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Gorean Etiquette (Luther)

From Barbarians of Gor

From Luther Scroll Archives

The following is a collection of points of etiquette which are common to Gor. Everyone, free and slave will benefit from this paper.

Tal is a common Gorean greeting. It is often accompanied with the right hand raised to shoulder level, palm inward, facing the body. This signifies that the person being greeted is not considered an enemy. The gesture shows that the hand is devoid of any weapon. As slaves are not permitted weapons, then this salute would be ludicrous. As slaves must also respect all free persons, they cannot consider any to be their enemy. Thus the salute might even be considered an insult to a free person. Slaves may use the word "Tal" as a greeting but they would not accompany it with the hand gesture. There are examples in the books of slaves using the word "Tal" as a form of greeting.
This is a form of greeting reserved for experts and champions at some matter. An expert swordsman or kaissa player would be greeted in this manner. No slave would ever be greeted in this manner. Slaves may also use this term when referring to a qualified free person. A Ubar qualifies for this form of greeting.
I Wish You Well
This is the common Gorean phrase of farewell. It may be used by free persons or slaves.
I Ask Your Favor
This is the common Gorean phrase for "please." It may also be used by free persons or slaves.
Thank You
There is no special Gorean term or phrase to thank another person. Slaves may be thanked or not, depending on the will of the free person. Many slaves are especially fearful of any master who shows them such kindness.
Slaves Addressing Free People
All slaves must address free persons as Master or Mistress. They will only address their own Master as "my" Master or Mistress. Slaves are not permitted to address any free person by their name. The privilege of using a master's name is reserved for the free woman, in particular the Free Companion. It is said that a slave girl grows bold if her lips are allowed to touch the name of her master. But, some masters prefer to hear their name said by a slave. This is commonly permitted only in private, out of the presence of free women. A slave may tell others the name of her master for explanation purposes only, such as to identify her owner.
Ubar is an official title. Slaves addressing a Ubar should refer to him as "Ubar" or "Master" but should not combine the two. "Master Ubar" is not a valid address. A free person's title is always considered respectful for a slave. An "Administrator" or "Regent" would be addressed as such by a slave. Most free persons should also address an Ubar by his title, and not by his name. If you have been given specific permission from the Ubar, you may then call him by his name.
Ubara is an official title. Slaves addressing the Ubara should refer to her as "Ubara" or "Mistress" but she should not combine the two. "Mistress Ubara" is not a valid address. Most free persons should also address an Ubara by her title, and not by her name. If you have been given specific permission from the Ubara, you may then call her by her name.
Paga Tavern
When a slave enters a paga tavern, she does not have to ask permission or perform any form of obeisance at the door. A slave should enter quietly and go to kneel in the serving area. A slave should not greet any free person when she enters unless her owner is present. A slave should always greet their owner, once they have gone to the serving area. A slave does need to ask permission to leave the tavern. They should first ask their owner. If the owner is not present, any free person may be asked.
Slaves who are waiting in the serving area should pay attention to see if any free person needs food or drink. If a free person requests a server, they should not have to wait if a slave is just kneeling in the serving area doing nothing. Free persons must also be patient and wait for a slave to be available if they wish refreshment if all the slaves present are currently serving others. Free women will not serve in a paga tavern under almost any circumstances.
Order of Precedence
In group settings, certain free persons should be given precedence by slaves, especially when serving. A Ubar/Administrator should be given priority in all matters, as he is the chief of state and the highest ranking free person in the city. After them, then comes the Ubara/Free Companion of the Administrator. After that, would be any other high ranking persons present. Then, your owner should be given precedence. Finally, all other free persons would then have equal precedence.
The rule in the marketplace and in stores is that there are no fixed prices. Haggling is the order of business. If you wish to purchase an item from someone, haggle over the price. In haggling, you start your offer low and the seller starts his price high. You try to come to a reasonable price, that makes both parties pleased. Many merchants enjoy haggling as much as getting their money.
Goreans do not favor begging and some even view it as an insult. When charity is in order, it is usually arranged by the caste or clan.
Free Women
Free women should be treated with respect and honor. Considerable deference is due to a free woman. Free women may speak freely and without permission. They may be bold and do much of what they wish. But, free women must also beware that they possess their freedom only by the will of free men. A Ubara/Tatrix should be treated with the utmost of respect as she does wield great power in the city.
This is a term of respect used for free women, especially those of high station or Caste. It is to be used only by free persons though. A slave would not use this term.
Gor is a hierarchial world where your status, station and caste are vitally important. In general, you show respect to those of superior status, station or caste. That includes free women. A free woman of High Caste deserves respect from Low Caste men. A very wealthy woman would be considered of high status and would also be due respect. Though men may consider themselves dominant over women, they still respect the ideas of status, station and caste. Men also respect men of higher standing than themselves. A City Leader would have the highest status of any and would be due respect from all.
Gorean compliments are generally meaningful for they are usually given only when deserved.
Goreans are generally fond of children and do not inflict suffering or abuse on them. Even slave children are seldom abused and are given much freedom at least until they reach adulthood.
Free men sit cross-legged. They rarely use chairs as chairs are usually reserved for special people like Administrators, Ubars and judges. Most Goreans find chairs to be uncomfortable anyways. Free women kneel to sit. Their knees are kept close together and their hands lie on their thighs, palms face down. All slaves kneel to sit, and the position of their hands and knees depend on the type of slave they are. Slaves never sit in chairs and might be whipped or even slain for sitting in them.
When walking or riding down a street or road, Goreans commonly stay to the left of the road when passing others. This is done so that your sword arm, commonly the right arm, faces the person you are passing.
Since the saga of the Books of GOR have started back in 1966 many texts have already been written and many persons have spent countless hours studying and sharing information to help others understand better what is GOR. One of these persons is known as “Ubar Luther” who wrote a series of papers (most seem to be over 15 to 20 years old, but still very up-to-date in many topics) called the “Luther’s Gorean Educational Scrolls” that were available on, but that site has been hacked. So to preserve them, I have moved them to this wiki.