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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
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Panther Girl on Gor

From Barbarians of Gor


Gor is a fictional world created by John Norman in his series of science fiction novels. The world of Gor is characterized by its complex social structures, diverse cultures, and strict codes of honor and behavior. The Gor role-playing community is a vibrant and immersive environment where participants adopt the personas of characters from the novels, engaging in intricate storylines and interactions that reflect the rich tapestry of Norman's creation.

One of the most intriguing and dynamic roles within the Gor universe is that of the Panther Girl. Panther Girls are women who have escaped the constraints of Gorean society, choosing instead to live in the wild forests of Gor. They are fierce, independent, and skilled in survival, often forming bands that live by their own rules and customs. Unlike other women on Gor, Panther Girls reject the traditional roles of subservience and embrace a life of freedom and self-reliance.

The purpose of this article is to guide new role-players in embodying a Panther Girl character. Whether you are new to the world of Gor or an experienced role-player looking to explore a new persona, this guide will provide you with the essential knowledge and practical tips needed to successfully portray a Panther Girl. From understanding their origins and lifestyle to developing your character and engaging in role-playing scenarios, this article will help you immerse yourself in the role and enjoy the unique experience of being a Panther Girl on Gor.

Understanding the Panther Girl

Origins and Background

Panther Girls are women who have chosen to live in the northern forests of Gor, often as a means of escaping the constraints of Gorean society. They are typically escaped slaves or free women who seek the freedom and independence that the forests offer. These women band together in small groups, constructing their own camps and shelters, and living primarily by hunting and trading. They are considered outlaws and are subject to the same penalties as male outlaws, though they are more often enslaved if captured rather than killed. The distinction between Panther Girls and Talunas is significant; while Panther Girls inhabit the northern forests, Talunas are white-skinned girls who live in the jungles near Schendi. Both groups share similarities in their use of weapons and their outlaw status, but they are culturally distinct and do not intermingle. Source: *Female Warriors (Luther).txt*, *The Northern Forests (Luther).txt*, *Jungles of Gor (Luther).txt*

Lifestyle and Culture

Panther Girls live in semi-permanent camps within the forests, each band claiming a certain territory. These camps are typically surrounded by walls of sharpened stakes and consist of conical, thatched huts. The bands do not get along well with each other, often engaging in battles over territory. Panther Girls are skilled hunters, employing bows, spears, and sleen knives, and they are known for their proficiency with these weapons. They also engage in slaving and trade, capturing men who enter their forests and sometimes selling them at exchange points. The Panther Girls' disdain for men and other women is a defining characteristic; they treat female slaves with great cruelty and regard non-Panther Girls as weak and worthless. Source: *The Northern Forests (Luther).txt*

Appearance and Attire

Panther Girls derive their name from the skins of forest panthers that they commonly wear. Their attire is often scanty, consisting of panther skins and sometimes gold or shell ornaments such as necklaces, bracelets, and armlets. They do not wear traditional Gorean clothing like leather outfits, robes of concealment, veils, or tunics. This distinctive appearance is not only practical for their lifestyle but also serves to assert their identity and status within the forests. Source: *The Northern Forests (Luther).txt*

Role-Playing as a Panther Girl

Character Development

Creating a compelling Panther Girl character begins with a well-thought-out backstory. Consider the motivations that led your character to the forests: was she an escaped slave seeking freedom, or a free woman rejecting societal constraints? Develop her personality traits, focusing on the arrogance, pride, and disdain typical of Panther Girls. These women are fiercely independent and often view others, especially non-Panther Girls, as weak and inferior. Balancing this strength with the suppressed femininity that occasionally surfaces can add depth to your character. For instance, Panther Girls may dance wildly under the moons, revealing their inner conflict between their desire for freedom and their inherent femininity. Source: *The Northern Forests (Luther).txt*

Interactions and Relationships

Panther Girls have complex interactions with men and other women. They often capture and enslave men who enter their forests, marking them with a degradation stripe to humiliate them. These interactions are characterized by a mix of disdain and a grudging respect for men, who they see as stronger adversaries. With other women, especially female slaves, Panther Girls are notably cruel, reflecting their disdain for those who embody the traditional roles they have rejected. Trade and exchange points are crucial for Panther Girls, where they barter slaves and animal pelts for items they cannot produce themselves, such as candies, knives, and ornaments. These points operate under an unwritten truce, ensuring safe and practical trade. Source: *The Northern Forests (Luther).txt*

Role-Playing Scenarios

Engaging in various role-playing scenarios can enhance the experience of being a Panther Girl. Common scenarios include hunting expeditions, camp life, and skirmishes with other bands. Creative scenarios might involve attracting outsiders to the forest for trade or conflict, embarking on treasure hunts, or collecting rare herbs. These activities not only provide excitement but also help in developing the character's skills and relationships. Emulating the mindset of a Gorean is essential; think and act as a Panther Girl would, embracing the limitations and restrictions of the role to create a more authentic and immersive experience. Source: *Gorean Role Play (Luther).txt*

Role-Playing Scenarios

Common Scenarios

Engaging in common role-playing scenarios can help you get accustomed to the life of a Panther Girl. Typical activities include hunting expeditions, where you can showcase your skills with bows and spears, and daily camp life, which involves setting up shelters, cooking, and maintaining the camp. Skirmishes with other bands of Panther Girls over territory are also frequent and can add excitement to your role-play. These scenarios not only provide a sense of realism but also help in developing your character's abilities and relationships within the band. Source: *The Northern Forests (Luther).txt*

Creative Scenarios

To keep the role-playing experience fresh and engaging, consider incorporating creative scenarios. For instance, you could attract outsiders to the forest for trade or conflict, embark on treasure hunts, or collect rare herbs. These activities can introduce new elements to your role-play and provide opportunities for interaction with other characters. By making the forests more attractive, you can draw other players into your storyline, creating a dynamic and interactive environment. Source: *Gorean Role Play (Luther).txt*

Emulating the Mindset of a Gorean

To effectively role-play as a Panther Girl, it is crucial to adopt the mindset of a Gorean. This involves thinking and acting as your character would, rather than imposing your own modern Earth perspectives. Goreans have distinct views on hierarchy, loyalty, and social roles, which should be reflected in your character's actions and decisions. Immersing yourself in the Gorean way of thinking will make your role-play more authentic and believable. Reading the Gor novels and engaging with experienced role-players can help you understand and internalize this mindset. Source: *Gorean Role Play (Luther).txt*