships coming, the fires burning. He remembered the sound of steel on steel, the cries of the dying. And he remembered the face of the Alar chieftain, his hair as red as flame, his eyes as cold as death.

The Overlook was a place of silence and shadow, of cold and darkness. It stood as a monument to those who had come before, to the men and women who had once dared to call this unforgiving place home. And it waited, patiently, for those who would come next. For even in its emptiness, The Overlook seemed to hum with a quiet power. It was a place of strength and resilience, of endurance in the face of overwhelming odds. And it stood watch still, a silent sentinel over the icy shore below.

Perhaps, one day, others would come to claim The Overlook as their own. Perhaps they would light the fire pit once more, and ring the great hall with laughter and the clink of cups. Or perhaps it would stand forever empty, a haunting presence on the rocky cliffside.

Only time would tell. For now, The Overlook simply was. A northern fortress, a mystery, a testament to the indomitable will of those who would carve a life from the very stone of the north. And old Grimgold, he would return, one last time, to the place of his birth. To the place where his heart had been forged, like iron in the fire.

For though he had lived a long and full life, though he had fought a hundred battles and fathered many sons, a part of Grimgold would always remain at The Overlook. A part of him would always stand watch over the icy shore, would always remember the flames and the steel, would always hate the face of the red-haired man. Would Grimgold, like Torvald, return one day when the war arrow was raised?
