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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Roleplay Redeux

From Barbarians of Gor

Revision as of 04:18, 16 June 2024 by Deanimator (talk | contribs)
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A collection of role-play support features. We are using the lock picking, breaking down doors, the bio, the map overlay, the seeking RP features, and the dice.


The bio and other settings for RR can be accessed with Shift-R. There are some consent questions there that you should answer. We encourage you to fill out your bio.

The looking for role-play feature is available from the map (m). Click the looking for rp button in the upper right and set up your own looking for RP tag.

Lock Picking & Breaking Down Doors

Needs to be updated

We use the thieves tools from RR which you can purchase from NPC vendor in the OOC Area.

  • They only work when at least one member of the target clan is ONLINE.
  • They have a 15 minute cool down after two attempts on ANY door, not per door.
  • Not all doors can be lock picked. If you find a base that is using non lockpickable doors to get into their main base, you can report them.

See Also