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From Barbarians of Gor

A bond-maid in Torvaldsland is the most common term for a slave. Bond-maids typically wear their hair long and are dressed in a kirtle of thin, white wool that is split to the belly. They engage in hard work, such as churning butter, weaving, carrying bundles of wood or buckets of water, and gathering verr dung for the sul patches. Bond-maids often derogatorily refer to southern slaves as "silk girls," believing them to be spoiled and coddled. Men in Torvaldsland generally prefer their slaves to have large breasts and hips, sometimes referred to as a "love cradle." Bond-maids can be given descriptive names or retain their names from when they were free.

Important Facts About Bond-Maids in Torvaldsland

In "Marauders of Gor," bond-maids play a significant role in the society of Torvaldsland. Here are some important facts about bond-maids that have not been mentioned so far and should be considered for study purposes:


Display and Pride

  • Bond-maids are often displayed provocatively to indicate the wealth and status of their masters. They wear their kirtles low on their hips and hitched high over their calves or thighs to better exhibit their beauty.
  • Quote: "Laughing, once more proud of their bodies, the girls of the Forkbeard insolently slung their kirtles low on their hips, and hitched them high over their calves, even half way up their delightful thighs."

Behavior and Interaction

  • Bond-maids are expected to be forward and provocative, often seeking physical closeness and affection from the men they serve. They may try to get kisses, snuggle against the men, or sit in their laps.
  • Quote: "Permit me to kiss you, Master," begged Leah. She snuggled against me. She was naked on the rough bench of the north. My left arm was about her, holding her to me, in my right hand, held in its grip of golden wire, was a great horn of steaming mead.

Punishment and Discipline

  • Bond-maids are subject to strict discipline and can be punished for any perceived indiscretions. They may be beaten, switched, or whipped if they do not sufficiently please their masters.
  • Quote: "A girl must be careful, of course; should she in any way irritate, or not please, her master she may be switched or whipped."

Bond-Maid Behavior in Marauders of Gor

In Marauders of Gor, bond-maids exhibit a range of behaviors that can be described as social, playful, and flirtatious. Here are some specific examples from the text:

Playful and Social Behavior

  • Bond-maids are often seen laughing and engaging in playful activities. For instance, Olga, a bond-maid, is described as "laughing and kicking, thrown helplessly over the shoulder of an oarsman."
  • They also interact socially with the men around them, sometimes trying to resist but ultimately engaging in the social dynamics of their environment. For example, new bond-maids are seen trying to resist but eventually submitting and interacting with the men: "I saw several of the bondmaids in the arms of Ivar's men. Among them, too, some trying to resist, were the new girls."

Flirtatious and Submissive Behavior

  • Bond-maids often display flirtatious behavior, especially when they are trying to please their masters. One bond-maid, after being beaten, begins to kiss the oarsman, "weeping, trying to please him."
  • They also exhibit a high degree of submissiveness, often begging their masters not to stop their advances. For example, a bond-maid is described as begging her Jarl not to stop: "Do not stop, my Jarl," she begged. "Your bondmaid begs you not to stop!"

General Feel and Character Presentation

  • Bond-maids are generally portrayed as lively and engaging, often participating in the social and playful aspects of their environment. They are also shown to be highly responsive to the men around them, displaying a mix of resistance and submission that adds to their dynamic character.

To write a character as a bond-maid, one should focus on these aspects of behavior: being playful, socially interactive, flirtatious, and ultimately submissive. The character should be lively and engaging, often participating in the social dynamics of their environment while also showing a willingness to please and submit to their masters.

The Bondmaid Circle in Torvaldsland

The bondmaid circle is a significant element in the culture of Torvaldsland, used to formalize the status of a woman as a bondmaid. The circle is drawn in the dirt, and its purpose is to declare a woman's status as a bondmaid by the laws of Torvaldsland.


  • The bondmaid circle is a circle drawn in the dirt, typically by a man of authority such as Ivar Forkbeard.
  • Entering the circle, whether voluntarily or by force, signifies that a woman is declaring herself a bondmaid.
  • A woman may be thrown into the circle naked and bound, or she may enter it of her own free will. Regardless of how she enters, she emerges from it as a bondmaid by the laws of Torvaldsland.


  • "Go to the bondmaid circle," said Ivar Forkbeard, indicating the circle he had drawn in the dirt. The women cried out in misery. To enter the circle, if one is a female, is, by the laws of Torvaldsland, to declare oneself a bondmaid. A woman, of course, need not enter the circle of her own free will. She may, for example, be thrown within it, naked and bound. Howsoever she enters the circle, voluntarily or by force, free or secured, she emerges from it, by the laws of Torvaldsland, a bondmaid."

Drinks Served in Torvaldsland



Description: Ale is a common beverage in Torvaldsland, often associated with celebrations and victories.

  • "The Forkbeard himself now, from a wooden keg, poured a great tankard of ale, which must have been of the measure of five gallons."


  • Ale is served in large tankards, sometimes holding up to five gallons.
  • It is often passed around among men, especially rowers, who drink it in celebration, letting it spill down their bodies.


Description: Mead is a sweet, fermented drink made from honey, and is highly favored in Torvaldsland.

  • "Mead!" called Ivar Forkbeard, returning to the table. Pudding was first to reach him, with a horn of mead."
  • "It was filled with the mead of Torvaldsland, brewed from fermented honey, thick and sweet."
  • "In my right hand, held in its grip of golden wire, was a great horn of steaming mead."


  • Mead is served in horns, which are often large and elaborately decorated.
  • It can be served hot, as indicated by the reference to "steaming mead."
  • The drink is thick and sweet, brewed from fermented honey.


Description: Milk, specifically from bosk, is also mentioned as a drink in Torvaldsland.

  • "He had ordered roast bosk and hot milk, and then yellow bread, and then ale, and then hot mead."


  • Milk is served hot, often accompanying meals such as roast bosk and bread.

Food Served in Torvaldsland


Description: Bosk is a large, shaggy, long-horned bovine, and its meat is a staple in Torvaldsland.

  • "The meat was a steak, cut from the loin of a bosk, a huge, shaggy, long-horned, ill-tempered bovine which shambles in large, slow-moving herds across the prairies of Gor."
  • Bosk meat is often seared on a grill over charcoal, with the outside blackened and the inside juicy and rich with flavor.


Description: Tarsk is a six-tusked wild boar, and its meat is commonly roasted.

  • "The two bondmaids, stripped, too, like the others, for the feast, Pretty Ankles and Pouting Lips, struggled down the length of the smoky, dark hall, a spitted, roasted tarsk on their shoulders."


  • Tarsk is typically roasted on a spit and served in large portions, often during feasts.

Sa-Tarna Bread

Description: Sa-Tarna is a staple grain in Gor, and its bread is a common food item.

  • "Earlier, before he had begun his tour of inspection, Pudding had come to him, and knelt before him, holding a plate of Sa-Tarna loaves."


  • Sa-Tarna bread is often served in loaves and can be eaten with various accompaniments.


Description: Radishes are a common vegetable in Torvaldsland.

  • "Ottar dug for the Forkbeard and myself two radishes and we, wiping the dirt from them, ate them."


  • Radishes are typically eaten raw, often freshly dug from the ground.


Description: Butter is made from churning milk and is used as a spread or in cooking.

  • "We stopped by the churning shed, where Olga, sweating, had finished making a keg of butter. We dipped our fingers into the keg. It was quite good."


  • Butter is churned from milk and can be used as a spread or in cooking.

Parsit Fish

Description: Parsit fish is a type of fish found in the northern waters of Gor.

  • "Like the bondmaids, she had been fed only on cold Sa-Tarna porridge and scraps of dried parsit fish."


  • Parsit fish is often dried and served in small pieces, sometimes as part of a simple meal.


Description: Sullage is a common Gorean soup made from various ingredients.

  • "First she boiled and simmered a kettle of Sullage, a common Gorean soup consisting of three standard ingredients and, as it is said, whatever else may be found, saving only the rocks of the field."


  • Sullage is made by boiling and simmering various ingredients, including the golden Sul, Tur-Pah leaves, and Kes roots.

Yellow Bread

Description: Yellow bread is a type of bread made from Sa-Tarna grain.

  • "He had ordered roast bosk and hot milk, and then yellow bread, and then ale, and then hot mead."


  • Yellow bread is typically served as part of a meal, often alongside meats and other dishes.

Commands Given to Bond Maids in Torvaldsland


Description: This command is used to make a bondmaid follow closely behind her master, similar to how a pet might heel.

  • "She heels nicely," said Ottar. The men and bondmaids laughed. The Forkbeard stopped. Hilda's face burned red with fury, but she kept her head high. "She is heeling!" laughed Ottar. There were tears of rage in Hilda's eyes. What he said, of course, was true. She was heeling."


Description: This command instructs a bondmaid to kneel, often as a sign of submission or readiness to receive further commands.

  • "Kneel," said Ivar Forkbeard to the girl. Startled, she did so, uncertainly."


Description: This command orders a bondmaid to remove her clothing, often used to display her or prepare her for some activity.

  • "Bondmaids," ordered Ivar Forkbeard harshly, "strip!" Crying out the girls removed their garments."

Fetter Them

Description: This command is used to instruct that bondmaids be restrained with fetters.

  • "Fetter them," said Ivar Forkbeard."

Run to the Whipping Post

Description: This command directs a bondmaid to go to the whipping post, often as a prelude to punishment.

  • "Run to the whipping post," he said. "Beg the first free man who passes to beat you." "Yes, my Jarl," he said."

Beg for Mercy

Description: This command instructs a bondmaid to plead for mercy, often to demonstrate her submission and desperation.

  • "Suddenly she cried out and thrust her head to his boot. She held his ankle. 'Have mercy on a bondmaid!' she wept."


Description: This command involves a bondmaid placing her head to the boot of her master, often as a sign of submission or begging for mercy.

  • "Suddenly she cried out and thrust her head to his boot. She held his ankle. 'Have mercy on a bondmaid!' she wept."

Outfits Worn by Bond-Maids in Torvaldsland

In "Marauders of Gor," bond-maids in Torvaldsland primarily wear a garment known as a kirtle. The kirtle is a versatile piece of clothing that can be worn in various ways, often adjusted to display the bond-maid's body to the satisfaction of her master.


  • The kirtle is typically made of wool and can be worn in different styles, often adjusted to expose more or less of the bond-maid's body.
  • It is sleeveless and can be split to the belly, allowing for ease of movement and display.
  • The kirtle can be worn low on the hips and hitched high over the calves or thighs to better display the bond-maid's beauty.


  • "Laughing, once more proud of their bodies, the girls of the Forkbeard insolently slung their kirtles low on their hips, and hitched them high over their calves, even half way up their delightful thighs."
  • "I saw people running down the sloping green land, toward the water. Several came from within the palisade. Among them, white kirtled, collared, excited, ran bondmaids."
  • "Gunnhild, angrily, with two hands, jerked her kirtle to her waist, and stood straight, proudly before the Forkbeard, her breasts, which were marvelous, thrust forward."

Behavior of Bond-Maids in the Long Halls of Torvaldsland

In the long halls of Torvaldsland, bond-maids serve the Jarls and free men with a distinct demeanor that reflects their status and the cultural norms of the region. Their behavior can vary significantly depending on the presence of free women, such as the Jarl's woman, in the hall.

General Behavior of Bond-Maids

  • Bond-maids in Torvaldsland are known for their forward and often provocative behavior. They serve the men with enthusiasm and are expected to be pleasing and submissive.
  • They wear kirtles, which are often adjusted to display their bodies provocatively. The kirtles can be slung low on their hips and hitched high over their calves or thighs to better exhibit their beauty.
  • Bond-maids are often subject to the whims and desires of the men, and their interactions can be quite physical and intimate.
  • "Laughing, once more proud of their bodies, the girls of the Forkbeard insolently slung their kirtles low on their hips, and hitched them high over their calves, even half way up their delightful thighs."
  • "I heard men laughing. Too, from the darkness behind me, and more than forty feet away, on the raised level, I heard the screams of a raped bondmaid. She was one of the new girls. I had seen her being dragged by the hair to the raised platform. Her screams were screams of pleasure."

Behavior in the Presence of Free Women

  • When a free woman, such as the Jarl's woman, is present in the hall, the behavior of bond-maids changes significantly. They become more subdued and are closely monitored to ensure they do not act inappropriately.
  • The presence of a free woman imposes a level of decorum and restraint on the bond-maids. They are expected to serve without the overt displays of sexuality that might otherwise be common.
  • Free women, like Bera, can exert control over the bond-maids, punishing them for any perceived indiscretions.
  • "Bera, I noted, kept much of an eye upon them; one girl, seized by a warrior, her waist held, his other hand sliding upward from her ankle beneath the single garment permitted her, the long, stained woolen kirtle, making her cry out with pleasure, dared to thrust her lips eagerly, furtively, to his; but she was seen by Bera; orders were given; by male thralls she was bound and, weeping, thrust to the kitchen, there to be stripped and beaten."
  • "I presumed that if Bera were not present the feast might have taken a different turn; her frigid, cold presence was, doubtless, not much welcomed by the men. But she was the woman of Svein Blue Tooth."

In summary, the behavior of bond-maids in the long halls of Torvaldsland is characterized by a stark contrast between their provocative and forward demeanor when serving men and their subdued and controlled behavior in the presence of free women. This dynamic reflects the complex social hierarchy and cultural norms of Torvaldsland.

Behavior of Bond-Maids Serving Food and Drink in the Long Halls of Torvaldsland

In the long halls of Torvaldsland, bond-maids serve food and drink to the Jarls and free men with a demeanor that is both forward and provocative. Their behavior is characterized by a combination of servitude and sensuality, designed to please and entice the men they serve. This behavior is markedly different when no free women are present, allowing the bond-maids to be more overt in their actions.

General Behavior

  • Bond-maids are known for their forward and often provocative behavior. They serve the men with enthusiasm and are expected to be pleasing and submissive.
  • They wear kirtles, which are often adjusted to display their bodies provocatively. The kirtles can be slung low on their hips and hitched high over their calves or thighs to better exhibit their beauty.
  • Bond-maids are often subject to the whims and desires of the men, and their interactions can be quite physical and intimate.

Specific Actions

  • Bond-maids may try to get kisses from the men they serve, pressing themselves against them and pleading for attention.
  • They may snuggle against the men, seeking physical closeness and affection.
  • Bond-maids can be seen sitting in men's laps, or even being pulled across tables to be kissed or otherwise engaged.
  • They serve drinks and food in a manner that is designed to entice and seduce, often making eye contact and using their bodies to attract attention.


  • "Permit me to kiss you, Master," begged Leah. She snuggled against me. She was naked on the rough bench of the north. My left arm was about her, holding her to me, in my right hand, held in its grip of golden wire, was a great horn of steaming mead. The girl, in her need, pressed herself against the coarse woolen tunic of Torvaldsland. I looked down into her uplifted eyes, pleading. It was the need of a slave girl. I turned from her and drank. She sobbed. I laughed, and turned toward her. I looked into the large dark eyes, moist. About her throat she wore the north's collar of black iron, riveted. Then our lips met."
  • "The bondmaid was happy. I drank. The wench Leah again pressed herself against me. I looked down upon her. 'You are a wanton slave,' I said. She looked up at me, laughing. 'A girl in a collar is not permitted inhibitions,' she said. It was true. Slave girls must reveal their sexual nature, totally. Do they not do so, they are beaten."
  • "Mead was replenished in the drinking horn by a dark-haired bondmaid, who filled it, head down, shyly, not looking at me. She was the only one in the hall who was not stripped, though, to be sure, her kirtle, by order of her master, was high on her hips, and, over the shoulders, was split to the belly."

In summary, when no free women are present, bond-maids in the long halls of Torvaldsland serve food and drink with a forward and provocative demeanor. They seek physical closeness and affection from the men, using their bodies and actions to entice and please. This behavior reflects the cultural norms and expectations of servitude and sensuality in Torvaldsland.

Chores Given to Bond-Maids on the Farm and in the Halls of Forkbeard and Bluetooth

In "Marauders of Gor," bond-maids are tasked with various chores both on the farm and in the halls of Ivar Forkbeard and Svein Blue Tooth. These chores are essential to the daily functioning of the farm and the halls, and they reflect the bond-maids' status and roles within the society of Torvaldsland.

Chores on the Farm

  • Churning Butter: Bond-maids are responsible for making butter in the churning shed.
  • Quote: "Olga," he said, "there is butter to be churning in the churning shed." "Yes, my Jarl," said she, holding her skirt up, running from the place of our exercises."{
  • Weaving: Some bond-maids work at the looms, weaving cloth.
  • Quote: "Gunnhild, Pouting Lips," said he, "to the looms." "Yes, Jarl," said they, turning, and hurrying toward the hall. Their looms lay against its west wall."
  • Gathering Verr Dung: Bond-maids may be tasked with gathering dung to be used as fertilizer.
  • Quote: "You," he said, "gather verr dung in your kirtle and carry it to the sul patch!" "Yes, Jarl," she laughed, and turned away. I watched her, as she ran, barefoot, to do his bidding. She was exquisite."

Chores in the Halls

  • Serving Food and Drink: Bond-maids serve food and drink to the men in the halls, often in a provocative manner.
  • Quote: "Permit me to kiss you, Master," begged Leah. She snuggled against me. She was naked on the rough bench of the north. My left arm was about her, holding her to me, in my right hand, held in its grip of golden wire, was a great horn of steaming mead."
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Bond-maids are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the halls, ensuring they are in good condition for the men.
  • Quote: "Some of the girls slept, some curled on the golden hangings of the temple; some sat or knelt, heads down; of the girls, four of them, though still held in the coffle, were no longer fettered. They knelt, with soft cloths and polishes, cleaning and rubbing to a high shine, which must please the Forkbeard, the golden trove of the looted temple of Kassau."

Collaring and Branding of Bond-Maids in Ivar Forkbeard's Hall

In "Marauders of Gor," the process of collaring and branding bond-maids is vividly described in the scene at Ivar Forkbeard's hall. This process is a significant ritual that marks the transformation of a woman into a bond-maid, signifying her new status and ownership.

Branding Process

  • The branding begins with the bond-maid being thrown over a peeled log, where she is held down by several men.
  • A heated iron is then pressed deeply into her flesh, marking her permanently.
  • The brand used by Forkbeard is a half circle with a steep diagonal line, symbolizing that the bond-maid's belly lies beneath the sword.
  • The branding is a painful process, and the bond-maid often tries to resist screaming, but the pain eventually breaks her will.
  • In the north, the iron is held in place for five Ihn (seconds), which is longer than in the south where it is typically held for three Ihn.
  • "She, moaning, was seized by a fellow and thrown on her belly over the peeled log. Two men held her upper arms; two others her upper legs. A fifth man, with a heavy, leather glove, drew forth one of the irons from the fire; the air about its tip shuddered with heat."
  • "At a sign from the Forkbeard, the iron was pressed deeply into her flesh, and held there, smoking for five Ihn. It was only when it was pulled away that she screamed."
  • "In the south, the iron is usually held in place for only three Ihn, but in the north, it is held for a full five Ihn."

Collaring Process

  • After branding, the bond-maid is taken to the anvil where the collaring process begins.
  • The smith places a hinged collar of black iron around her neck, which contains a welded ring suitable for attaching a chain.
  • The collar is riveted shut with great blows of an iron hammer, ensuring it is securely fastened around her neck.
  • The collar signifies her status as a bond-maid and is a constant reminder of her subjugation.
  • "He opened the hinged collar of black iron, about a half inch in height. He put it about her throat. It also contained a welded ring, suitable for the attachment of a chain."
  • "Then, with great blows of the iron hammer, he riveted the iron collar about her throat."

Punishment of Bond-Maids in Torvaldsland

In "Marauders of Gor," the punishment of bond-maids is a significant aspect of their lives, reflecting the harsh realities of their servitude. The punishments are designed to enforce discipline, obedience, and to remind the bond-maids of their status. Here are some detailed descriptions of the various forms of punishment administered to bond-maids in the halls of Ivar Forkbeard and Svein Blue Tooth.

The Oar Punishment

  • Description: In this punishment, the bond-maid is bound tightly on an oar, with her hands behind her and her head down toward the blade. As the oar lifts from the water, she gasps for breath, only to be submerged again. This can last for hours and is extremely dangerous due to the presence of sea sleen and white sharks.
  • Quote: "In this punishment, the girl, clothed or unclothed, is bound tightly on an oar, hands behind her, her head down, toward the blade. When the oar lifts from the water she gasps for breath, only in another moment to be submerged again. A recalcitrant girl may be kept on the oar for hours."

The Whipping Post

  • Description: The bond-maid is taken to a whipping post, where her wrists are bound and fastened to a heavy iron ring above her head. She is then whipped with a five-strap slave lash, which is a common punishment tool in Torvaldsland.
  • Quote: "Then he said to the bondmaids, 'Take her to the whipping post.' The bondmaids, laughing, dragged Hilda to the post, stout, of peeled wood, which stood outside the hall. Ottar then, with a scrap of binding fiber, crossed and rudely bound, before her body, the wrists of the daughter of Thorgard of Scagnar; he then, reaching up, fastened her wrists to the heavy iron ring over her head."

The Ice Shed

  • Description: The bond-maid is bound hand and foot and left in the ice shed, where she is exposed to extreme cold. This punishment is designed to break her will and enforce obedience.
  • Quote: "In the light of the torch we saw Hilda. We approached more closely. She lay on her side, in misery, across great blocks of ice; she could lift her head and shoulders no more than six inches from the ice; she could draw her ankles toward her body no more than six inches; small chips of wood, in which the ice is packed, clung about her body; she was bound, hand and foot, her wrists behind her, her ankles crossed and tied."

The Whip of the Furs

  • Description: This punishment involves the master using his body to teach the bond-maid her slavery. It is a form of intimate punishment that reinforces the bond-maid's submission.
  • Quote: "But with the whip of the furs," I laughed. "I look forward eagerly, my Jarl," laughed she, "to my punishment."

The Master's Belt

  • Description: The master's belt is used as a punishment tool, often to whip the bond-maid for minor infractions or to remind her of her status.
  • Quote: "He then unbuckled the wide belt of black leather which he wore about his waist, over the thick woolen sweater, and, doubling it in his hand, approached her."