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Character Tropes on Gor

From Barbarians of Gor

Choosing a character to role-play on Gor can pose challenges for newcomers due to the absence of direct parallels between character tropes found in other medieval fantasy settings. Moreover, some roles demand a deeper familiarity with the fiction to be portrayed convincingly.

Please follow the link to read the full article on Character Tropes from popular medieval fantasy and the Gorean Novels.

Common Character Tropes in Medieval Fantasy

The following character tropes can be found in novels set in medieval fantasy worlds.
  1. The Chosen One: A hero with a unique destiny, often possessing rare powers or lineage, destined to save the world.
  2. The Reluctant Hero: A character who is initially unwilling to embrace their role as a hero but rises to the occasion out of necessity.
  3. The Wise Mentor: An older, knowledgeable figure who provides guidance and training to the hero.
  4. The Damsel in Distress: A female character who needs to be rescued by the hero.
  5. The Dark Lord: A powerful, evil antagonist who seeks to conquer or destroy the world.
  6. The Loyal Sidekick: A supportive character who accompanies the hero on their journey, often providing comic relief or essential skills.
  7. The Fallen Hero: A once-noble character who has turned to darkness but has the potential for redemption.
  8. The Thief with a Heart of Gold: A roguish character who engages in questionable activities but ultimately has a good heart.
  9. The Noble Knight: A chivalrous warrior dedicated to justice and protecting the innocent.
  10. The Rebellious Princess: A royal character who defies societal expectations and takes an active role in the adventure.
The following character tropes can be found played by online role-players in medieval fantasy worlds.
  1. The Self-Insert Hero: A character who closely mirrors the player's own personality and desires.
  2. The Edgy Anti-Hero: A brooding, morally ambiguous character who often has a tragic backstory.
  3. The Overpowered (OP) Character: A character with excessive abilities or powers that make them nearly invincible.
  4. The Flirtatious Rogue: A charming, smooth-talking character who often engages in romantic escapades.
  5. The Tragic Backstory Character: A character whose motivations are driven by past trauma or loss.
  6. The Lone Wolf: A solitary character who prefers to work alone but can be coaxed into joining a group.
  7. The Spellcaster: A character who wields magic, often with a deep understanding of ancient lore.
  8. The Warrior King/Queen: A character who is both a skilled fighter and a ruler, often seeking to reclaim or protect their kingdom.
  9. The Beastmaster: A character who has a special bond with animals or magical creatures.
  10. The Merchant/Trader: A character who thrives on commerce and has connections in various places, often providing resources and information.

Common Character Tropes in the World of Gor

The following character tropes can be found in the Gorean Novels.
  1. The Master (a Free Man): A dominant male character who controls and disciplines slaves.
  2. The Free Woman: A high-status woman who maintains her freedom and often holds power in society.
  3. The Kajira (Slave Girl): A female slave who serves her master with complete obedience and devotion.
  4. The Warrior: A skilled fighter who upholds the honor and traditions of Gor.
  5. The Scribe: An intellectual character responsible for recording and maintaining knowledge.
  6. The Merchant: A savvy trader who navigates the complexities of commerce on Gor.
  7. The Peasant: A humble, hardworking character who often has strong ties to the land and community.
  8. The Assassin: A lethal character who carries out covert killings, often with a strict code of conduct.
  9. The Initiate: A religious figure dedicated to the Priest-Kings and the rituals of Gor.
  10. The Slaver: A merchant who specializes in the training and sale of slaves.
The following character tropes are the Least Palatable Character Tropes on Gor.
  1. The Modern Feminist Heroine: A character advocating for gender equality and women's liberation would clash with the societal norms of Gor, where gender roles are strictly defined.
  2. The Pacifist: A character who strictly avoids violence would struggle in the brutal, honor-driven world of Gor, where combat and strength are highly valued.
  3. The Technological Genius: A character who relies heavily on advanced technology would be out of place in the low-tech, sword-and-sandal setting of Gor.
  4. The Egalitarian Leader: A ruler or leader who promotes social equality and rejects the hierarchical structure of Gor's society would face significant opposition.
  5. The Non-Binary Character: Gor's rigid gender roles and binary understanding of male and female would make it difficult for a non-binary character to fit into the society.
  6. The Pacifist Monk: A character devoted to peace and meditation would find it challenging to navigate the violent and honor-bound culture of Gor.
  7. The Free-Spirited Artist: A character who prioritizes artistic expression and personal freedom would likely clash with Gor's strict social order and emphasis on duty and obedience.
  8. Amazon Warrior: A female warrior leading an all-women fighting force would be highly controversial in Gor's male-dominated and hierarchical society, where women warriors are not typically recognized or respected.
Most challenging for someone new to Gor to play
  1. Assassin: Assassins on Gor follow a strict code of conduct and operate within a highly dangerous and secretive profession. Understanding the nuances of this code, the methods of assassination, and the ethical dilemmas involved requires deep knowledge of Gorean customs and the Assassin Caste's rules.
  2. Initiate: Initiates are religious figures dedicated to the Priest-Kings and the rituals of Gor. This role requires an in-depth understanding of religious practices, beliefs, and the political influence of the Initiate Caste. Navigating the complex spiritual and political landscapes can be daunting for new players.
  3. Slaver: As traders and trainers of slaves, slavers need to understand the intricate dynamics of slavery on Gor, including training methods, market values, and cultural norms around ownership. This role requires knowledge of the social and economic systems related to slavery.
  4. Rune Priest: Rune priests are mystical figures with a deep understanding of runes, rituals, and prophecies. New players might struggle with the spiritual and mystical aspects, including interpreting runes and performing rituals, which require specific lore and cultural context.
  5. Haruspex: Haruspexes are seers who interpret omens and perform divinations. This role demands a deep understanding of Gorean superstition, rituals, and the cultural significance of their predictions, making it complex for new players to portray accurately.
  6. Clan of Torturers: Members of the Clan of Torturers engage in practices that require a thorough understanding of Gorean law, punishment, and the ethical boundaries within their society. This role involves navigating the dark and morally complex aspects of Gorean justice.
  7. Priest-King Agent: Agents of the Priest-Kings operate in secrecy and often engage in covert activities to maintain the balance of power on Gor. This role requires knowledge of the Priest-Kings' goals, methods, and the delicate political landscape they navigate, which can be challenging for new players.
  8. Kur Agent: Kur agents are involved in the secretive and often violent machinations of the Kurii. Understanding the Kurii's motives, tactics, and the complex interplay between Kurii and humans on Gor requires deep lore knowledge and strategic thinking.
  9. Contract Woman of the Pani: Contract women of the Pani are bound by specific cultural practices and obligations unique to the Pani, a group with distinct traditions and societal roles. This role demands an understanding of these unique cultural aspects and how they differ from mainstream Gorean society.
  10. Exotic Bred Slave: Exotic bred slaves have unique characteristics and training that set them apart from typical slaves. This role requires knowledge of specific breeding practices, training methods, and the social dynamics of how these slaves are perceived and treated.
  11. Panther/Taluna: Panthers are fierce, independent women who live in the wilderness and reject traditional roles. This role involves understanding the survivalist lifestyle, combat skills, and the rebellious spirit that defines panthers, which can be complex for new players.
  12. She-Urt: She-urts are low-status women who survive on the streets, often through theft or scavenging. This role requires an understanding of the gritty, survivalist aspects of Gorean urban life and the social stigma associated with being a she-urt, making it challenging for new players to portray authentically.