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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Player Vendors

From Barbarians of Gor

New in Season 4: Tot uses a player vendor which is called a puppet. Puppets can be purchased on a vendor in the /warp craft area. Vendors must be placed at the fair grounds under either your private clan or settlement clan. Please clearly name your vendors with your clan or character name.


  • Vendors can be purchased from one of the NPCs in the /warp craft area.
  • Vendors are not NPCs, they can not be ordered to follow you. So where you place it is where it stays. However, you can return it to inventory but it will put all the items in your inventory as well and you will need to set the merchant back up.
  • Do not use either animations or sounds on the player vendors, they add unnecessary lag.
  • Must be placed with the player or clan name in the name of the vendor.


How many vendors can I have
  • Each clan can have 1 thespian. (Clans are limited to six people)
  • Settlements can have 2 vendors. (If there is a need for more then two, players should place their vendors under their private clan name.)
Where can we place our vendors?
  • Vendors can only be placed at the Fair Grounds.
  • Empty vendors. Misplaced vendors. Or any other vendor that would make any reasonable role-player wince and roll their eyes. Will be moved or deleted.

Fair Grounds Clan

There is a clan for the fair grounds and you can join this clan by speaking with the overseer at the caravan master's tent.

Building Rules are as follows
  • You may place and deco a tent, should be less then 30 items. With the tents and the Highmane's decorative crafting benches, 30 is a lot. Please respect lag.
  • Your vendor can not be in the Fair Grounds Clan - if you do this, anyone who joins the Fair Ground clan like you just did will be able to edit your vendor and just take your things.
