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Talk:Mothers of Gor

From Barbarians of Gor

First Pass

Mothers of Gor

If John Norman were to write a book entitled "Mothers of Gor" that fleshed out the role of motherhood while still staying within the constraints of the world of Gor, he would likely cover several specific topics. These topics would be consistent with the themes and societal structures already established in the series. By covering these topics, John Norman could provide a comprehensive exploration of motherhood within the world of Gor, adding depth to the societal roles and personal experiences of women in his series.

The Role of Free Women as Mothers

  • The emotional and societal expectations placed on free women who are mothers, including their duties and responsibilities within the family and community.
  • The contrast between the lives of free women and slave women, particularly focusing on the freedom to raise their children and the societal respect they receive.

Motherhood and Companionship

  • The dynamics of companionships (marriages) on Gor and how they impact motherhood. This could include arranged companionships and the emotional struggles that come with them, as seen in the dialogue from "Mercenaries of Gor":
 “Your father did not much care for me,” she said. “Our companionship was arranged, with familial and commercial alliances in mind. I met him only at the ceremony of the companionship. He always shut me away... I have been lonely. I have been terribly lonely”`[1]`.

Maternal Instincts and Natural Order

  • Exploration of how maternal instincts are viewed within the Gorean philosophy of natural order and gender roles. This could include discussions on how motherhood is seen as a natural extension of a woman's role and how it complements the societal structure.

Challenges of Motherhood in a Harsh World

  • The difficulties faced by mothers in a world where violence, slavery, and power struggles are common. This could include the risks to their children and the measures they take to protect them.

Motherhood and the Caste System

  • How different castes view and handle motherhood. For example, the role of the Caste of Physicians in childbirth and child-rearing practices:
 "Some members of the caste of physicians, incidentally, concern themselves with such matters, for example, by implanting fertilized eggs in host mothers"`[2]`.

Motherhood and Slave Breeding

  • The practice of breeding slaves and how it contrasts with the motherhood of free women. This could include ethical considerations and the emotional impact on women who are forced into breeding roles.

Cultural Rituals and Celebrations of Motherhood

  • The rituals, celebrations, and societal recognition of motherhood within Gorean culture. This could include festivals, rites of passage for children, and the honor given to mothers.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Motherhood

  • The psychological and emotional experiences of mothers, including their joys, fears, and the fulfillment they find in raising their children. This could be contrasted with the experiences of slave women who may be denied the opportunity to be mothers.