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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Argentora (Settlement)

From Barbarians of Gor

Settlement Information

Name of the Settlement: Argentora

Map Region Settlement is in: Argentora

Primary Point of Contact: Serra

Secondary Point of Contact: Kyre

How many players at this time: Unknown. Minimum 2


Argentora, fair and resplendent, stands as a beacon of Gorean virtue, a bastion of civilization amidst the untamed wilds of New Tabor. Founded upon the unyielding rock of an ideal, she exists to preserve the noble traditions of Gor, to guide bewildered newcomers along the path of righteousness, lest they succumb to the savage allure of the native Hyborians. Blessed with fertile lands and a temperate clime, Argentora flourishes along the bustling Merchant Road, her spaciousness an invitation to all who would partake in the joys of a truly Gorean way of life. Within her walls, a man may build not merely a dwelling, but a future, secure in the knowledge that he is part of a community that holds honor and discipline paramount.

Civic Law and Governance

Will your settlement be following the civic law of the area? As the southern hub city, yes we will be following and helping establish civic law.

If yes, and in Aurumvale south of the fair, will your settlement be participating in the area’s caste structure? Yes. Argentora is the center of the caste system in Aurumvale.

If yes, will you be adding additional laws for your settlement? Argentora does have its own laws separate from Merchant Road or Aurumvale in general.

If so, do you understand those additional laws cannot be enforced on Merchant Road? Yes.

If no, have you figured out how you are going to “wall off” your settlement without being on/over Merchant Road? I'll need to take some time to look into how to establish city walls without too much wall building, but it is something I intend to do. Local laws for a settlement must be “gate kept” - which means there must be a clear entrance and posted laws.

Form of Government

What will your form of government be? We are governed by free assembly, headed by the Administrator / Ubar.

Role of Caste

Will caste be part of your settlement role-play? Caste will be part of the settlement roleplay, adhering as close to Gorean tradition as possible while acknowledging the realities of life on New Tabor (i.e., lack of players in some castes that would otherwise be crucial).

Leadership Selection

How will leadership be chosen? Leadership is chosen by vote in assembly.

Election by whom: The Administrator is to be elected by a quorum of the leaders of the five High Castes. In the event that we do not have a head for three of the five High Castes, then it can be put to a general vote.

Challenge: If an Ubar is required, it should be elected by a quorum of the Warrior caste from among their number. In the event that there are not enough members of the Warrior caste to establish a quorum - meaning we have too few Warriors, not just too few /present/ - then members of the other High Castes can be used to establish this quorum. In the event that we cannot establish a quorum among the Warriors, or amongst the High Castes in general, then it can be put to a general vote.

Seniority: Guard captains and similar posts are to be appointed by the Administrator or Ubar. Magistrates are appointed by the head of the Scribes caste, or by the Administrator or Ubar.

Handling Slaves

How will you handle slaves? [To be filled out]

Are they all privately owned? [To be filled out]

What will happen to new player slaves? [To be filled out]

New Player Building Rules

What will your new player building rules be? [To be filled out]

Can they build homes where they wish? [To be filled out]

Do they have to match a style? [To be filled out]

Will you be providing homes built by a specific player? [To be filled out]

Will you be providing foundations players can only build on? [To be filled out]

Shared Storage Management

Have you thought about how to manage shared storage? [To be filled out]