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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Cos Minor (Settlement)

From Barbarians of Gor

Settlement Information

Name of the Settlement: Cos Minor

Map Region Settlement is in: Broken Pass

Primary Point of Contact: Malikon Rage

Secondary Point of Contact: Syrin Song

How many players at this time: 9 players


The Pirate ship the Revenge embarked on a treacherous journey from Port Kar to Cos. During their voyage, they encountered a violent storm that thrashed their ship mercilessly. The tempest was so severe that many of the crew were swept overboard. The survivors of the Revenge found themselves in an unfamiliar and desolate place. They decided to construct a Merchant house, a façade of legitimacy that would allow them to blend into society and conduct their nefarious business under the guise of respectability. Having missed Cos completely they named their new home Cos Minor.

Civic Law and Governance

Will your settlement be following the civic law of the area? (Note: Following civil law allows for the implied involvement in setting the law with other settlements. Ask if I need to spell this out more.)

  • Yes

If yes, and in Aurumvale south of the fair, will your settlement be participating in the area’s caste structure?

  • Yes

If yes, will you be adding additional laws for your settlement?

  • Yes

If so, do you understand those additional laws cannot be enforced on Merchant Road?

  • Yes, we do.

If no, have you figured out how you are going to “wall off” your settlement without being on/over Merchant Road? We will add a wall to separate the existing building there but we will not block the Merchant Road.

If you are not going to be following civic law in your settlement, do you understand that means you are “on your own” from the standpoint of protection by the rest of those settlements that are following civic law? This is not to say you can’t establish alliances of course, just that no other settlement is obligated to uphold your laws.

  • Yes, we do.

Form of Government

What will your form of government be?

  • We will have an elected leader of the clan. At any point an election can be called by the clan members.

Role of Caste

Will caste be part of your settlement role-play?

  • Yes

How will it match normal Gorean caste?

  • We will have the usual Gorean Castes in our settlement.

Will it differ? If so, how?

Leadership Selection

How will leadership be chosen?

  • Election by whom?
  • Challenge?
  • Seniority?
  • Other (Please specify):

Handling Slaves

How will you handle slaves?

Are they all privately owned?

  • Yes

What will happen to new player slaves? (As part of our onboarding we are going to be funneling new player slaves through the new player towns. But if there is any type of city slave/hall bond plan for the settlement, you need to know who’s going to handle them and how. The goal of this season is to keep our new players, so if you don’t have a solution for this, let new slave players go through the starter town process which will have a structure for them.)

New Player Building Rules

What will your new player building rules be?

Can they build homes where they wish?

  • Yes
  • No

Do they have to match a style?

  • Yes
  • No

Will you be providing homes built by a specific player?

  • Yes
  • No

Will you be providing foundations players can only build on?

  • Yes
  • No

Shared Storage Management

Have you thought about how to manage shared storage? You can have one basement which would be a great place to put storage and reduce lag. If you put your crafting benches in the same area, you can use the unlock plus options to pull supplies and put supplies away. If you need more information on this, let me know and we’ll try and write something up.

Since you can use the unlock plus pull from storage feature, will you be securing storage behind a password-protected door? (Ask if you wonder what I mean by this.)

  • Yes
  • No

Personal Chests

The overseer for your settlement will be providing free unlock plus personal chests which cannot be accessed by other players for those who wish to keep private inventory.


Take these questions to your players and then open a thread here with the name of your settlement and let's discuss your questions.