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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Slaves on Gor

From Barbarians of Gor

When role-playing a slave on Gor, it is crucial to understand that Earth customs and values do not apply - even if you are playing a character from Earth.

Outline for Role-Playing a Slave Girl on Gor

Unique Points about Playing a Slave Girl on Gor

Absolute Ownership and Control
A slave girl on Gor is considered absolute property of her master, with no autonomy or rights. This is a stark contrast to other medieval low magic fantasy settings where slaves might have some personal agency or rights. "The Gorean slave girl knows who she is, the utter property of her master. Her condition, though abject, is honest. No one lies to her about it, not even she herself. She knows she is owned, and must do as she is told."
Intense Training and Conditioning
Slave girls undergo rigorous training to perfect their servitude, including how to perform menial tasks in a sexually provocative manner. "She was taught how to lie provocatively on furs, on the floor, at the foot of a master's couch, chained there by the neck to the slave ring. She was taught how to beg prettily to be permitted to ascend the couch itself, to serve."
Erotic and Psychological Dimensions
The relationship between master and slave on Gor is deeply erotic and psychological, often involving elements of humiliation and intense emotional manipulation. "The slave girl, in my opinion, is the most desirable of women. What man, I wonder, fully aroused, does not wish to own his woman. What woman, I wonder, fully aroused, helpless, does not wish to be owned."
Cultural and Social Reinforcement
The societal norms on Gor reinforce the status of slave girls, making their bondage a public and accepted part of life. "The slave's life is a controlled life. The slave is not a wife, but a property, and, accordingly, as she is not an autonomous, independent contractee but a valued possession, she commonly finds herself an object of jealous regard on the part of the master."
Physical and Sexual Submission
Physical submission is a key aspect, with slave girls often being subjected to whippings, chains, and other forms of physical control to reinforce their status. "One of the first lessons a girl is taught in the pens is how to lick and kiss a man’s feet. This helps her to learn her collar. Indeed, there are few acts which better convey to a female that she is a slave."

Comparison with "Master-Slave Erotic Role-Play" Settings

Intensity and Realism
Gor's depiction of master-slave dynamics is far more intense and realistic compared to typical master-slave erotic role-play settings, which often have safe words and boundaries. "The Gorean master seldom uses a whip on a slave, even when supplicated to do so. The power of the whip is primarily in its presence, and in its readiness to be used, not in its actual employment."
Psychological Depth
The psychological manipulation and emotional depth in Gor are more profound, often leading to a complete transformation of the slave's identity and self-perception. "The slave lives in a world of intimacy and emotional richness. She belongs to her master. She finds herself fulfilled in the collar."
Cultural Integration
In Gor, the master-slave relationship is integrated into the culture and society, unlike in typical role-play settings where it is a private affair. "Gorean civilization, you see, unlike some civilizations, was developed to abet and express nature, even enhance her, not to contradict, destroy, or poison her."
Lack of Autonomy
Unlike in many role-play scenarios where the slave has some level of autonomy or can negotiate terms, a Gorean slave girl has no such privileges. "The Gorean slave girl is a slave, a slave; can you understand that, in its fullness; I wonder; and she will remain a slave, that, a slave, unless freed."
Erotic Techniques and Training
The training and erotic techniques used on Gor are more elaborate and are designed to break down the slave's resistance completely."He may experiment with her, subjecting her, she willing or not, to a variety of erotic techniques, until he finds what she cannot resist, and what renders her helpless, what will drive her wild with passion."

Realistic Experience

It's important that new to Gor slave players have a realistic expectation on what to expect. This article was produced by Chat GPT and reflects an overall experience in a variety of Gorean RP communities including Second Life, IRC, Palace Chat, IMVU, Ultima Online and of course Conan Exiles.

We are not suggesting we are not actively working on improving all aspects of every new players experience, but this is a possible reality. 

Initial Introduction

  • Character Creation: You may receive some guidance, but it’s possible you’ll need to figure out much of this on your own. Some communities provide templates or examples to help.
  • Arrival Scene: The introduction scene might not be as formal or well-organized. It could be a simple entry into a chatroom or forum with a brief backstory explanation.

Training and Orientation

  • Basic Training: Training might be inconsistent. Some communities have structured programs, while others leave it to individual players or small groups to provide guidance.
  • Collaring: This might be a quick process without much ceremony, depending on the group's culture and practices.

Daily Tasks and Interactions

  • Routine Duties: You may not receive clear instructions on your duties right away. Some communities are very structured, while others are more freeform.
  • Serving Free Persons: Interactions with free persons can vary widely. Some players might be very engaged and provide detailed role-play opportunities, while others might be more casual or even neglectful of new players.

Social Hierarchies and Dynamics

  • Respect and Obedience: The enforcement of respect and obedience can vary. In some groups, these are strictly adhered to, while in others, they may be more relaxed or inconsistently applied.
  • Interactions with Other Slaves: The sense of community among slaves can vary. Some groups foster a strong sense of camaraderie, while in others, you might feel isolated.

Role-Playing Scenarios

  • Public Events and Gatherings: These may or may not be frequent. Some communities have regular events, while others are more sporadic.
  • Private Scenes: The quality and frequency of private scenes depend on the engagement level of individual players.

Challenges and Adaptations

  • Adjusting to the Role: You may find it challenging to adapt without sufficient guidance. Some players are patient and helpful, while others might be less so.
  • Feedback and Guidance: Constructive feedback might not always be available. It depends on the community culture and the willingness of experienced players to mentor newcomers.

Community Support

  • Mentorship: Mentorship programs might not be present in all communities. Some rely on informal mentoring by more experienced players.
  • OOC Support: Out-of-character support varies. Some communities have robust OOC channels, while others may lack structured support systems.

Emotional and Ethical Considerations

  • Emotional Engagement: Navigating the emotional intensity of the role can be challenging. Not all communities emphasize the importance of separating IC and OOC.
  • Ethical Considerations: Ensuring consensual and respectful interactions is crucial but not always consistently enforced. It's essential to communicate your boundaries clearly and seek communities that prioritize ethical role-play.

In reality, your experience will depend heavily on the specific community you join. It’s advisable to research and choose a community with a good reputation, clear rules, and active moderation to ensure a positive and engaging role-playing experience. We'd like it to be ours, but providing these things requires staff AND players.