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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Blackgant Bay

From Barbarians of Gor

Blackgant Bay was founded by Captain Arin the Bold, a young and dashing pirate with a heart full of adventure. He had sailed the waters of Deep Reed Lake for many years, plundering ships and seeking fortune. But as he grew older, he began to dream of a place to call his own, a haven where he and his crew could rest and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

One day, while exploring the southern shore of the lake, Captain Arin came upon a small cove nestled among towering cliffs. With the help of his crew, Captain Arin set to work building a town in the cove. They constructed buildings of rough-hewn wood, the walls daubed with mud and straw. The roofs were thatched with reeds, the windows mere slits in the walls. And at the center of the town, they built a hall, its walls adorned with the trophies of their raids.

Blackgant Bay quickly became a haven for pirates and sailors from all over Deep Reed Lake. But it was not a place of peace and tranquility, rather a place of rough revelry and hard living. Captain Arin was a generous leader, but a hard man as well. He held great feasts in the hall, with music and laughter that could be heard for miles. But he was also quick to anger, and those who crossed him would feel the weight of his wrath.

Years passed, and Blackgant Bay endured. It became a place of legend, a dark and foreboding presence on the waters of the lake. Pirates and sailors alike would speak of its danger, of the rough men who lived there and the perils of its streets. And Captain Arin, he lived a long and hard life, surrounded by the home and the family he had created.

But as with all things, an end came to the days of Blackgant Bay. Captain Arin grew old and frail, and though he still sat at the head of the table, his grip on the town began to loosen. His crew, now old men themselves, began to die off one by one. And without the strong leadership of Captain Arin, the town fell into infighting and chaos.

In the end, it was not the authorities or a rival town that brought an end to Blackgant Bay, but the simple passage of time. One by one, the people left, seeking their fortunes elsewhere. The buildings stood empty, the thatch roofs rotting in the rain. And Captain Arin, the last of his line, sat alone in the great hall, surrounded by the memories of better days.

And so Blackgant Bay was abandoned, left to stand as a testament to the transience of life and the fleeting nature of fortune. But even in its emptiness, the town held a certain menace, a certain danger. For it was a place where dreams had turned to dust, and where nightmares had come to life. And it was a place where a man would not walk alone at night, for fear of what lurked in the shadows.

Perhaps, one day, others would come to claim Blackgant Bay as their own. Perhaps they would rebuild the town, and ring the cove once more with laughter and music. Or perhaps it would stand forever empty, a haunting presence on the shore of Deep Reed Lake.
