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City of Ar (Luther)

From Barbarians of Gor

From Luther Scroll Archives

Glorious Ar!

Ar is the greatest city on Gor and the most detailed city within the novels. Ar is the setting or focal point for many of the books, from Tarnsman of Gor to Magicians of Gor. It stands as a symbol for the ideal Gorean city, a model for other cities to emulate. Only Turia, in the southern hemisphere, comes close at matching the size and grandeur of Ar. Ar is also a city with a turbulent history, a place that has even attracted the specific attention of the mysterious Priest-Kings. The ultimate fate of Ar stands in question at the end of Magicians of Gor, the 25th book, due to the unfortunate cessation of the series. Hopefully, additional novels will be published to resolve this matter and answer the questions we have concerning the future of Ar, Marlenus, Talena and many others.

Ar is situated in the northern hemisphere of Gor, in the lower temperate latitudes. Temperate means essentially that it has a mild climate. Thus, in the winter it will only have occasional snows and more often cold rains. The summer heat will generally not run to extremes either. The spring and fall will seem to be longer seasons than the summer and winter due to the mild weather.

On the northern border of Ar is a swamp forest, the home of the Swamp Spiders, also known as the Spider People. These are large, intelligent spiders who inhabit enormous, complex webs that stretch across the terrain. They are generally a peaceful race who refuse to harm other rational creatures, even in self-defense. Unfortunately for the Spider People, the people of Ar have no such compunctions. They hunt and slay the Spider People to obtain Cur-lon Fiber, apparently derived from their web material, similar to spider silk. The Fiber is used in the mills of Ar though its actual uses are not described. This is also one of the only areas that was left untouched when Marlenus created his Margin of Desolation.

Further north of Ar, after three days ride by tarn, forming its northern border, is the mighty Vosk River. The Sardar Mountains are a five day ride by tarn from Ar. The Vosk River, about forty pasangs wide, is one of the largest rivers on Gor. You must cross the Vosk to travel to the northern cities such as Thentis and Ko-ro-ba. Most of the river towns are located on the northern bank because of Ar's Margin of Desolation. Nearly all of the river towns on the Vosk have recently declared their independence and formed the Vosk League. For a long time, Ar and Cos battled for control of the Vosk and its towns. The formation of the Vosk League has significantly lessened the control of both Ar and Cos.

Around 10114 C.A., Ar established a trading station on the southern bank of the Vosk River, Ar's Station. Ar's Station was considered an outpost of Ar and not an official colony. This meant that it did not have a Home Stone of its own and shared the Home Stone of Ar. Ar did not permit Ar's Station to join the Vosk League. Ar feared losing their control on the Vosk if Ar's Station joined the League. The later conquest of Ar's Station by Cos, and Ar's failure to aid them, has soured most of the town against Ar. In addition, the traitors within Ar accused Ar's Station of collaborating with Cos and willingly surrendering their city to Cos. It seems certain that in the future Ar's Station will sever its ties to Ar.

Northeast of Ar, a few pasangs away, are the Fulvian Hills, foot hills of the Voltai Range. This is also the location of the villa districts of Ar, the site of many small, white-washed villas. A number of small roads wind through the hills connecting the often isolated villas. To the northeast and the east of Ar are the Voltai Mountains. The lights and tallest cylinders of Ar are visible from certain locations within the Voltai. Men from Ar journey to the Voltai to hunt larls. The Voltai is also the location of Ar's enemy, Treve.

Southeast of Ar will eventually lead below the Voltai Mountain range but it is not a direction that men commonly travel as it leads into the desert regions of the Tahari. The southern border of Ar is delineated by the Cartius River, a river that derives its name from the direction it lies from Ar, using the Gorean compass. The Cartius flows west by northwest and was once though to be a tributary of the Vosk though it is not. The tarnsmen patrols of Ar do not venture south of the Cartius. South of the Cartius leads to the lands of the southern hemisphere like Turia and the Plains of the Wagon Peoples. Southwest of Ar are a number of sul fields. The agriculturist Appanius, who once owned the seduction slave Milo, possesses fields here. West of Ar you will eventually reach Thassa though it is over one thousand pasangs away. Ar is a landlocked city and that is partially why they consider the Vosk River to be so important.

Ar was once surrounded by a large, barren region called the Margin of Desolation. When Marlenus first became Ubar of Ar, he devastated a large region surrounding Ar out to about three hundred pasangs, about 210 miles. Nearly all of the vegetation was cut down, wells were filled in, and fertile land was salted. T here remained only a few isolated groups of trees on the borders of Ar and the swamp forest. This desolate region became an "invisible wall" to protect Ar from attack. It created a barren zone that would prevent invading armies from using the land to resupply themselves. Armies would need to bring their own supplies which would add to the difficulty of any attack. As the average daily march of an army is about forty pasangs, it would mean an invading army had to march for over seven days through this barren area.

But sometime after the events of Assassin of Gor, when Marlenus was once again Ubar of Ar, he decided to eliminate the Margin of Desolation. The lands were made fertile once again, new wells were dug, animals were transplanted to populate this region, and Peasants were allowed to take up residence. Despite this rebirth, the region still retains its name. The elimination of this barren region was a cause for concern for a number of northern cities. They felt it signaled that Marlenus intended to expand his empire northward. This fear, in part, led to the eventual formation of the Salerian Confederation.

The primary road that leads out from Ar is the Viktel Aria, a name that translates into "Ar's Triumph" or "The Triumph of Ar." It is also known as the Vosk Road because it is the most direct route from Ar to the Vosk River. The road ends at Ar's Station on the Vosk. The Viktel Aria is a well-built military road, with close-fitting stones. It is wide enough to allow wagons and tharlarions to travel down it. It is also marked with pasang stones so that one can ascertain their position on the road and the distance to certain cities, villages or crossroads. Deep ditches line most of the sides of the Viktel Aria, except where other roads intersect. These ditches are a defense against invaders, preventing them from easily bringing supply wagons onto the road. Ar is very cognizant of the fact that an effective army requires adequate supplies to function well.

There are a number of roads that intersect the Vosk Road. The Holmesk Road leads from the Vosk Road to Holmesk, the winter camp of the army of Ar. The Eastern Way, also called the Treasure Road, may also link up to the Vosk Road. The Eastern Way links the western cities with Ar and the city of Torcodino is located on this road. The Argentum Road leads from the city of Argentum and travels east to the Vosk Road. You must then turn south to Ar. There are other roads that intersect the Vosk Road but they are not named or described in the books.

There are a number of hurt ranches situated outside of Ar though no description of their actual location is given. These are large, fenced ranches where hurts are raised for their wool. The hurts are commonly herded by trained sleen and sheared by kajiri.

The Ka-la-na orchards of Ar, located outside the city, are famous for producing excellent fruit. Boleto is a well-known vintner and is famous for the production of several good, medium-grade Ka-la-nas. His "Nectar of the Public Slave Gardens" is a popular brand of Ka-la-na served in Ar's public slave gardens.

There are several Dar-Kosis pits located outside the city. These pits are meant to house the contagious victims of the dreaded Dar-Kosis. The pits are built like wells though they are quite large, about 100 feet deep and 200 feet wide. There are caves dug into the walls of the pits, the living areas of the infected, and usually a cistern in the center of each pit to provide water. One of these pits contains a secret passage into Ar, a passage that proceeds under the city walls. In this pit, there is a valve hidden in the cistern that opens a passage one of the walls. There is another valve on the other side of the wall so that it can be closed behind you. The tunnel leads to a tarn cot and then to stairs leading into the Central Cylinder of Ar. This may be only one of several secret passageways into Ar.

There are an unknown number of cities and villages located outside Ar that are under the hegemony of Ar. Most of these places though are not specifically named, described or located. These include the Twelve Tributary Cities. One named village under the control of Ar is called Minus. Most of the major settlements are likely located past the Margin of Desolation, at least three hundred pasangs from Ar. But, since the Margin has been allowed to be resettled, there are at least a few villages located within that zone.

Ar is the most populous city on Gor though there are not fully accurate figures for its exact population. An accurate census of its population does not seem to be a concern. A reasonable estimate of its free citizens is thought to be about two and three million. There is also approximately another quarter of a million non-citizens who reside in the city. In addition, there is also approximately a quarter of a million slaves, primarily women. This means that roughly 15% of the female population of Ar are slaves, a percentage much greater than the Gorean norm of 2% to 3%. Please remember that these figures reflect only the population of the city itself and does not include the population of all of the lands under the control of Ar.

Ar is far more than a simple city. It is a small empire in its own right, a central city that controls twelve other cities, the Twelve Tributary Cities. These cities came under the hegemony of Ar during the early reigning years of Marlenus. Some of these cities are located north of Ar but no description, name or location is given for these twelve cities. The Home Stones of these cities are kept in the Central Cylinder of Ar. Some of these cities aided Master Assassin Pa-Kur when he besieged Ar, hoping to gain their independence. They failed and remain under the hegemony of Ar.

The actual physical size of Ar is never given though it must be quite large, containing thousands of cylinders. It is at the very least, several pasangs in diameter. Ar is surrounded by double walls of stone, though parts of those walls were destroyed by Cos during the events of Magicians of Gor. The stones were transported elsewhere for construction work. The outer wall was about three hundred feet high while the inner wall was about four hundred feet high. The two walls were separated from each other by a distance of about sixty feet. Every fifty yards on the walls was located a guard tower. Each wall was very wide, sufficient for six tharlarion-driven wagons to travel side by side. After the events of Assassin of Gor, the city walls were painted white so that the sun would cause a glare to bother anyone attempting to attack or besiege the city. At night, fires were lit at certain areas on the walls to act as beacons for tarnsmen. Tarn wires were often kept in place over the city to prevent raiding tarnsmen from entering the city.

There are a number of gates in the walls to permit entrance into Ar. There are forty public gates and an unknown number of smaller gates where entrance is restricted. There are even some secret gates, known only to a few. The great gate of Ar, the largest of all of the gates, leads directly to the Viktel Aria. Within the city, the great gate open onto the Avenue of the Central Cylinder and heads north to the Central Cylinder itself. The great gate is made of strong wood and is plated with metal. Unfortunately this gate was destroyed by Cosians in Magicians of Gor. It appears that the great gate is a sun gate, which means it is only open from dawn to dusk. At night, it closes and would-be entrants must seek out another gate. The Tarn Gate is Ar's west gate. The rest of the gates are not named in the books.

Districts of Ar

A small number of districts of Ar were named and/or described in the books. The districts are akin to neighborhoods, sections of the city united often by a common purpose or theme. The list of districts, along with the streets and structures of Ar, could allow someone to create a basic map of Ar. Some liberties would need to be taken to place certain locations that were not more fully described in the books.

Anbar District
The Anbar is one of the most dangerous districts in the city. It is located south of the Plaza of Tarns and there are a number of insulae in the district. This would also be considered one of the poorer districts in the city.
Metallan District
This district is located southeast of the district of the Central Cylinder, west of the Avenue of Turia and south of the Plaza of Tarns. It is a low class district thought not poverty stricken. There are a number of insula here. It is a distance from the major avenues of central Ar and thus has acquired a reputation as a place for secret assignations to occur. Demetrios Street is located here.
Street of Brands
This is not a street but actually a district within Ar, located near the Avenue of Turia. Many of the shops and buildings in this district concern slave sales and items connected with slavery, both wholesale and retail. You can rent or board slaves here, attend slave auctions, get slaves trained or purchase a myriad of slavery equipment.
Street of Coins
This is also not a street but a district where banking in various forms is conducted including money changing, loans, letters of credit and more.
Trevelyan District
This district is one of the most dangerous ones in Ar. It is located east of the Avenue of the Central Cylinder. This would also be considered one of the poorer districts in the city.
Other Districts
Certain other areas are considered districts, based on some central feature of the area. These though are less likely to be considered "named" districts. "District" is used in a more descriptive form simply to identify a general area surrounding the structure. For example, the district of the Central Cylinder is simply the area around that cylinder and generally does not refer to a specifically named district like the Anbar or Metallan.

Streets of Ar

A small number of streets of Ar were named and/or described in the books and they are listed here. There are many more streets in Ar than the ones presented here. Some streets in Ar do not even have specific names. Other streets have multiple names. This can make it difficult traveling through Ar if you are unfamiliar with the area. In addition, it is illegal for non-citizens to make maps of the city.

Alley of the Slave Brothels of Ludmilla
This is a reasonably large street in the Street of Brands district. It is located behind the Avenue of Turia, a walk of only two or three ehn. It can be accessed through a crevice between two buildings on the Avenue of Turia. There are many brothels on this street and the street is named for a prominent owner of such brothels. Ludmilla owns brothels including the Chains of Gold, supposedly the best and most expensive brothel in Ar. She also owns some cheap tarsk-bit brothels such as the Silken Cords, the Scarlet Whip, the Slave Racks and the Tunnels. The insula of Achiates also lies on this street. Harness Street crosses this street.
Aulus Street
This street is situated in the vicinity of Tarn Court. The word "aulus" means "flute" so the street may also be referred to as Flute Street. Aulus borders the Pentilicus Tallux theater. Several blocks east of Aulus is a vegetable and fruit market at Tarn Court.
Avenue of the Central Cylinder
This is the largest and grandest street in Ar. It is more than four hundred feet wide and dominated by the Central Cylinder at one end. Though the street is paved, there are many trees planted on its sides. There are also frequent fountains, making this a beautiful street. Like the Avenue of Turia, most of the shops are very expensive and exclusive, partially due to the very high rents for shops on this avenue. There are also public boards and state boards on this street, places for notices and advertisements. The state boards are for official city business. The shop of Philebus, who specializes in Turian silk, is located on this Avenue. Both Silver Street and Clive Street lead off this avenue. Clive Street leads off to the west.
Avenue of Turia
This is one of the major avenues in Ar and is located in the Street of Brands district, east of the Metallan District. It is lined with Tur trees and that is how it acquired its name. It is a wide street with many fountains. It is well known for its exclusive shops for the wealthy. Harness Street and Wagon Street both lead off of this Avenue. From the Central Cylinder, you head and take a left onto Wagon Street and that will lead you to the Avenue of Turia.
Boulveard of Teiban
Teiban, a north/south street, borders the Teiban Sul Market on its western side. At the northwest corner of the Market, Teiban and Clive Street intersect. At the southwest corner of the Market, Teiban and Venaticus intersect.
Clive Street
This street leads west off the avenue of the Central Cylinder. It borders the Teiban Sul Market on the north. At the northwest corner of the Market, Clive intersects the Boulevard of Teiban. Headed west on Clive, you will also connect to Hermadius Street and then Emerald Street, which leads south off of Clive.
Demetrios Street
This street is located in the Metallan district. The insula of Torbon is on this street.
Emerald Street
This street has a number of food shops. The street leads south off of Clive street and it leads to the Plaza of Tarns. You can turn right off Emerald, headed west, onto Tarn-Gate Street.
Gate Street
This street leads to the Plaza of Tarns.
Harness Street
This street was once the location of several harness makers and thus it acquired its names. It is a side street off the Avenue of Turia and it also crosses the Alley of the Slave Brothels of Ludmilla. It is an east/west street that leads east to Wall Road.
Hermadius Street
This is a small, north/south street that leads to the Plaza of Tarns. It intersects with Clive Street and Silver Street also leads off of it.
Lorna Street
This is a busy street.
Plaza of Tarns
The Plaza is located north of the Anbar and Metallan districts. Several streets lead into the Plaza including, Emerald Street, Gate Street, Hermadius Street, and Tarn-Gate Street.
Silver Street
This street leads to the Avenue of the Central Cylinder and is also located off of Hermadius Street.
Street of Pots
This street is likely named for having a number of Pot Makers work and reside there.
Street of Tarns
This street has a number of shops and buildings associated with tarns, including boarding tarns, training, tarn equipment, tarn rental and more.
Tarn Court
This is a wide street that proceeds east/west. It is located near Aulus Street. A vegetable and fruit market is held there and the market area is covered by vine-covered trellises that provide some beneficial shade.
Tarn-Gate Street
This street leads directly from the Tarn Gate to the Plaza of Tarns.
Varick Street
This street is located west of Aulus Street.
Venaticus Street
This east/west street borders the Teiban Sul Market on its southern side. At the southwest corner of the Teiban Sul Market, Venaticus intersects Teiban. Venaticus leads east toward the Avenue of the Central Cylinder.
Wagon Street
This east/west street is located south of Venaticus and leads off the Avenue of the Central Cylinder. This street can be followed east to the Avenue of Turia and to the Street of Brands. There are a number of depots of fee carts and slave lockers here.
Wall Road
This is the longest street in the city and it circles the perimeter of the inside of the walls surrounding Ar. This road is a convenience to the citizens who wish to easily travel across Ar and it more importantly allows troops to be moved rapidly from point to point.

Structures of Ar

A number of buildings, shops, residences and other structures located within the city of Ar were named or described in the books. These would complement any street map of Ar one could devise. Please remember that there are many, many more buildings, shops, residences and other structures located in Ar than are noted here. I have only tried to include items that are specifically named in the books. I did not include items such as the palestrae, carnariums, etc. that exist inside or just outside the city but are not specifically named or located.

Aurelius, House of
This is a Slave House that specializes in the rental, buying and selling of slave dancers.
Ar has a number of brothels, of various types. They range from cheap ones costing only a tarsk bit to luxurious places costing several gold tarns. Many of them are located on the Alley of the Slave Brothels of Ludmilla. Ludmilla owns brothels including the Chains of Gold, supposedly the best and most expensive brothel. She also owns some cheap tarsk-bit brothels such as the Silken Cords, the Scarlet Whip, the Slave Racks and the Tunnels.
Capacian Baths
These baths are said to be the finest on Gor. They cater to all budgets and have bath girls costing one copper up to a silver. For that price, you can use the kajira for as long as you wish, limited only by the bath's closing time. The Capacian has dozens of different pools, differing in shape, size, décor, temperature and even the scent of the water. Some of the different pools include the Pool of Blue Flowers, Pool of the Tropics, Pool of Ar's Glories, Pool of the Northern Forests, Pool of the Splendor of the Hinrabians and the Pool of the Blue Flowers. In the Pool of the Blue Flowers, the water temperature is kept cool. There is a translucent bluish dome overhead. The room is filled with the fragrance of Veminium flowers and the walls, columns, and bottom of the pool are all decorated with representations of the Veminium. There are many plants here as well, hiding a number of nooks and glades. The Capacian is within walking distance of the Stadium of Tarns.
Central Cylinder
This is the largest Cylinder in Ar, reaching over one thousand feet into the sky. It is almost a city in of itself. It is situated in the center of a circular park, among trees, vegetation and fountains. Primary entry is gained through two massive doors, wide enough for a several tharlarion to pass. The Cylinder houses the offices of many different city agencies and organizations such as the war office. It is the meeting place for the High Council of the City. In addition, it contains the living quarters of the ruler of Ar, be it Ubar or Administrator. The interior of the Cylinder varies. You may find spiraling stairways or gradients. You may find marbled floors or carpeted areas. Energy lamps are more common than torches or lanterns. There are arrow ports in certain sections of the walls. There are vast dungeons and underground passages beneath the Cylinder. The roof is round and appears to emit a blue light from beneath it. In the center of the roof is a low, round platform, where the Home Stone of Ar is kept. Though it appears to be left in the open, it is well guarded. The Home Stones of the Twelve Tributary Cities are also kept in this Cylinder.
Claudius, House of
This is a prestigious slave auction house.
This is the most prestigious slave auction house in all of the city. From the outside, it resembles several tiers of disks, surrounded by a circling portico with lofty fluted columns. It is covered by a domed ceiling with metal, shuttered vents that slaves can open to allow in air. Inside, there is a tiered amphitheater, with a background color of red. Around the interior walls and on the floor are numerous mosaics depicting a variety of scenes, stories and events connected with the institution of slavery. These includes scenes of hunting, capture, enslavement, training, sale, dance, and submission. One series of mosaics depicts a slave raid from the initial planning phases to the successful return on tarn by the Slavers. The series continues through the registration and training of these girls and on to their auction at the Curulean. Finally, the series presents a hypothetical history of these slaves who have now find happiness with their masters. The area is lit by energy bulbs. There are special seats set aside for important personages. During an auction, vendors of food and drinks will pass through the tiers and musicians will play music. There is a strongly barred gate at the rear of the Curulean for deliveries. The Curulean also contains many other different rooms and offices such as for medical exams, facilities to wash slaves, the offices of market officials, rooms containing slavery supplies and more. The slaves are kept in underground, holding cells. There are also exposition cells where the public can view the merchandise for sale that day.
The central feature of the Curulean is its great auction block. This central, semicircular block is about fifteen feet high and forty feet in diameter. A set of stairs lead to the top of the block that is commonly covered with sawdust, out of tradition. The block is painted blue and yellow, the caste colors of the Slavers, and ornately carved. The carving, painted white, shows the figures of nine slave girls. They represent the legendary first nine girls that were ever enslaved when Ar was but a small village many thousands of years ago. As the girls have rope collars, it is claimed that Ar did possess the skills of metal working at that time. It is also part of the legend that these slaves were forced to breed sons for the men of Ar. This seems unusual in that Goreans rarely breed with their slaves as the offspring of a slave is commonly considered a slave. When a girl is sold on this block, most of the energy bulbs, except the ones directed at the block, will be dimmed or shut off.
It is many a slave's dream to be sold from the great block of the Curulean. Chances are that the slave will be bought by a wealthy Master. A slave rarely sells for less than two gold tarns on the great block, a hefty sum when you consider most slaves sell for silver or even copper tarsks. A beautiful women of High Caste might even sell for as much as fifty gold tarns. The Curulean has a number of sideblocks as well as the central block. Kajirae sold from these side blocks sell for less than they do on the central block.
Cylinder of Builders
Though not mentioned in the books, it is very likely this building exists as the other High Castes have their own cylinders.
Cylinder of Documents
This building contains legal and official city documents.
Cylinder of Initiates
This building contains the offices and residences of the Initiate Caste.
Cylinder of Justice
This building is made of white marble and has a flat roof, about a hundred yards in diameter. The roof is surmounted by a fifty-foot high, silver impaling spear that can be raised and lowered. This building is for legal matters though it is unknown if it is only for the civil courts, the Initiate courts, or both.
Cylinder of Physicians
This building contains the offices and residences of the Physician's Caste.
Cylinder of Scribes
Though not mentioned in the books, it is very likely this building exists as the other High Castes have their own cylinders.
Cylinder of Warriors
This building contains the offices and residences of the Warrior's Caste. It is also known as the Towers of the Warriors.
Decorative Marble
At various locations throughout the city there are decorative works of marble, including on the Avenue of the Central Cylinder, the Central Cylinder itself and the Cylinder of Justice. Many of these marble works depict historical events.
Enterprises of Aemilianus
This business is located in the Plaza of Tarns and one of its lines of business is the supply of Feast Slaves.
Fountain of Hesius
This is said to be impressive but its description and location are not given in the books. Possibly it contains a statue or mural of Hesius.
Four Lamps Bridge
This is one of the only bridges named in the books. It is located about four bridges away from the Cylinder of the Warriors.
Grain Cylinders
These are large cylinders meant to store excess grain, especially against a siege.
Hinrabian Kilns
These are vast, walled kilns which provide much of the source of the bricks used in the city. They are owned in large part by the Hinrabian family, who are prominent among the Builders.
House of Records
This appears to be a different location than the Cylinder of Documents. Some official city records are kept at this location. The building has a displuviate atrium, open to the sky, that sheds rainwater outward.
Kelsius, House of
This is a Slave House that specializes in the rental, buying and selling of slave dancers.
Oneader, House of
He is a Merchant who also has a house in Lara.
Philebus, Shop of
Located on the Avenue of the Central Cylinder, this shop specializes in the sale of Turian silks. The shop is accessed through a narrow door that leads to an inner courtyard, open to the sky, so that the shop can display its wares in natural light.
Public Auction Houses
The city has five public slave auction houses. These houses are licensed and taxed.
Publius, House of
This is a slave auction house located in the Ar Street of Brands. It is a minor house, commonly selling cheap slaves in volume.
Publius, Shop of
This shop sells veil pins. I t is unknown if it sells other wares as well.
Siege Reservoirs
These are large cylinders meant to store water, especially against a siege.
Stadium of Blades
This is an arena for gladiatorial combat in Ar, located over a pasang away from the Tallux Theater. These combats are often to the death. They most often involve criminals and poor mercenaries, prizes of gold and amnesty offered. Kazrak banned such contests when he became Administrator. Warriors rarely participate. There are large training schools in Ar for such warriors and beasts. The Stadium is sometimes flooded for sea fights, the water filled with marine predators. The tarn races are more popular though and usually have different crowds in attendance. Normal salute is "Hail (name), Ubar of Ar. We who are about to die salute you." The normal season for these combats finished at the end of Se'Kara. Beneath the stands are numerous holding areas for animals, criminals and other combatants.
Stadium of Tarns
This is an arena for tarn racing in Ar, a more popular activity than the gladiatorial combats though they do garner different crowds. Tarn racing is similar in some ways to the chariot racing in ancient Rome. Tarn racers in Ar commonly belong to different colored factions though there are some independent racers. An attempt to form a new faction is expensive and if the factions does not win a substantial proportion of the races in the first two seasons, by law they are no longer recognized. Supporters will wear faction patches, sewn onto the left shoulder, representing the color they support, including blue, orange, green, red, gold, yellow, silver and steel. These patches may be cheap rep cloth or even expensive silk. Most racing fans will stay for all of the races during an event. The Ubar's Race is the final race of the Love Feast and is considered an important race.
Tabidian Towers
This collection of seventeen cylinders are considered to be one of the finest residential districts in Ar.
Tabron, Shop of
Tabron is a worker of silver.
Some of the taverns listed in the books include: Tavern of Two Chains, The Pleasure Silk, The Jeweled Ankle Ring, The Perfumed Rope, The Silver Cage, and The Belled Collar. The Belled Collar is owned by Busebius. There is also the tavern of Spindius, located near the great gate. It is a cheap and smelly place frequented by strangers and small Merchants. There is also the Green Tarn tavern, a place that favors the green faction of tarn racers. The proprietor is Kliimus, a genial man who is bald and red-nosed. The entire tavern is themed in green so that the paga slaves wear green silks and much of the place is decorated green. There is much racing memorabilia as well including have racing lists, results, and pictures of tarns and famous riders. It is located close to the Stadium of Tarns. Though the books do not mention it, there may be similar taverns that cater to different colored factions.
Teiban Sul Market
This market is never actually described though it appears to be large based on its location and surrounding streets. It is likely this is a produce market, possibly specializing in suls. Clive Street borders it on the north, Venaticus Street on the south and the Boulevard of Teiban borders it on the west.
Theater of Pentilicus Tallux
This may be the largest theater in Ar, over one hundred yards wide and twenty yards deep. It has a roofed stage and lends itself easily to large-scale productions. But, the theater also perform many smaller productions so that only the center portion of the stage is often used. The complete stage could handle at least one thousand actors. The stage is strong and well made and could even support tharlarion-driven wagons atop it. The theater is named after a famous poet of Ar who lived over one hundred years ago. He was known for his poems in the delicate, trilesiac form and for two sensitive dramas. The theater is located over a pasang away from the Stadium of Blades.

History of Ar

Ar is thought to be the oldest settlement on Gor, over 10,000 years old. Its actual age may be less than that but we will likely never know. Legend states that Ar was founded by Hesius, the mythical first man on Gor. The Ar calendar thus dates itself from this legendary founding. Years are reckoned as "Contasta Ar" which means "from the founding of Ar." Tarnsman of Gor begins in 10109 Contasta Ar (C.A.) and Magicians of Gor ends in 10131 C.A. Hesius figures into much of the mythology of Ar and he may be the same person as that of Hersius, another legendary hero of Ar. Hesius has given his name to the second month in the Ar calendar. The planet Jupiter is called Hersius by Goreans, after a legendary hero of Ar. This may simply be a misspelling of Hesius.

The Home Stone of Ar is thought to be the oldest Home Stone of Ar. It even figures into a common Gorean myth about the origin of the Home Stone. The Home Stone of Ar is a small, flat stone with a dull brown color. A crude carving, in an archaic Gorean script, of the letter "al-ka" is inscribed on the stone. It is not visually impressive but its great antiquity is very impressive. Here is one of the origins of that Home Stone.

"One popular account has it that an ancient hero, Hesius, once performed great labors for Priest-Kings, and was promised a reward greater than gold and silver. He was given, however, only a flat piece of rock with a single character inscribed upon it, the first letter in the name of his native village. He reproached the Priest-Kings with their niggardliness, and what he regarded as their breach of faith. He was told, however, that what they gave him was indeed worth far more than gold and silver, that it was a 'Home Stone.' He returned to his native village, which was torn with war and strife. He told the story there, and put the stone in the market place.

"If the Priest-Kings say this is worth more than gold and silver," said a wise man, "it must be true."

"Yes," said the people.

"Whose Home Stone is it?" asked the people, "yours or ours?"

"Ours." responded Hesius.

Weapons were then laid aside, and peace pledged. The name of the village was Ar." (Dancer of Gor, p.302)

Not much else is known about Ar's history prior to the reign of Marlenus, Ubar of Ar. We know that the first ubarate of Ar was of Titus Honorious though the year or even time frame of his ubarate is unknown. But for nearly 10,000 years of history that has passed, we know so very little.

The first major historical event we learn anything about, with an actual time frame, is the Valley War. We do not know when the war started, only that it ended around 10098 C.A. with victory for Ar. Marlenus became Ubar during this war and was already known for never having been defeated in combat. We do not know who ruled Ar prior to Marlenus becoming Ubar. We also do not know who Ar was fighting during this war. Ar may have acquired some of the Twelve Tributary Cities during this war. After the war, Marlenus refused to give up his position as Ubar. The Warrior Caste supported him as Ubar. Marlenus promised power and wealth to the High Council and other important figures in Ar. They greedily accepted his promises and permitted him to remain as Ubar. During subsequent years, Marlenus engaged in a number of wars until he had conquered a total of twelve cities, the Twelve Tributary Cities.

Marlenus has a vision for Ar and himself. He wishes to be the Ubar of all of Gor, creating a united empire of Ar that would cover all of known Gor. In talking to Tarl Cabot, who had stolen the Home Stone of Ar, Marlenus said,

"I risked my life a thousand times and gave the years of my youth to the vision of Ar and its empire, that there might be on all Gor but one language, but one commerce, but one set of codes, that the highways and passes might be safe, that the peasants night cultivate the fields in peace, that there might be but one Council to decide matters of policy, that there might be but one supreme city to unite the cylinders of a hundred, severed, hostile cities---and all this you have destroyed." (Tarnsman of Gor, p.155) He continued speaking, "But, I, Marlenus, though a warrior, was more than a warrior, always more than a warrior. Where others could see no more than the codes of their castes, where others could sense no call of duty beyond that of their Home Stone, I dared to dream the dream of Ar-that there might be an end to the meaningless warfare, bloodshed, and terror, an end to the anxiety and peril, the retribution and cruelty that cloud our lives---I dreamed that there might arise from the ashes of the conquests of Ar a new world, a world of honor and law, of power and justice." (Tarnsman of Gor, p.155)

His dreams though have been thwarted by the Priest-Kings who do not want such a mighty empire on Gor.

In 10110 C.A., Tarl Cabot of Ko-ro-ba purloined the Home Stone of Ar. This was orchestrated behind the scenes by the Priest-Kings who did not wish Ar to expand any further. Ubar Marlenus had to flee the city in disgrace, taking only a force of fifty tarnsmen with him. The Initiate Caste took control of Ar in his absence. Pa-Kur, Master Assassin of Ar, then amassed a huge army to conquer the city, to install himself as Ubar. Though the Initiates eventually surrendered to Pa-Kur, his victory was very short-lived as he was overthrown by Tarl Cabot, Marlenus and forces from Ko-ro-ba and Thentis. After Pa-Kur's defeat, Marlenus was officially exiled from the city and he trekked to the Voltai Mountains with a group of loyal Warriors. Kazrak, a Warrior of Port Kar, was made the temporary Administrator of Ar, in reward for helping to secure the aid of Ko-ro-ba and Thentis against Pa-Kur.

Several years later, Kazrak was voted out of office and then banished from the city. He made many enemies during his short reign, especially in the Initiate and Merchant Castes. Kazrak had levied taxes on the Initiates and upheld some rulings of the administrative courts over the Initiate courts. He also tried to stop monopolies of the Merchants. Om, the High Initiate of Ar, was murdered and he had been on good terms with Kazrak. The new High Initiate was Complicius Serenus, someone not so friendly to Kazrak. During a Harvest Feast, Complicius Serenus divined the liver of a sacrificial white bosk and stated that the omens were against Kazrak. Soon after that, Kazrak was deposed. Kazrak and Sana of Thentis, his Free Companion, left the city and may have founded a settlement on an island in Thassa, farther north than Cos and Tyros. The newly elected Administrator was Minus Tentius Hirnabius, a member of a well known and respected family, prominent among the Builders.

Around 10119 C.A., Administrator Minus resigned, forced out by circumstances arranged by Cernus, a Slaver. Cernus owned the largest slave house in Ar, possessing close to six thousand slaves, and it was also more than thirty generations old. Between the Houses of Cernus and Portus, they handled 70% of the slave trade in Ar. Cernus was eventually elevated to the Warrior Caste and soon after was elevated to Ubar of Ar. Cernus was allied with the Kurii and wanted to seize control Ar. His machinations were successful but he was soon after deposed himself, subsequently being murdered by a Kur. Marlenus returned at this time to regain control of Ar as Ubar and the people welcomed him back. Ar began to prosper once again.

Sometime around 10122 C.A., the exact year being unclear, Ar and Treve were involved in a terrible war, one of the bloodiest tarn wars ever. The war was fought in the skies over the Voltai Mountains. Treve was barely able to turn back the forces of Ar but they lost many tarnsmen. Ar would never forgot how Treve held them off and Treve would never forget what it cost them to hold back Ar. After that war, Treve and Ar chose not to engage each other in battle for several years. Neither side wanted a repeat of their costly war.

But, around 10129 C.A., Marlenus and a specially chosen military force decided to journey to the Voltai to engage in a punitive attack against Treve. Unfortunately, we do not know the outcome of that raid. Allegedly, Witness of Gor, book #26, will deal with the fate of Marlenus and his men against Treve. All we do know is that he does not return to Ar for at least two years while Cos is conquering the city. In his stead, Gnieus Lelius, High Councilor and First Minister of Ar, was appointed Regent of Ar. In the absence of Marlenus, traitors within Ar allowed Cos to capture the city. Talena, the daughter of Marlenus, was one of those traitors and she was appointed Ubara of Ar.

Tarl Cabot visits Ar during this time and desires to oust the Cosians from Ar. He and his friend Marcus formed the "Delta Brigade" as a ruse to harass the Cosians. They committed acts of sabotage and left a "delka" sign behind. Others, unconnected to Tarl or Marcus, began to emulate them. Cos soon believed that the Delta Brigade was a large and well-organized resistance group. Tarl Cabot also ensnared Talena, through the Couching Law of Ar, and legally enslaved her. But, he made her his secret slave, and allowed her to continue to rule Ar as Ubara. Tarl wanted to continue his battle against Cos and told Talena he would come to claim her one day. The last book of the series, Magicians of Gor, ends around this point.

The Power of Ar

Ar has been ruled over the last twenty years by Administrators, Ubars and Ubaras. There are several symbols of power within the city, meant for the rulers of Ar. There is the Crown of Ar, a a crown of Tur leaves, that may be worn only by a Ubar or Ubara. An Administrator may not be appropriate for this crown though that is not clear in the books. There is also a golden chain that bears a medallion-like replica of the Home Stone of Ar. This is worn around the neck of the ruler and again, it is not clear if it is appropriate only for a Ubar or also for an Administrator. Finally, there is the signet ring of Ar that bears the seal of the city. Marlenus gave this ring to Verna, a panther girl leader, who he wished to make his Ubara. She refused his offer to be Ubara but took the ring. The signet ring acts as the word of the Ubar of Ar and gives its bearer great power, the power within Ar to do almost anything one wishes. Marlenus has not seen Verna again since he gave her the ring back in Hunters of Gor.

Due to its aggressive nature, its desire to extend the hegemony of its empire, Ar has garnered many enemies. Ar is basically a land power, probably the strongest land power on Gor. Its naval power is weak, limited to a few ships on the Vosk River. Ko-ro-ba is a hereditary enemy of Ar and it was Tarl Cabot of Ko-ro-ba who was able to steal the Home Stone of Ar. Treve and Ar have a long and bloody history. The future of that conflict awaits the publication of the next Gorean novel, Witness of Gor. Cos and Tyros, major maritime powers, are also enemies of Ar. The four cities of the Salerian Confederation, located on the Olni River, are also considered enemies of Ar. The Confederation fears and distrusts Ar, worried that Ar may seek to extend its control over the north, and thus maintains close relations with Cos.

But, Ar does have a number of allies though the Cosians have conquered a number of them recently. Argentum is an ally of Ar. When Corcyrus sought to conquer Argentum, Ar supported its ally and it was Corcyrus that was conquered instead. Brundisium, a major port on the coast of Thassa, was once an ally of Ar but was corrupted and then conquered by Cos. Torcodino, located south of Brundisium, was also once an ally of Ar but chose to eventually ally with Cos. Ar may have other allies that were not yet mentioned in the novels.

Ar's Station was formed to give Ar more of a presence on the Vosk River. Ar claims hegemony over the southern shore of the Vosk but that claim is disputed by Cos and Tyros. Cos and Tyros have both supported pirates on the Vosk against Ar. The creation of the Salerian Confederation, generally allied with Cos, has also contested Ar's power on the Vosk and in the northern regions. During the events of Fighting Slave of Gor and Rogue of Gor, there were some military engagements between Ar and members of the Salerian Confederation, spurred on by Cos. Ar was basically victorious though neither side truly wanted to engage in an all out war. The Confederation would prefer to be left alone though Cos would like it to attack Ar.

The formation of the Vosk League though has ended much of the piracy on the Vosk. Ar did not permit Ar's Station to join the League, making it the only major town on the Vosk that did not join. Ar feared losing its power on the Vosk if Ar's Station acquired independence through the League. The Cosian war against Ar would break ties between Ar and Ar's Station. Traitors within Ar allowed Cos to freely attack Ar's Station. They then claimed that Ar's Station had willing turned their city over to the Cosians. Ar took the Home Stone of Ar's Station and brought it to Ar for all to revile. Tarl Cabot, with the aid of the illusionist Boots Tarsk-Bit, would recover the Home Stone, switching a false stone for it.

The effects of the Cosian War will reverberate for many years to come. It has devastated Ar in many ways. Many Warriors of Ar have perished including over 45,000 Warriors that were lost within the Vosk Delta, sent there on a wild goose chase by traitors within Ar. The city's defenses continue to be dismantled including its great gate and walls. Artwork has been destroyed, especially items representing the history of Ar. A number of their free women have been enslaved. Though Talena rules as Ubara, the Cosians are actually controlling the city and Talena has been made the secret slave of Tarl Cabot. The treasury of Ar will likely be looted by the Cosians.

Prior to the Cosian war, Ar had a formidable military force. Their forces included tarnsman, tharlarion cavalry, infantry, siege engineers, and more. The infantry of Ar wear scarlet caps with yellow tassels. Their tarnsmen are the equivalent of any other city on Gor, including the expert tarnsmen of Treve and Thentis. Patrols of three tarnsmen guard the borders of Ar. The total military force of Ar probably contained between 50,000 and 100,000 men. Over half that number were lost during the Cosian war, mostly in the Vosk Delta during the events of Vagabonds of Gor.

The Taurentians are the elite palace guard and they are independent of the normal military organization of Ar. Candidates must meet strict prerequisites and will receive special training as swordsmen and bowmen. They wear purple cloaks and helmets. They were disbanded by Marlenus in 10119 C.A, because of their aid to Cernus, but would be restored during the war with Cos in 10130 C.A.. There are about 2500 Taurentians in Ar currently though they are now led by a traitor. There is a common myth that the Taurentians are indolent and spoiled but this is far from the truth. "Such men, with their internal espirit de corps, their identification with their own units, their allegiance to their personal commanders, their status, privileges and skills, their proximity to the delicate fulcrums of power, hold in their hands the power to enthrone and dethrone ubars." (Mercenaries of Gor, p.245)

The power of Ar encompasses far more than just its military forces. It wields power in many more subtle ways as well. Because Ar is seen as the ideal, the epitome of quality, style and progress, it is often emulated by other cities. The products of Ar are generally regarded as being of high quality. Those goods are marked with the stamp of Ar, the first letter of the city's name, the "al-ka," to verify their place of origin. Unfortunately there are unscrupulous individuals who are willing to forge the stamp of Ar and pass off shoddy merchandise as quality goods. The styles of Ar, in clothing, customs, etiquette, architecture and much more are closely watched by other cities. Again, they emulate the styles of Ar, trying to be seen as sophisticated and on the cutting edge. Thus, the influence of Ar is extensive, even when they do not try to be influential. Those in power of Ar though cannot fail to understand these subtle influences. They understand that what they do in Ar is often likely to spread to other cities.

For example, when Marlenus introduced a pierced ear kajira at a function, everyone began to want pierced eared girls as well. Pierced ears were once thought as degrading but kajirae soon became proud of them. Though the style originated more in Turia, it did not spread much in the north until after Marlenus introduced it into Ar.

Calendar and Holidays

The calendar of Ar is a popular choice among the cities of Gor. It numbers its years Contasta Ar (C.A.), from the founding of Ar. Years are calculated from vernal equinox to vernal equinox. The second month of the year is called Hesius and the third month is called Camerius. The other months have not been specifically named.

The Planting Feast of Sa-Tarna is a complex holiday celebrated by most Gorean cities, including Ar. It is celebrated early in the growing season, timed to occur when all three moons are full, and it is basically a prayer to insure a good harvest. The Initiates arrange and execute all of the intricate details though certain portions are also allocated to the High Castes. The Feast centers on the Home Stone and that is where most, if not all, of the portions of the ceremony are performed. A Builder will go to the Home Stone and place a metal angle square there, praying for the prosperity of his caste during the coming year. A Warrior will place his weapons before the Home Stone. The Scribe and Physician probably also put symbols of their Caste at the Home Stone though the books do not describe what those symbols would be. At the finale of the Feast, a member of the Ubar's family will go to the Home Stone at night and cast grain and Ka-la-na on the Home Stone, praying for an abundant harvest. The only potential danger during these rituals is that the Caste member is left alone with the Home Stone. The guards remain back so the person can be alone in prayer. This security gap permitted Tarl to steal the Home Stone of Ar.

Kajuralia, also known as the Holiday of Slaves or Festival of the Slaves, occurs in most northern cities once a year except for Port Kar. The date differs from city to city. In some cities, it is celebrated on the last day of the Twelfth Passage Hand. But, in Ar and other cities, it is celebrated on the last day of the fifth month, the day before the Love Feast. In some ways, this holiday is similar to April Fool's Day on Earth. Slaves are permitted to play tricks and pranks upon free persons, generally without any repercussions. The slave will announce "Kajuralia" once the trick or prank is over. Slave do remember though that they are still only slaves and they are still subject to discipline if a free person wishes.

The "Love Feast" is the common name for the Fifth Passage Hand. It occurs in late summer and is the greatest period for the sale of slaves. This Hand is also a time of great feasting, tarn races and games. It is interesting that Kajuralia, the slave holiday, is followed by a major sales season for slaves. A kajira should consider that fact during Kajuralia as if she goes too far, she may find herself for sale during the Love Feast.

The birthday celebration of Marlenus, Ubar of Ar, is a city-wide holiday. It is unknown when his birthday occurs.


Ar is also in the forefront of fashion and innovation concerning slaves. For example, it is common for slaves to be depilated, for their body hair to be removed. Such depilation does not occur in all of the cities of Gor.

The state slaves of Ar wear a gray, sleeveless tunic with a matching gray collar. They also wear on their left ankle a gray, steel band with five gray, metal bells. At various times, the garb may change in fashion, sometimes getting shorter or longer, sometimes adding colored trim, decreasing or increasing the number of bells and more.

Ar has numerous laws revolving around slavery. You can see my Laws and Legal Principles Scroll, #2, for a list of common slave laws. I will only address a few items here but understand that the laws concerning slavery are quite extensive.

Fingerprinting and toe printing of slaves is done in Ar.

It is the law that all female slaves must wear a visible token of their slavery such as a collar. Male slaves do not have to wear such a token yet unchained male slaves are rarely seen in the city. The vast majority of male slaves in Ar are work slaves.

The Couching Law of Ar states: "Any free woman who couches with another's slave, or readies herself to couch with another's slave, becomes herself a slave, and the slave of the slave's master." (Magicians of Gor, #25, p.7) This basically means that a free woman can't have sex with male slaves she does not own. It does not prevent her from having sex with a slave she does own. It also means that she only has to prepare to have sex with someone else's slave to be in violation. Actual sex is not a requirement. Special seduction slaves are used by some owners to trap free women. Milo, from Magicians of Gor, is a prime example of a seduction slave. Tarl Cabot uses him to entrap Talena and enslave her by this law. The Couching Law has likely been adopted by other cities but there are definitely some cities that do not have such a law.

The law of Ar states that any free person may discipline any slave. A slave that resists such discipline is subject by law to torture and impalement. The idea behind this is that a slave might get bold and insolent, worried only that her master might learn of it. Trying to locate a slave's master in a city of millions could be difficult and time consuming. This law still does not mean that a free person may permanently damage someone else's slave. That is still illegal. The only permissible discipline would be something that did not permanently injure the slave.

Miscellaneous Items

The people of Ar generally have a gentle, liquid accent, one identifiable to people from other cities.
Anthem of Ar
This is a song of the victories of Ar. It is likely sung at many public events, especially military ones.
This is a Gorean word of possession that means "of Ar." For example, the "Viktel Aria" means "Ar's Triumph" or "The Triumph of Ar."
This is a terrible and highly contagious disease, one of the few for which there is no cure. It similar to leprosy in a number of ways. The Initiates consider it a Holy Disease, an instrument of the Priest-Kings to punish those who displease them. It is heresy to shed their blood though they can be stoned. Initiates will not let the Physicians search for a cure. Some Physicians in Ar once tried to secretly seek a cure. They were making good ground when a minor Physician, fired for incompetence, snitched to the Initiates. The Physicians had developed a strain of urts resistant to the disease. A serum was made from their blood and injected into other animals. Those animals could not be infected. The Initiates first requested the High Council of Physicians to cease the research but they refused. The Initiates then asked the High Council of the City to act but Marlenus urged the Council to refuse. The Council followed the advice of Marlenus and rebuffed the request of the Initiates. The Initiates then hired some men to attack the Cylinder of Physicians and destroy the research. The hired men accomplished their task, destroying the research and killing some of the Physicians.
This is a beautiful flower, indigenous to the northern temperate zones and rare in the southern lands. Its design is also used as a slave brand and "dina" is sometimes used as a slave name. It is also known as the "slave flower" though the exact derivation of that appellation is unknown. There is a story that an ancient Ubar of Ar captured the daughter of a fleeing enemy in a field of dinas. He enslaved her there, looked upon the lush field and called her Dina. It is also said that it may be called "slave flower" because ".., It is, though delicate and beautiful, a reasonably common, unimportant flower; it is also easily plucked, being defenseless, and can be easily crushed, overwhelmed and, if one wishes, discarded." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.62)
Free Women
In Ar, free women commonly wear cosmetics though that is rare in most other cities. Free women are encouraged to wear Robes of Concealment and veils though this is not a legal requirement.
High Initiate
The High Initiate of Ar considers himself to be the Supreme Initiate of all Initiates on Gor though the High Initiates of the other cities do not view him as so. He claims to have received his position directly from the Priest-Kings. Prior to the events of Assassin of Gor, the High Initiate of Ar was a man named Om. Om's later murder would in part lead to Kazrak, Administrator of Ar, being deposed. Om was very cognizant of the proper place of the Initiate Caste on Gor. He stated that the Initiates "wait for man" as he is not yet ready "to believe in himself." "We speak not to man's heart," said Om, "but only to his fear. We do not speak of love and courage, and loyalty and nobility-but of practice and observance, and the punishment of the Priest-Kings-for if we so spoke, it would be that much harder for man to grow beyond us. Thus, unknown to most members of my caste, we exist to be overcome, thus in our way pointing the way to man's greatness." (Priest-Kings of Gor, p.300-1)
Kaissa is very popular in Ar and prior to Beasts of Gor, Ar had their own version of Kaissa. Since that time they have adopted the new Standard Version. In the old Ar version, there was a City used instead of a Home Stone. The City needed to be placed within seven moves instead of ten. Spear Slaves were used instead of Spearmen. That changed in part because men felt that slaves had no right to be on the kaissa board. The Assassin was also a piece on the Ar kaissa board which does not exist in the Standard Version.
The city Kaissa championship of Ar is the second most important Kaissa tournament on Gor, second only to the En'Kara Fair. The Players who wins the Ar championship is thought to be the most likely victor in the En'Kara Fair. The Ar championship is held about six weeks prior to the En'Kara Fair.
There are large boards located near the Central Cylinder that contain annotations of important Kaissa matches. The high bridge near the Central Cylinder is also the place of honor for the best Kaissa player in the city. Kaissa players often stake out bridges to play and there is a definite ranking involved over who is permitted to play on which bridge. Scormus of Ar, a Master Player, was Ar's champion for a number of years and held the high bridge. His mother is Sura, a slave, and his father is Hup the fool. Hup also plays as well as a Master Player and beat Scormus in 10119 C.A. In 10125 C.A., Scormus played Centius of Cos at the En'Kara fair and lost. After that, Scormus went into hiding, out of shame, and ended up, disguised, in a traveling carnival troupe. In 10130 C.A., Scormus chooses to leaves the carnival and returns to Ar though nothing further is known about him after that.
The gold tarn disk of Ar is one of the most respected units of currency on Gor. Most cities will accept it as valid currency.
Ar is an expensive city to reside in, much more expensive than other cities. There are poorer sections within the city but overall the cost of living is quite high. There are numerous shops that cater to the wealthy and rents are often expensive except in places like the insulae.
This popular fermented drink, comes in many varieties and Ar is known for having several excellent brews. The paga of the brewery of Temus of Ar is one well respected beverage.

Since the saga of the Books of GOR have started back in 1966 many texts have already been written and many persons have spent countless hours studying and sharing information to help others understand better what is GOR. One of these persons is known as “Ubar Luther” who wrote a series of papers (most seem to be over 15 to 20 years old, but still very up-to-date in many topics) called the “Luther’s Gorean Educational Scrolls” that were available on, but that site has been hacked. So to preserve them, I have moved them to this wiki.