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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Skjoldur (Settlement)

From Barbarians of Gor

Settlement Information

Name of the Settlement: Skjoldur

Map Region Settlement is in: Vargrheim

Primary Point of Contact: [To be filled out]

Secondary Point of Contact: [To be filled out]

How many players at this time: [To be filled out]


In my settlement, I will already have quite a few bonds. All bonds will be owned by me and will have tasks for getting supplies for the village. If I am not around or another male, my first girl or next in line will get with them and show them the ropes and how to maneuver around. The men that join can freely RP with those not of my personal stock to see how they fit together and if they want to claim them. A small contribution or coin will be discussed for the bond to serve them exclusively. My bonds will be tasked with a station to supply goods for, and that will be their daily chore besides whatever else I can find for them in RP.

We will have a thriving village and homes for all who join. If they do not wish to live within the village, they can build on the outskirts and roam into the main area for their needs. I will not police their private builds unless they are too big and don't fit the style we have going.

As for shared storage, I plan to have goods prepared for them, charging bare minimal coin or the resources collected in a fair exchange. If this method is not used, I will encourage everyone to take their things with them, only leaving them if they wish to share.

I will have rules to follow OOC, and our people will vote on them. To lead or claim Jarl of the settlement, you will challenge for it. We are open to all sorts of RP, and our gates will be open for anyone to venture in. We will deal in trade and host plenty of events.

Civic Law and Governance

Will your settlement be following the civic law of the area? (Note: Following civil law allows for the implied involvement in setting the law with other settlements. Ask if I need to spell this out more.)

  • [To be filled out]

Form of Government

What will your form of government be?

  • [To be filled out]

Role of Caste

Will caste be part of your settlement role-play?

  • [To be filled out]

Leadership Selection

How will leadership be chosen?

  • To lead or claim Jarl of the settlement, you will challenge for it.

Election by whom:

  • [To be filled out]


  • Yes


  • [To be filled out]

Handling Slaves

How will you handle slaves?

  • All bonds will be owned by me and will have tasks for getting supplies for the village.

Are they all privately owned?

  • No, bonds are owned by the settlement leader.

What will happen to new player slaves?

  • They will be shown the ropes and how to maneuver around by the first girl or the next in line if the settlement leader is not available. Men that join can freely RP with bonds not of the leader's personal stock to see if they want to claim them. A small contribution or coin will be discussed for the bond to serve them exclusively.

New Player Building Rules

What will your new player building rules be?

  • Homes will be provided for all who join. If they do not wish to live within the village, they can build on the outskirts and roam into the main area for their needs.

Can they build homes where they wish?

  • Yes, on the outskirts of the village.

Do they have to match a style?

  • Yes, private builds must fit the style of the village.

Will you be providing homes built by a specific player?

  • Yes

Will you be providing foundations players can only build on?

  • [To be filled out]

Shared Storage Management

Have you thought about how to manage shared storage?

  • Goods will be prepared and shared for minimal coin or resources collected in fair exchange. If this method is not used, everyone is encouraged to take their things with them, only leaving them if they wish to share.