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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Category:Server Setting: Difference between revisions

From Barbarians of Gor

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Barbarians of Gor is a ''[[By the Book|by the book]]'' (BtB) Gorean role-play server that is set in a group of islands many hundreds of pasangs west of the mainland in the middle of Thassa (the sea). The group of islands is collectively known as [[World's End]], and this season we are playing on the island of New Sardar (Exile Lands Map). Goreans, from the mainland, are marooned on these islands with no opportunity to return home and must make the best of it on a small island surrounded by hostile flora, fauna and natives. This island is less then 200 pasang square and numbers a [[Population |population]] in the thousands, not tens of thousands.
Barbarians of Gor is a ''[[By the Book|by the book]]'' (BtB) Gorean role-play server that is set in a group of islands many hundreds of pasangs west of the mainland in the middle of Thassa (the sea). The group of islands is collectively known as [[World's End]], and this season we are playing on the island of New Tabor (Savage Wilds Map). Goreans, from the mainland, are marooned on these islands with no opportunity to return home and must make the best of it on a small island surrounded by hostile flora, fauna and natives. This island is less then 200 pasang square and numbers a [[Population |population]] in the thousands, not tens of thousands.
This season there is a significant threat from the native Stygians. A central town, [[Vargor (RP Hub)|Vargor]], is the only safe location for Goreans, their [[Slaves, Roleplay Options|slaves]] and Native allies to live. All story and role-play is centered around the immediate area of Vargor which is a melting pot of people from all over Gor.
How will your character adapt to an unfamiliar land and the making of allies from those once enemies? Some things will change simply because you aren't in Kansas any more, and some things will [[In Character Restrictions|remain the same]]. Only the adaptable will survive. <includeonly>[[: Category:Gor Roleplay |<Read More>]]</includeonly><noinclude>
;Land Mass
:{{:World's End}}
;[[Population |Population/Wysiwyg]]
:{{: Population}}
;Vargor, the RP Hub
:{{:Vargor (RP Hub)}}
;Vargor, Laws & Elections
:{{:Vargor, Laws}}
{| class=wikitable  align=right
| [[Turan Quarter]] || {{: Turan Quarter}}
| [[Torvald's Quarter]] || {{:Torvald's Quarter}}
| [[Argentum Quarter]] || {{:Argentum Quarter}}

This season the people of Vargor on New Sardar have left their home and migrated to New Tabor for the promise of Eldarium and advanced medical technology. How will your character adapt to an unfamiliar land and the making of allies from those once enemies? Some things will change simply because you aren't in Kansas any more, and some things will [[In Character Restrictions|remain the same]]. Only the adaptable will survive. <includeonly>[[: Category:Gor Roleplay |<Read More>]]</includeonly><noinclude>


=Season 3 Fiction=
<I>And so, the stage is set, the curtain raised. The once-thriving villages of Nordhagen and Aurumvale, from the snow-shrouded halls of Icewind to the sun-baked streets of Shensha's Outpost, lie empty, waiting for the arrival of new blood, new stories. The whispers of the past still linger, echoes of a time when the people of Hulneth and Argentorum, of Vargrheim's Bite and Broken Pass, had lived and laughed and loved. Yet, this is not a tale of nostalgia, but rather, an invitation to forge something new, something uniquely your own.
Season Three begins with the return of the Goreans and their Hyborian allies to New Sardar (Exile Map) where they settle in the small but culturally diverse area around Telith Island which has been called Vargor by its inhabitants. We invite you to join this Season where we will be introducing a DM/Seer lead plot line that pits the players against the Stygian clans.

<I>Ten thousand years ago, Howard’s World of Conan was happening on Earth during the Hyperborean age.  Ten thousand years ago the Priest Kings of Gor were taking people from the planet Earth and populating their planet.  What if various groups of Hyborians were taken and placed on a remote set of islands in the far western edge of the ocean, Goreans call Thassa. Like the rest of the planet, the Priest Kings would limit the technology available to these Hyborian descendants. Little would change of their original cultures over the intervening millennial but eventually they would be more Gorean than Earthling, even if as unknown to the mainlanders as the Pani were for so very long.
Imagine yourself standing on the windswept shores of Vargrheim's Bite, the icy waters lapping at your feet as you gaze out upon the endless expanse of the northern lake. Or perhaps you find yourself amidst the broken landscape of Kowareta Hashi, the sheer white stone cliffs rising like sentinels around you as you navigate the labyrinthine valleys. Maybe it is the sun-drenched savannah of the Tegsh Tal that calls to you, the grasslands stretching out to the horizon as you ride the fierce kaiila, the shaggy bosk roaming freely at your side.

When most of the Goreans and many of the natives of New Sardar took their chance to escape the impending volcanic eruption, the Stygian's of New Sardar began a crusade to dominate the exile lands. Those Goreans who remained behind, along with their Hyborian allies and Earth-born slaves settled in the area of Telith Island hoping the eruption would never come, but preparing for the worst.  
Wherever you choose to make your mark, know that you are not merely stepping into the footprints of those who came before, but rather, you are the pioneers of a new era, the authors of a tale yet untold. The history of Nordhagen and Aurumvale is rich and varied, a tapestry woven from the threads of countless stories and adventures. And now, it is your turn to add your own chapter to that tapestry, to leave your indelible mark upon the land and its people.

The worse turned out, not to be fire raining from the sky, but blood in the streets. The Stygians were able to amass enough of a force to threaten the small town of Vargor and have been fighting simply to survive the onslaught. When word of the troubles reached those on the island (Season Two on Siptah) the Goreans organized to return and help defend the town.</I>
So let us raise a bowl of paga, to new beginnings, to the forging of a new future from the ashes of the past. Let us come together, as strangers become friends, as allies and adversaries, as the very soul of Nordhagen and Aurumvale is reborn. The stage is set, the curtain is rising. Now, it is your turn to take the reins, to seize the day, to write the next great chapter in the annals of this storied land.  

In the world of Gor, a person's Home Stone is not just a physical stone, but a reflection of their very soul. It is a place of strength and of vulnerability, of joy and of sorrow. And so, as you embark on this grand adventure, remember that the home you build, be it in the northern halls of Hulneth or the sun-baked streets of Argentorum, will be a testament to your character, a living embodiment of your deepest desires and highest aspirations.

Look to the shining towers of Argentorum as your guide, that great bastion of Gorean learning and tradition. Let the wisdom of the Scribes and the courage of the Warriors inspire you as you forge your own path, as you build a new life amidst the rich tapestry of Nordhagen and Aurumvale. Embrace the principles of honor and discipline, of duty and service, that have ever been the bedrock of the Gorean way. And yet, do not be afraid to add your own unique mark, to leave your indelible stamp upon the land and its people.</I>
[[image:serverssettingmap.jpg|right|400px]]Barbarians of Gor allows players to transport their previous Gorean characters into our setting through mishap while sailing. For those characters who are unlikely to get on a ship, we allow a generic hand waving of "I don't know how I got here" with the implication that someone brought them here against their will.

Those with ''modern-day'' Earth born characters are encouraged to have their character know enough Gorean to get by but can otherwise have arrived here directly via space ship or have first gone to the mainland and then arrive via a sea vessel mishap.
=Season Four Overview=
{{:Category:Season Four}}

Hyborian characters have all been born on one of the three islands show on the map; New Sardar (Exile Map), World's End (Siptah Map) or New Tabor (Savage Wild Map). There is no other place that Hyborian characters to have been born - the whole of the Conan world existed 10,000 years before our current fiction - and on another planet. Additionally, these three islands are small and do not have large cities. For example, New Sardar has only Vargor, Sepermeru and Asgard. New Tabor has only Muran. There is no main city on World's End.
=Season 4 Fiction=
<I>The island of New Tabor bears its name as a testament to the fury of the sea, bestowed upon it some 150 years past when a mighty storm shattered a fleet of Gorean ships swept off course on their way to the Twelve Islands. The survivors, proud warriors and cunning rogues alike, clung to the rocky shores and vowed to forge a new home. To this day, New Tabor remains a bastion of Gorean tradition, its spirit undiluted compared to the neighboring islands of New Sardar and the Island of Last End.

==New Story==
At the island's heart lies the city of Murun, a sprawling metropolis that dwarfs its counterparts on the sister isles. Yet, for all its size, Murun is no den of welcoming smiles. The Hyborian and Gorean inhabitants gaze upon outsiders with a mixture of suspicion and hostility, their blades sharpened and ready. Any who dare to settle too close to Murun's weathered walls shall feel the full force of the city's wrath, for these warriors will not be threatened.
;Free Persons
:Your character's story arc must now align with the world in which they find themselves. Their Home Stone is far from here and there is no reasonable chance of return. There is nothing to be gained as an outlaw, you must join forces with the other Goreans.  

:For the success of the server we are not accepting character's who intend to "go their own way" and divide the player base. To reach a point where multiple RP centers can co-exist we must first grow the current population, for as we all know - if new players can't find RP quickly, they do not stay. [[:Category talk:Server Setting|<Read Me>]]
Yet, amidst the simmering tension, opportunity's clarion call echoes across the waters. The people of Vargor, driven by hunger for rare minerals and the lost secrets of advanced healing, bid farewell to New Sardar's familiar shores. They brave the unpredictable fury of Thassa, setting course for the untamed promise of New Tabor. Yet, upon arrival, they find the gates of Murun closed to them. Resettlement along the abandoned stretches of Merchant Road, east of the brooding city, is their only recourse.

This southern road, a serpent of abandoned settlements, winds through valleys bathed in golden light, the earth rich with the potent essence of Sa-Tarna. It strikes north, hugging the shores of inland seas that mirror the sky above, and plunging into the unspoiled wilderness where northern snows leave their lingering kiss. The inland lakes, shards of fallen heavens, glimmer with the promise of untapped abundance and trade for those bold enough to claim it. It is here, amidst the arrival of these determined newcomers and the rapid reshaping of the land, that our tale truly begins.</I>
:{{:Slaves, Roleplay Options}}


=Best Practices=
==[[By the Book]]==
;Land Mass
{{: By the Book}}
:{{:World's End}}

==[[In Character Restrictions]]==
;[[Population |Population/Wysiwyg]]
{{:In Character Restrictions}}
:{{: Population}}
==[[Medicine, Gor|Medicine]]==
{{:Medicine, Gor}}

==[[Slavery is a Sliding Scale]]==
==[[Merchant Road]]==
{{:Slavery is a Sliding Scale}}
{{: Merchant Road}}

Conan Exiles has functioning combat NPCs called Thralls. These thralls can be used in almost any fictional way a player can imagine including a free man of their clan, a free woman of their clan, a guard protecting them, an owner, a free companion, a slave, etc. We encourage free women and slaves to make use of these thralls as their primary mode of combat using what is known as an "authority build", in which the thralls fight for you allowing you to maintain the fiction of being non-combative. These thralls also allow free women and slaves the freedom to travel with the fiction that they are either "with their guards" or "in the company of their owner/clan free men".  However, please note that the IC restrictions for woman and weapons still applies -- a "slave thrall" walking around with a two handed sword is not by the book.
{{: Aurumvale}}

;Note: The word "Thrall" in Conan Exiles refers to the the mechanical NPC of any gender and is not the same as the Gorean thrall of Torvaldsland.

==[[Conflict Progression and Resolution]]==
==[[Fair Grounds]]==
{{:Conflict Progression and Resolution}}
{{: Fair Grounds}}


Latest revision as of 18:41, 9 July 2024

Barbarians of Gor is a by the book (BtB) Gorean role-play server that is set in a group of islands many hundreds of pasangs west of the mainland in the middle of Thassa (the sea). The group of islands is collectively known as World's End, and this season we are playing on the island of New Tabor (Savage Wilds Map). Goreans, from the mainland, are marooned on these islands with no opportunity to return home and must make the best of it on a small island surrounded by hostile flora, fauna and natives. This island is less then 200 pasang square and numbers a population in the thousands, not tens of thousands.

This season the people of Vargor on New Sardar have left their home and migrated to New Tabor for the promise of Eldarium and advanced medical technology. How will your character adapt to an unfamiliar land and the making of allies from those once enemies? Some things will change simply because you aren't in Kansas any more, and some things will remain the same. Only the adaptable will survive.


And so, the stage is set, the curtain raised. The once-thriving villages of Nordhagen and Aurumvale, from the snow-shrouded halls of Icewind to the sun-baked streets of Shensha's Outpost, lie empty, waiting for the arrival of new blood, new stories. The whispers of the past still linger, echoes of a time when the people of Hulneth and Argentorum, of Vargrheim's Bite and Broken Pass, had lived and laughed and loved. Yet, this is not a tale of nostalgia, but rather, an invitation to forge something new, something uniquely your own.

Imagine yourself standing on the windswept shores of Vargrheim's Bite, the icy waters lapping at your feet as you gaze out upon the endless expanse of the northern lake. Or perhaps you find yourself amidst the broken landscape of Kowareta Hashi, the sheer white stone cliffs rising like sentinels around you as you navigate the labyrinthine valleys. Maybe it is the sun-drenched savannah of the Tegsh Tal that calls to you, the grasslands stretching out to the horizon as you ride the fierce kaiila, the shaggy bosk roaming freely at your side.

Wherever you choose to make your mark, know that you are not merely stepping into the footprints of those who came before, but rather, you are the pioneers of a new era, the authors of a tale yet untold. The history of Nordhagen and Aurumvale is rich and varied, a tapestry woven from the threads of countless stories and adventures. And now, it is your turn to add your own chapter to that tapestry, to leave your indelible mark upon the land and its people.

So let us raise a bowl of paga, to new beginnings, to the forging of a new future from the ashes of the past. Let us come together, as strangers become friends, as allies and adversaries, as the very soul of Nordhagen and Aurumvale is reborn. The stage is set, the curtain is rising. Now, it is your turn to take the reins, to seize the day, to write the next great chapter in the annals of this storied land.

In the world of Gor, a person's Home Stone is not just a physical stone, but a reflection of their very soul. It is a place of strength and of vulnerability, of joy and of sorrow. And so, as you embark on this grand adventure, remember that the home you build, be it in the northern halls of Hulneth or the sun-baked streets of Argentorum, will be a testament to your character, a living embodiment of your deepest desires and highest aspirations.

Look to the shining towers of Argentorum as your guide, that great bastion of Gorean learning and tradition. Let the wisdom of the Scribes and the courage of the Warriors inspire you as you forge your own path, as you build a new life amidst the rich tapestry of Nordhagen and Aurumvale. Embrace the principles of honor and discipline, of duty and service, that have ever been the bedrock of the Gorean way. And yet, do not be afraid to add your own unique mark, to leave your indelible stamp upon the land and its people.

Season Four Overview

Season Four will be on New Tabor which is represented by the Savage Wilds map. A build area spanning from the southern savannahs to the snow line, along the two inland lakes will be available. The design this season is for the build area to be along one “Merchant Road” rather than in a wagon wheel like it is now.

There is a northern non-caste hub called Hulneth, and a southern caste hub called Argentora. There are five additional regions, and players may choose to live where they wish, and the collective community in each region will decide the laws of Nordhagen and Aurumvale. Due to simplicity, we will be keeping only two sets of laws, and with the exception for local laws, the civic laws apply to all of the regions in the territory.

The two hubs, Hulneth (in Nordhagen), and Argentora (in Aurumvale) will be admin-managed player-ran PUBLIC clans. With the switch to Tot, we gain the ability for players to switch clans via their scripting language.

  • Independent clans are limited to six people
  • Any clan that wishes to grow beyond six must convert to a public settlement that allows for any player to join and for the settlement leadership (clan guild master) to be changed in role-play.

Because we can set up for players to easily switch clans, it is going to be very viable for players to be in a small clan AS WELL AS being a member of a nearby settlement or one of the two hubs.

<Read More about what has changed in Season Four>

Season 4 Fiction

The island of New Tabor bears its name as a testament to the fury of the sea, bestowed upon it some 150 years past when a mighty storm shattered a fleet of Gorean ships swept off course on their way to the Twelve Islands. The survivors, proud warriors and cunning rogues alike, clung to the rocky shores and vowed to forge a new home. To this day, New Tabor remains a bastion of Gorean tradition, its spirit undiluted compared to the neighboring islands of New Sardar and the Island of Last End.

At the island's heart lies the city of Murun, a sprawling metropolis that dwarfs its counterparts on the sister isles. Yet, for all its size, Murun is no den of welcoming smiles. The Hyborian and Gorean inhabitants gaze upon outsiders with a mixture of suspicion and hostility, their blades sharpened and ready. Any who dare to settle too close to Murun's weathered walls shall feel the full force of the city's wrath, for these warriors will not be threatened.

Yet, amidst the simmering tension, opportunity's clarion call echoes across the waters. The people of Vargor, driven by hunger for rare minerals and the lost secrets of advanced healing, bid farewell to New Sardar's familiar shores. They brave the unpredictable fury of Thassa, setting course for the untamed promise of New Tabor. Yet, upon arrival, they find the gates of Murun closed to them. Resettlement along the abandoned stretches of Merchant Road, east of the brooding city, is their only recourse.

This southern road, a serpent of abandoned settlements, winds through valleys bathed in golden light, the earth rich with the potent essence of Sa-Tarna. It strikes north, hugging the shores of inland seas that mirror the sky above, and plunging into the unspoiled wilderness where northern snows leave their lingering kiss. The inland lakes, shards of fallen heavens, glimmer with the promise of untapped abundance and trade for those bold enough to claim it. It is here, amidst the arrival of these determined newcomers and the rapid reshaping of the land, that our tale truly begins.



Land Mass
World's End lies somewhere west of the known world of the Gorean mainland on the Planet of Gor. In our Barbarian's of Gor fiction "World's End" refers to the myth of lands in the western part of Thassa (the sea). <Read Me>
For most things, including population, we follow the rule of WYSIWYG which means "What you see is what you get". Consequently, the population of World's End is directly related to the number of hostile NPCs, NPC thralls and players found in the game world. All players may count their fictional clan size to include themselves, their actual player clan members, and the maximum thrall count on the clan screen. <Read Me>

Merchant Road

Merchantroad.jpgMerchant Road was not always a trail of solitude, echoing with the whispers of the past. In days long gone, it thrummed with the pulse of commerce and ambition, a vital artery linking the proud city of Murun to the farthest reaches of New Tabor. To the north lay the bustling town of Hulneth, where the hunts were bountiful and the people's laughter carried on the wind. In the south, Argentorum shone like a beacon, its towers glinting with a golden light that seemed almost otherworldly. <Read Me>


Aurumvale.jpegAurumvale was a vast and storied territory, a realm of golden light and untamed beauty. From the green valleys and towering cliffs of Broken Pass to the gleaming spires of Argentora, from the rustic homes of Shensha's Outpost to the endless expanse of the Tegsh Tal, Aurumvale was a land of contrasts, a place where the wild heart of the wilderness beat strong, and the indomitable spirit of its people shone bright.

Read More | Civic Laws | Broken Pass | Blackgant Bay | Argentora | Shensha's Outpost


Nordhagen.jpegNordhagen was a vast and diverse territory, encompassing a wide range of landscapes and cultures. From the snow-capped peaks of Icewind to the windswept shores of Vargrheim's Bite, from the bustling streets of Hulneth to the rugged solitude of Overlook, Nordhagen was a realm of contrasts, a place where the harsh beauty of the wilderness met the indomitable spirit of its people.

Read More | Civic Laws | Icewind | Overlook | Hulneth | Vargrheim

Fair Grounds

Fairgrounds.jpgJust beyond the sturdy bridge that spanned the dividing waters, marking the boundary between the northern region of Nordhagen and the southern lands of Aurumvale, lay a broad and vibrant fair ground. This was a place of bustling energy, where the people of Merchant Road, both northerners and southerners, would gather four times a year in a celebration of commerce and camaraderie. Though the fairs held here were not the same as the famed Sardar Fairs of Gor, they shared a similar spirit of peace and shared purpose. <Read Me>


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.

Pages in category "Server Setting"

The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.