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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.


From Barbarians of Gor

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Aurumvale was a vast and storied territory, a realm of golden light and untamed beauty. From the green valleys and towering cliffs of Broken Pass to the gleaming spires of Argentora, from the rustic homes of Shensha's Outpost to the endless expanse of the Tegsh Tal, Aurumvale was a land of contrasts, a place where the wild heart of the wilderness beat strong, and the indomitable spirit of its people shone bright.

Civic Laws | Broken Pass | Blackgant Bay | Argentora | Shensha's Outpost

At its heart lay Argentora, a bastion of learning and culture, its people dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of the ancient ways. This was a place of wisdom, of discovery, where the scholars and scribes pored over dusty tomes, and the Initiates tended the sacred flames. It was a beacon of civilization, a shining example of what could be achieved through dedication and discipline, and it drew to it the brightest minds and the most curious spirits from across the known world.

To the north lay Broken Pass, a realm of green and stone, of lush valleys and towering cliffs. This was a land of plenty, of life, where the plants grew tall and the animals roamed free. And yet, amidst the natural beauty, there was a challenge, a call to those who would brave its dangers, who would seek to explore its secrets.

In the shadow of Argentora stood Shensha's Outpost, a place of solitude and determination. This was a realm of the open sky, a place where a man could lose himself in the vastness of the wilderness, or find himself in the stillness of the silence. It was a place of challenge, of testing, where a warrior's mettle was proven, and his character was forged.

And to the south lay the Tegsh Tal, the endless sea of grass, its waves rolling towards the horizon like a golden tide. This was a realm of abundance, of life, where the great herds of kaiila and bosk roamed free, and the people lived in harmony with the land and its creatures. It was a place of plenty, of prosperity, where a man could find his place, could make his mark, could become the master of his own destiny.

Aurumvale, then, was a territory of contrasts, a realm of diversity and complexity. It was a place of beauty and danger, of challenge and opportunity, of tradition and innovation. It was a place where a man could find his purpose, could make his mark upon the world, could become the hero he was born to be. And it was a place that would ever endure, a place that would ever call to those who would answer the call of adventure, who would seek to make their mark upon the world.



Broken Pass
Just south of the bustling Fair Grounds, where the people of Nordhagen and Aurumvale gathered in a celebration of commerce and tradition, lay the rugged expanse of Broken Pass. Known as Kowareta Hashi in the lyrical tongue of the Pani, this was a realm of contrasts, where the vibrant green of hardy flora clung tenaciously to the rocky soil, and small, sheltered valleys nestled amidst the imposing grandeur of sheer white stone. The air would be crisp and clean, carrying the scent of blooming wildflowers and the distant tang of the lake that gave the area its lifeblood. <Read Me>
In the days when life pulsed through its veins, Argentora was a marvel of the south. Nestled within the embrace of New Tabor's fertile heart, the town blossomed like a garden in spring's warm touch. Its buildings, crafted from the golden stone that ran rich through the island, shone with a radiance that seemed to mirror the sun itself. Roofs of terracotta tile glowed a deep crimson, a stark contrast to the brilliant azure of the sky above. The streets, wide and paved with smooth cobblestones, thrummed with the laughter of children and the hearty calls of merchants hawking their wares. <Read Me>
Shensha's Outpost
On the very edge of Aurumvale, where the rolling green of the grasslands gave way to the sun-baked expanse of the savannah, stood the final outpost of settled civilization. This was Shensha's Outpost, a small yet vibrant village born of the fertile earth and the endless sky. Though modest in size, Shensha's held a unique charm, its spirit shaped by the twin influences of the rich grasslands and the wild beauty of the savannah. <Read Me>