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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Category:Gor Roleplay: Difference between revisions

From Barbarians of Gor

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;Gorean Roleplay as it directly relates to Barbarians of Gor.
Roleplaying in Gor runs the gambit from strict to casual. We are a BtB "By the Book" server which means we fall in the strict category. However, like any fiction spanning 30+ books opinions on what is and isn't by the book vary significantly. As a server it is our intention to establish both the bare minimums as well as help role-players adapt to any differences between the main land of Gor and this remote land of New Sardar.<includeonly> [[: Category:Gor Roleplay |<Read More>]]</includeonly><noinclude>
*This wiki will not teach you how to role-play within Gor. If you have never role-played in a Gorean setting you should reach out to one of the server admins by opening a ticket in Discord. This will allow us to make sure you know what to expect, get you some information on where to learn, and hopefully find you a role-play partner that will help you.
*This wiki will not seek to define what is or is not "By The Book", as individual opinions vary significantly. We feel that any discrepancies in interpretation can be handled in character or within individual clans and towns.
*This wiki however will define the barest minimums expected for all players as well as any necessary adjustments because of the game environment.

==General Appearance==
All avatars must meet the minimum standards, no exceptions. Admins reserve the right to make changes to your avatar to meet this minimum level of immersion. Repeat offenses will result in loss of white list status and or possible banning.  
* Adult (sexually mature) avatars are required.  
''Gorean Roleplay as it directly relates to Barbarians of Gor.
* Human looking avatars with naturally occurring body, hair, eyes and skin are required. (Albinos require special permission.)
#This wiki will not teach you how to role-play within Gor, however we have put together some general points you may very well wish to consider before you dive in. [[:Category:New To Gor|<Read More>]]
* Grossly disproportionate avatar shapes are not allowed.
#This wiki will not seek to define what is or is not "By The Book", as individual opinions vary significantly. We feel that any discrepancies in interpretation can be handled in character or within individual clans and towns.
* Regardless of item availability medieval clothing is required. (Short shorts are not acceptable)
#This wiki however will define the barest minimums expected for all players as well as any necessary adjustments because of the game environment.
* Less than full platemail regardless of item availability. More on this below.

The following expectations are subject to change. This current list is the '''Open Beta Draft''' while will be discussed with the player leadership and ratified based on consensus three months after official opening. It is our intention to allow, within reason, for the player base to influence the following expectations.
;[[BDSM and Gor]]
{{: BDSM and Gor}}
;[[By the Book]]
{{: By the Book}}
{{: Bond-Maids}}
;[[Caste, a Reality Check]]
{{: Caste, a Reality Check}}
;[[Caste Guidelines]]
{{: Caste Guidelines}}
;[[Conflict Progression and Resolution]]
{{: Conflict Progression and Resolution}}
;[[Free Men on Gor]]
{{: Free Men on Gor}}
;[[Free Women on Gor]]
{{: Free Women on Gor}}
;[[Home Stone, Law and Outlaws]]
{{: Home Stone, Law and Outlaws}}
;[[Island Hyborians|Hyborians, Islanders]]
{{: Island Hyborians}}
;[[In Character Restrictions]]
{{: In Character Restrictions}}
;[[Medicine, Gor]]
{{: Medicine, Gor}}
;[[Merchant Law]]
{{: Merchant Law}}
{{: Population}}
{{: Races}}
;[[Role Guidelines]]
{{: Role Guidelines}}
Conan Exiles has functioning combat NPCs called Thralls. These thralls can be used in almost any fictional way a player can imagine including a free man of their clan, a free woman of their clan, a guard protecting them, an owner, a free companion, a slave, etc. We encourage free women and slaves to make use of these thralls as their primary mode of combat using what is known as an "authority build", in which the thralls fight for you allowing you to maintain the fiction of being non-combative. These thralls also allow free women and slaves the freedom to travel with the fiction that they are either "with their guards" or "in the company of their owner/clan free men".  However, please note that the IC restrictions for woman and weapons still applies -- a "slave thrall" walking around with a two handed sword is not by the book.

;IC vs OOC
Note: The word "Thrall" in Conan Exiles refers to the the mechanical NPC of any gender and is not the same as the Gorean thrall of Torvaldsland.
:Conan Exiles is also an enjoyable game. Players are welcome to play the game when alone or with their other role-play partners and suspend the following in character restrictions. If you come across others while traveling make a point of going in character or advising that you are out of character. '''In town/clan base is always in character.''' Have a reasonable IC explanation as to what you are doing if found in an unlikely place.
;[[Slaves on Gor]]
{{: Slaves on Gor}}
;[[Slavery is a Sliding Scale]]
;Armor as a clothing necessity
{{: Slavery is a Sliding Scale}}
:There is only so many clothing options in Conan Exiles. Luckily most of the "armor" is some combination of leather. However, it is far more "armor" then would be allowed in a typical Gorean setting. Consequently, we are allowing armor, up to and including chainmail, but not platemail. Please do not push the line - make an effort to keep your look as "low armored" as possible.
;[[Slaves, Roleplay Options]]
{{: Slaves, Roleplay Options}}
:'''Fictionally''', we expect characters to be both surprised by the types of armor worn by the natives, as well as concerned that the Priest Kings may enforce their armor restrictions on this lost continent. Some Goreans may feel that the Priest Kings do not care about what is done here. We expect it to be an interesting in character debate.
{{: Slaves, Roleplay Options}}
;Armor as a functional need
:Armor is both necessary for game play as well as having little impact on PvP. Consequently there is no restriction on anyone, including slaves or free women, for wearing armor '''HIDDEN''' under cosmetic clothing, see the Fashionist mod.
:Please note that all wearables are considered "armor" in Conan Exiles, there is no distinction between armor and clothing. Respect the player's effort but note that individual towns may have more restrictive in character rules!
One of the most discouraging elements of Second Life Gor was playing a woman or slave stuck in a town with no one else around. The following suggestions are made.
*Allow your slaves and free companions to travel from your home to the role-play town you have allied with.
*Provide an NPC Thrall as a "free man in your service" who can take the slave or free woman with them when they visit other locations. (Some of these thralls can be very effective at killing mobs and even other players, its a viable solution.)
===Free Women===
;Modest Clothing
:As discussed, the clothing options in Conan Exiles is far more limited then found in Second Life but is generally on par with other sandbox games and MMORPs. However, robes of concealment do not exist. We will do our best to add more clothing options as we find them or can hire someone to make. '''Free Women are expected to make a best effort to appear modest.''' (The fabric in Conan Exiles can flap in the wind and easily reveal what it might otherwise intend to cover. Don't chance it! Wear a modestly layer!)
In the mean time this is the minimum server standard. Individual clans and towns may implement stricter rules if they wish.
* '''Covered from neck to elbow to calf.''' While all central Gorean cities required women to wear robes of concealment, there are some cultures such as Torvaldsland which do allow bare arms or ankles. Therefore this is the minimum.
* '''Modesty Layer'''. We have implemented a "modesty war paint" which fully covers the body and can be equipped and dyed via the Fashionist mod.
* '''Modesty legs + Boots'''. Skirts to the knee when worn with a modesty layer and boots are acceptable as every day wear.
* '''Skirts with Pants, Sandles ok.''' Knee length skirts with pants (not the modesty layer) can be worn with sandles as every day wear.  
* '''Split Skirt with Modesty layer.''' Long skirts with open panels are acceptable if they encircle most of the body '''AND''' are worn with a modesty layer or pants.
* '''Long Tunics for Work'''. Clans and towns may allow the wearing of long tunics when working at or near home. The tunic must cover the posterior '''without flapping around in the wind'''. There are a few tunics that do this (merchant tunic), however some of the short skirts when worn with a modest top and modesty leggings and boots is an acceptable combination.
;Do not circumvent!
* Dying the modesty layer to match your skin tone so as to appear unclothed is not acceptable.
* Wearing skimpy bra top with a short skirt over a modesty layer is not acceptable.
:There are full head coverings that work as veils in game, however they are not a server requirement as not all cultures on Gor wore them. Clans and town laws may choose to further restrict this.
*Free Women may use all daggers, all bows and all javelins, along with wooden shields.
*Free Women may defend themselves from (non player) hostile NPCs/monsters/animals. These are collectively known as "mobs" which is short for mobile.
*Free Women may hunt animals.
*Free Women may defend their home or town if allowed.
*Free Women may not raid, i.e. attack another player clan/town with or without men.
:Free woman should wear their hair ''predominantly'' bound up in braids, buns or pony tails. Loose hair should never drape on the shoulders of your avatar. Hair wisps that float around your face and shoulders because of game physics is acceptable.
* Hair worn in braids may drape on the shoulders for Torvaldsland Free Women.
====Panther Girls====
Panther Girls, who are also free, have no clothing or hair restrictions.

Minimum slaves restrictions are going to require further debate on what is and isn't viable within Conan Exiles. Additionally, there are too many examples of slaves wearing their hair up, dressing in robes of concealment and so forth to draw a hard line.
'''For now''', as slaves are property and their restrictions are up to their owner with the following caveats:
* If a free person has issues with an owner's choice of clothing or weapons for a slave they can confiscate the items and take the issue up with the slave's owner.
* Free woman are allowed to express their displeasure with slaves.
* Unless otherwise specified, slaves should wear their hair down.
* Female slaves on Gor are '''never allowed''' weapons. If your owner allows you to use weapons, don't push the line and openly carry or show them within a public role-play location such as a town. There are many other ways for slaves to help when their home is attacked, such as repairing damaged buildings, luring attackers away or using things like healing arrows.


Latest revision as of 12:12, 11 July 2024

Roleplaying in Gor runs the gambit from strict to casual. We are a BtB "By the Book" server which means we fall in the strict category. However, like any fiction spanning 30+ books opinions on what is and isn't by the book vary significantly. As a server it is our intention to establish both the bare minimums as well as help role-players adapt to any differences between the main land of Gor and this remote land of New Sardar.



Gorean Roleplay as it directly relates to Barbarians of Gor.

  1. This wiki will not teach you how to role-play within Gor, however we have put together some general points you may very well wish to consider before you dive in. <Read More>
  2. This wiki will not seek to define what is or is not "By The Book", as individual opinions vary significantly. We feel that any discrepancies in interpretation can be handled in character or within individual clans and towns.
  3. This wiki however will define the barest minimums expected for all players as well as any necessary adjustments because of the game environment.


BDSM and Gor

Modern BDSM emphasizes informed, enthusiastic, and ongoing consent, with detailed negotiations and safe words to ensure comfort and safety. Ethical guidelines like SSC (Safe, Sane, and Consensual) or RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink) are followed, emphasizing mutual respect and community support. Gender roles are fluid and inclusive, allowing anyone to be dominant or submissive based on personal preference. In contrast, Gorean novels depict a fantasy world with limited consent, where masters have near-total control over slaves, prioritizing dominance over ethics. The novels reinforce traditional gender roles and fixed dynamics, portraying exaggerated and idealized power structures. Modern BDSM practices are grounded in reality, focusing on consensual, safe interactions, while Gorean novels offer a more extreme, fantasy-based depiction of master/slave relationships. <Read More>

By the Book

It is our intention to create a game environment that is suitable for By the Book Gorean role-players. We have carefully curated our selection of mods and scripts with this in mind, and intend to continue doing so. However, there are limits on what we are willing to enforce. <Read Me>


A bond-maid in Torvaldsland is the most common term for a slave. Bond-maids typically wear their hair long and are dressed in a kirtle of thin, white wool that is split to the belly. They engage in hard work, such as churning butter, weaving, carrying bundles of wood or buckets of water, and gathering verr dung for the sul patches. Bond-maids often derogatorily refer to southern slaves as "silk girls," believing them to be spoiled and coddled. Men in Torvaldsland generally prefer their slaves to have large breasts and hips, sometimes referred to as a "love cradle." Bond-maids can be given descriptive names or retain their names from when they were free. <Read More>

Caste, a Reality Check

Caste is a function of populated areas, much like our modern day unions. Caste on Gor is also a function of tradition. Realistically, there is little need for caste structure in a town as small as Vargor, however, when Goreans settled the area they would seek to re-establish comforting traditions.

The value of caste at its simplest form is an exchange of knowledge and standards. In a larger area the caste system of Gor would offer such things as loans, education and pensions/insurance. This is not likely in a settlement such as Vargor and the role of Caste functions primarily as an educational and organizational body.

While some cultures on Gor didn't have caste, that is largely a by product of low populations or nomadic life styles. The general on-line role-play push back by these people towards "caste" is more authentically against "city living". A valid contention both in the Gorean fiction as well as our own earth history. <Read Me>

Caste Guidelines

Some of the castes, such as the Assassin (Black) Caste require specialized rules to keep the RP fair and avoid the need for moderation. Please review this page. <Read More>

Conflict Progression and Resolution

This article will serve to act as a “good practice” article that combines both generally agreed upon practices as well as how those practices are implemented on Barbarians of Gor. <Read Me>

Free Men on Gor

When role-playing a free man on Gor, it is crucial to understand that Earth customs and values do not apply. The societal norms and legal structures of Gor are distinct and must be embraced to create an authentic character. Immersing oneself in the mindset of a Gorean is essential, thinking and acting as a Gorean would, rather than imposing Earth-based ethical systems or philosophies onto the character. <Read More>

Free Women on Gor

When role-playing a Free Woman on Gor, it is essential to maintain dignity and composure, reflecting the societal norms and values of Gor. Free Women should dress modestly, understand their significant yet distinct roles, and interact with men in a reserved and formal manner. Awareness of legal and social consequences, protecting one's honor, and having a good grasp of Gorean laws are crucial for creating an authentic character. <Read More>

Home Stone, Law and Outlaws

How do we handle Home Stones? What are laws versus codes, rights and tradition? What does it mean to be an outlaw? What are Local Laws and how do they differ in Season Four from Civic laws? <Read Me>

Hyborians, Islanders

Our server mixes Conan and Gor for role-players familiar with Conan Exiles. It features diverse appearances influenced by mainland Goreans, with tough island survival skills. We blend Gorean customs with Hyborian heritage, creating new social hierarchies and caste systems for Hyborian players. Women shift from warriors to traditional roles under Gorean norms. We emphasize trade and tech from shipwrecked Goreans, adding new tools and ways to fight. Our setting adopts Gorean tech while mixing island and mainland cultures, including religion centered on the Priest-Kings. Explore Conan from the point of view of Gor. <Read More>

In Character Restrictions

Updated 6/13/24 Chainmail has been restricted. There are codified rules on how you must dress and act on Gor. Many of these are actual laws in some of the cities and can be enforced in character with a wide variety of punishments. These minimum restrictions apply to all characters regardless of their background -- Hyborians are not exempt from these rules. These standards are much more flexible than the books and is intended to be a compromise between the ideal and the reality of role-play. Do not ignore this list, we will enforce it if necessary. <Read Me>

Medicine, Gor

Medicine on Gor is surprisingly advanced for the setting, especially in the bigger cities. Most of that medicine is available on this island. However there does seem to be some rather advanced herbalism and alchemistry; it is probably very unfamiliar to most main land physicians, but should be easy enough to learn. (Torvaldsland and other barbarian tribe "healers" would pick it up just as fast.) <Read Me>

Merchant Law

Merchant Law is the only shared legal framework among Gorean cities, enforced to maintain access to fairs. It governs trade, standardizes measurements, and regulates slavery, recommending branding and collaring, and detailing conditions for slave ownership and confiscation. The law includes provisions for free ports and trade route management. Despite attempts, it has not established patents or copyrights on Gor. <Read More>


For most things, including population, we follow the rule of WYSIWYG which means "What you see is what you get". Consequently, the population of World's End is directly related to the number of hostile NPCs, NPC thralls and players found in the game world. All players may count their fictional clan size to include themselves, their actual player clan members, and the maximum thrall count on the clan screen. <Read Me>


Our server offers three "races" for players to choose from; Gorean, Hyborian and Earthling. (These races are less actual races and more references to geographical locations like we might say Asian or European.)

  • Goreans are those characters who were born on the mainland of Gor which includes the large continent and surrounding islands represented in the book series by John Norman.
  • Hyborians are those characters who were also born on the planet of Gor but specifically from an unknown region of the planet generally referred to as World's End by the Gorean mainlanders. These Hyborians are the descendants of humans taken from Earth's far history, more then 10,000 years ago.
  • Earthlings are those characters taken from modern day earth to be brought to Gor primarily to become slaves.

Further information for those new to the fiction can be found here: <Read Me>

Role Guidelines

Certain roles on Gor are restricted to experienced players and main characters. <Read More>


Conan Exiles has functioning combat NPCs called Thralls. These thralls can be used in almost any fictional way a player can imagine including a free man of their clan, a free woman of their clan, a guard protecting them, an owner, a free companion, a slave, etc. We encourage free women and slaves to make use of these thralls as their primary mode of combat using what is known as an "authority build", in which the thralls fight for you allowing you to maintain the fiction of being non-combative. These thralls also allow free women and slaves the freedom to travel with the fiction that they are either "with their guards" or "in the company of their owner/clan free men". However, please note that the IC restrictions for woman and weapons still applies -- a "slave thrall" walking around with a two handed sword is not by the book.

Note: The word "Thrall" in Conan Exiles refers to the the mechanical NPC of any gender and is not the same as the Gorean thrall of Torvaldsland.
Slaves on Gor

Playing a slave girl on Gor presents unique experiences characterized by absolute ownership, intense training, and a deeply erotic and psychological relationship with masters. Unlike other medieval fantasy settings, a Gorean slave girl has no autonomy, undergoing rigorous conditioning to serve menial tasks provocatively. The societal norms reinforce their status, making their bondage public and accepted. Physical submission is a key aspect, with slave girls often subjected to whippings and chains. Gor’s master-slave dynamics are more intense and realistic compared to typical erotic role-play settings, lacking safewords and boundaries, and involving profound psychological manipulation. Transitioning from an Earth girl to a Gorean slave is emotionally intense, with a radical shift in identity and rapid adaptation to Gorean customs and language. The experience varies across communities, with differing levels of training, support, and role-playing opportunities, emphasizing the need to research and choose a community with clear rules and active moderation for a positive experience. <Read More>

Slavery is a Sliding Scale

The transition of a free woman to slave is not like a light switch where one moment she is a free woman the next she is a slave. There are a series of actions and decisions that drive a free women in to the generally irreversible position of slave. This article is a general concept document for new to Gor players. <Read More>

Slaves, Roleplay Options

Every server/sim has a slightly different set of rules as to how a player can go about playing their slave role. This article will seek to address the most commonly asked questions, such as who do I get an owner, how do I change owners, can I use weapons, where can I go, what should I do? <Read Me>


Every server/sim has a slightly different set of rules as to how a player can go about playing their slave role. This article will seek to address the most commonly asked questions, such as who do I get an owner, how do I change owners, can I use weapons, where can I go, what should I do? <Read Me>


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.