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Season Four is in full swing, this is the time to get in on the ground floor and help build a By the Book Gorean community.
PvP Days on Sat, Tues and Thur. PvP Intent on Sun, Mon, Wed and Fri.

Category:Gor Roleplay: Difference between revisions

From Barbarians of Gor

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* Regardless of item availability medieval clothing is required. (Short shorts are not acceptable)
* Regardless of item availability medieval clothing is required. (Short shorts are not acceptable)
* Less than full platemail regardless of item availability. More on this below.
* Less than full platemail regardless of item availability. More on this below.
* No use of undead pets/mounts or anything that is not plausible to the Gorean universe. Dogs and wolves are fine, flaming undead dogs are not.


Revision as of 22:50, 16 April 2023

Roleplaying in Gor runs the gambit from strict to casual. We are a BtB "By the Book" server which means we fall in the strict category. However, like any fiction spanning 30+ books opinions on what is and isn't by the book vary significantly. As a server it is our intention to establish both the bare minimums as well as help role-players adapt to any differences between the main land of Gor and this remote land of New Sardar.



Gorean Roleplay as it directly relates to Barbarians of Gor.

  1. This wiki will not teach you how to role-play within Gor, however we have put together some general points you may very well wish to consider before you dive in. <Read More>
  2. This wiki will not seek to define what is or is not "By The Book", as individual opinions vary significantly. We feel that any discrepancies in interpretation can be handled in character or within individual clans and towns.
  3. This wiki however will define the barest minimums expected for all players as well as any necessary adjustments because of the game environment.

General Appearance

All avatars must meet the minimum standards, no exceptions. Admins reserve the right to make changes to your avatar to meet this minimum level of immersion. Repeat offenses will result in loss of white list status and or possible banning.

  • Adult (sexually mature) avatars are required.
  • Human looking avatars with naturally occurring body, hair, eyes and skin are required. (Albinos, or similarly rare genetic disorders, require special permission.)
  • Grossly disproportionate avatar shapes are not allowed.
  • Regardless of item availability medieval clothing is required. (Short shorts are not acceptable)
  • Less than full platemail regardless of item availability. More on this below.
  • No use of undead pets/mounts or anything that is not plausible to the Gorean universe. Dogs and wolves are fine, flaming undead dogs are not.



The following expectations are now in effect but will be discussed with the player leadership and ratified based on consensus three months after official opening. It is our intention to allow, within reason, for the player base to influence the following expectations.

Conan Exiles is also an enjoyable game. Players are welcome to play the game when alone or with their other role-play partners and suspend the following in character restrictions. If you come across others while traveling make a point of going in character or advising that you are out of character. In town/clan base is always in character. Have a reasonable IC explanation as to what you are doing if found in an unlikely place.
One of the most discouraging elements of Second Life Gor was playing a woman or slave stuck in a town with no one else around. The following suggestions are made.
  • Allow your slaves and free companions to travel from your home to the role-play town you have allied with.
  • Provide an NPC Thrall as a "free man in your service" who can take the slave or free woman with them when they visit other locations. (Some of these thralls can be very effective at killing mobs and even other players, its a viable solution.)
Mechanical Restrictions
As a general rule we prefer only to enforce mechanical restrictions if and when the lack of an application forces us to implement rules to maintain immersion. This is even more relevant in Conan Exiles where the modification of base game is in fact far more limited then prior projects we have created. Additional mechanical restrictions will be discussed with the player base/council.

By the Book

It is our intention to create a game environment that is suitable for By the Book Gorean role-players. We have carefully curated our selection of mods and scripts with this in mind, and intend to continue doing so. However, there are limits on what we are willing to enforce. <Read Me>

In Character Restrictions

Updated 6/13/24 Chainmail has been restricted. There are codified rules on how you must dress and act on Gor. Many of these are actual laws in some of the cities and can be enforced in character with a wide variety of punishments. These minimum restrictions apply to all characters regardless of their background -- Hyborians are not exempt from these rules. These standards are much more flexible than the books and is intended to be a compromise between the ideal and the reality of role-play. Do not ignore this list, we will enforce it if necessary. <Read Me>


I have written a number of articles to help assimilate you into our server setting. These articles are listed below.


Season Four
Season Four has began. We are in the process of upgrading our educational offerings, streamlining the application process, and onboarding new players. As always the wiki is a work in progress. As of Jul 9th, a significant re-organization was made.